The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 413: Element world

but now!

From this, one can imagine the terrifying growth rate of these demons.

And under this terrifying growth rate, there are nine fortresses that facilitate the demons in the entire Northern Territory to form a counter-balanced terrorist fighting power.

At the same time, Wang Musheng and his entourage, the reason why they withdrew from the land of the Northern Territory, except for those demons who were endless and could not kill them.

The loss is too great.

The benefits gained are too small.

There were two other reasons that prompted Wang Musheng to make this decision.


Also, let's talk about Wang Musheng's external incarnation of the five elements.

At the beginning, Wang Musheng lost his soul and made a noise in the Guardian Temple, causing the Guardian Temple to collapse.

And underneath the guardian temple, there are a lot of cracks and passages.

These space cracks and the places where the passages lead, but none of them are kind.

Let them leave it alone, it won't work.

Therefore, Mastiff used the Universe Mirror to create the mirror image of the Jade Emperor Realm, suppressing all the cracks in these spaces.

Then sent heavy troops to defend.

Clean up the cracks in each space, or seal it.

Some of the more powerful spatial cracks of the two are not so easy to deal with.

Elemental space is one of them.

Some of them are all kinds of terrifying element lives.

They are powerful, in harmony with the elements, and their power is almost endless.

At the same time, because it is an elemental life, it has an almost immortal life.

It's quite difficult to deal with.

In the face of such terrifying elemental beings, the Jade Emperor Realm directly sent out the five external incarnations of Wang Musheng, the same elemental body, to suppress and defend.

After a period of hard fighting at the beginning.

As an elemental body, the five external incarnations quickly discovered the essence of these elemental lives.

They are the elements themselves, they are just born one by one, their own spiritual elements, composed of a combination.

Can't be killed at all.

Even if it seems to be killed.

But it's nothing more than to break up these combined elements.

These elements may be weak for a period of time, but after recovery, these elements may be combined into a powerful elemental life.

Moreover, these elemental beings have no concept of good and evil at all.

In our opinion, the terrorist disasters they brought.

For them, it may even be just a rising chase.

The war you think, in their view, is probably you playing with them.

But wherever they pass by, they will be elementalized, making it unable to adapt to the survival of ordinary life.

However, from the perspective of elemental life, the elemental world is the most beautiful.

Although hate nonsense.

However, these elemental lives are not an invasion of the supervisor's consciousness.

Curious at best, the bear kid ran out late.

The only thing that is more cheating is that these bear children, each of them, are too terrifying.

Their every move brought devastating blows to their surroundings.

Just like a human being, playing with the ants, every move is ruinous for the ants, general changes.

Maybe, a careless one may be the catastrophe of these ants.

And those elemental lives are like this for humans.

Because of this discovery.

Xuan Min, Miao Fa, King Kong and other five-element incarnations of Wang Musheng directly readjusted their war thinking and stopped resisting.

Instead, they chose to accept.

Use your own elements to assimilate these guys.

Then, the five elements incarnate outside the body and succeeded.

Moreover, the effect is beyond imagination.

Not only can they communicate with these elemental creatures to a certain extent, but they even get a part of the approval of elemental life.

And, with the passage of time, this recognition has increased.

Even, in the end, they can even fight for the right to dominate the elemental world.

The elemental world, unlike other worlds, has the existence of heaven and earth consciousness, which is the legendary Tao.

If you want to control the world of one side, you must gain the approval of the world's heaven.

Or, you can defeat the world's gods and forcibly control a world.

Of course, if you choose something like Wang Musheng, slowly, start from the weak and cultivate one.

That's another story.

However, the Jade Emperor Realm is a special existence after all, if one wants to start from scratch and cultivate a real world.

Not to mention the time that needs to be consumed, the terrifying resources alone are not something that a certain individual, even a certain force, or a certain world can bear.

However, the benefits that can be gained by controlling a world in the end are also extremely obvious.

The first is my comprehension. In other worlds, the comprehension of Tao is the words of a closed-book examination.

Then, in one's own world, the understanding of Tao is the open-book examination.

The ease of the two is naturally self-evident.

As for the other benefits, it is beyond count.

In general, there are many benefits.

However, the difference in the elemental world is that it is a world formed by boundless elements.

The elements themselves are part of this world.

Their will determines where this world belongs.

However, if you can control the elemental world, whether it is the incarnation of the five elements of Wang Musheng.

Even the development of the Jade Emperor Realm is terrifying.

With such a good opportunity, it is natural not to be missed.

However, it is not that simple to completely gain control of this world.

This is necessary, Wang Musheng and the others helped.

First of all, needless to say, it is to fight, to directly defeat those who are unwilling to surrender, or who are rebellious.

Or, break them up directly so that they can't form a threat in a short time

On the other side, Wang Musheng needs to take action.

Use the magic spell to illuminate the spiritual wisdom of those elemental lives on a large scale.

And because, any life that was enchanted by Wang Musheng would unconditionally surrender to Wang Musheng.

They can use this feature to gain the elemental world and the support of a large number of elements, thus, two-pronged, completely gain control of the entire elemental world.

This is a real war against a powerful world!

The existence of the pure elemental world is originally a special case.

In terms of his breadth, perhaps, he can't compare with the existence of Demon Realm and Human Realm.

However, the combat effectiveness it showed was not weak at all.

Moreover, once this battle is unfolded, it is even stronger than the battle of the demons on the northern land, thousands of times.

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