The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 415: Soaring

That is the traction from a higher plane.

Because the cultivation level of these cultivators has already begun to approach the limit of this world.

Moreover, this kind of traction, as the cultivation level of these monks increases, is still getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, these monks, unless they are in the Jade Emperor Realm, or in the Dark Bone Realm, in the Nether Battlefield.

Otherwise, it will be affected by this increasingly terrifying traction.

Moreover, because of the promotion of the Jade Emperor Realm, the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm have become more and more rapid in understanding Tao.

The cultivation base has also grown rapidly.

Coupled with the supply of sufficient resources in the Jade Emperor Realm, this kind of existence is growing at an extremely terrifying rate every day.

Although the increase in strength is a good thing.

However, as it is now, it is a problem.

Not only did it not increase the power of the Jade Emperor Realm, on the contrary, to some extent, it greatly weakened the power of the Jade Emperor Realm.

And, more importantly.

Changes in people's hearts.

The pursuit of monks is nothing but becoming immortal.

Seeing now that becoming immortal is in sight, how many people can resist this temptation?

As for just allowing these guys to leave, Wang Musheng couldn't do it.

In this way, wouldn't I make a wedding dress for others?

Wang Musheng is not so generous yet.


As for going directly to the legendary immortal world, Wang Musheng's cultivation method is different, but in this regard, as long as Wang Musheng is willing, there is no problem.

After all, whether it is cultivation level or combat power, Wang Musheng, Mastiff Dry, Food for Heaven, Spiritual Void, etc.

That was definitely the handful that ranked at the top of the entire Jade Emperor Realm.

It's just because their power system is very different from the traditional power system, that's why they didn't. They were only affected by that kind of strange power.

Lingxu is the spirit of the Jade Emperor Realm.

The mastiff is dry, and there is food for the sky, which is an unprecedented, strange existence of divine body.

Not to mention Wang Musheng.

From the beginning of cultivation, this person's cultivation system is far from the traditional power system of this world.

It is piled up completely with the power of cause and effect.

Even Wang Musheng didn't understand what he was.

What's more, it is the law in this world!

However, their qualifications are completely sufficient.

As long as they want.

There are ways.

However, there is always a voice telling Wang Musheng not to do this.

At the same time, there was always an inexplicable feeling, telling Wang Musheng that it was dangerous.

The fairyland in the legend is very dangerous.

Although I don't understand, why this feeling occurs.

However, what Wang Musheng cultivates is the power of causality, but this kind of useless feeling will never appear.

And, compared to the adventurous spirit.

Wang Musheng prefers to control all accidents, possibilities, in his own hands.

However, if you have been controlling these guys and not letting them go to the legendary fairy world.

It's fine for a short time.

After a long time, it is hard to say.

The only good thing is that these guys just can't leave the Jade Emperor Realm, but the improvement of their own strength is completely unaffected.

Although I don't know what the legendary fairy world looks like.

However, as far as the improvement of strength is concerned, in Wang Musheng's view, the Jade Emperor Realm is completely inferior to the legendary Cultivation Realm.

Because, if the legendary realm of cultivating immortals has such a terrifying speed of improvement.

Well, after so many years of development, the strength of the Jade Emperor Realm, I'm afraid it might not have exploded long ago.

However, there is not much that Wang Musheng can do now.

I can only say a few words to comfort me.

Then, in the days that followed, another trouble occurred.

That is, to understand the existence of the legendary fairy world.

But unfortunately, after some understanding, the answers Wang Musheng got are specious and different.

Even these old monsters don't know much about the existence of the legendary world of cultivation.

On the other hand, in Wang Musheng's mind, the mastiff, which was comparable to the encyclopedia, was completely crippled this time.

In his inheritance, only the human world.

According to legend, there is not much information in the world of immortality.

Or, not at all.

This has to be said, is a very helpless fact.

However, after some understanding, it is not that there is no useful information at all.

He still got a useful message.

That is, above the central sanctuary, there are real immortals.

"The real fairy."


"It seems that there is time, but this sanctuary must be visited."

Generally speaking, although this matter is troublesome, it has little impact.

In contrast, another thing that distracted Wang Musheng caused Wang Musheng, and even everyone in the Jade Emperor Realm, to feel a bit sick.

Although this matter had little impact on the Jade Emperor Realm.

However, it was the Jade Emperor Realm's future plans that had a certain impact.

During this period of time, on the southern land of the Jade Emperor Realm, many evildoers appeared under the name of the Jade Emperor Realm.

They are full of people when they move.

Plunder all resources.

When Wang Musheng got the news, there was already a first-rate power, six second-rate powers, and three shadow hiding powers.

All these guys who were named Jade Emperor World were completely wiped out.

As for those forces that cannot be ranked, there are even more.

Although a discerning person can see that these guys have problems.

However, one has to believe that.

There are many of these guys who bear the name of the Jade Emperor Realm, and they are all races that only exist in the Jade Emperor Realm.

For example, the Jade Emperor Elf, the Jade Emperor Butterfly family, the Wood Spirit family, and even the Corpse Soldier family.

If we say that among them, the Mu Ling clan may be a fake.

After all, the Wood Spirit clan, to put it bluntly, are just some plant monster clan.

The corpse soldiers may also be impersonating.

After all, corpses are ashamed, zombies, even corpses, and other ghosts, in appearance, are very similar to the image of a corpse soldier, and can also be impersonated.

But the Jade Emperor elf.

That is, only in the Jade Emperor Realm.

The Jade Emperor Butterfly is also a legendary alien beast, where this race is in the world.

There are only two places, one of the three powers of the monster race, Yuhuangfeng.

The other is the Jade Emperor Realm.

Yuhuangfeng has been completely closed.

So, now that the Jade Emperor Butterfly clan is owned, it is only the Jade Emperor Realm.

These news are not secret, and there is no Jade Emperor Realm, so they are deliberately hidden in this regard.

Therefore, with the opening of the free trading market in Jiayin Island, the communication between Jade Emperor Realm and the outside world has become more frequent, but this information has been understood by many people.

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