The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 416: All this is the fault of Xiaoyao Palace

Such and such, such a situation, even if people want to believe it, it won't work.

Even for this reason, the free trading market on the originally developed hot island has become somewhat deserted.

You must know that Jiayin Island, the trading market, is slowly removing the Jade Emperor World, a place in Xiaoyao Pavilion, an important resource collection place.

Although the problem here will not affect the development of the Jade Emperor Realm, it will invisibly slow down the development of the Jade Emperor Realm.

This is not what Wang Musheng wants to see.

More importantly, this leads to the development of the island trading market.

In the development plans of Dieyin, Murong Lingyun, Lingxu, and Mastiff, they play an extraordinary role.

This has just begun, and the result has become like this, but it is not what they want to see.

More importantly, there are people who dare to provoke such blatant provocations, the existence of Jade Emperor Realm and Xiaoyao Palace.

This is absolutely inexcusable.


Southland, Sangju.

Different from other states, although the mountains and rivers are beautiful here, the products are abundant.

But there are few mortals.

The reason for this is that there are a large number of immortal sects gathered here.

Because these so-called immortal sects are not powerful existences.

Therefore, they cannot build their sects into the secret realm of the cave like those superpowers.

It can only be built in the famous mountains and rivers.

In Shangju, Qifeng Mountain.

There are many dangerous peaks and mountains, and it is said that a phoenix once fell here a long time ago.

Although it is not comparable to the secret realm of the cave, it is also a rare blessed place.

For this reason, there are a large number of small sects of immortality.

Don't underestimate this.

Although the so-called immortal sects on the Qifeng Mountain Range did not have any supernatural powers.

The small ones are only two or three people.

Even if there are many, they are not ranked in the world of immortality cultivation.

But none of the sects in the cultivating world dare to underestimate these small sects here.


Although there are often internal struggles between these sects, when facing external problems, they are absolutely unanimous externally.

In addition, Qifeng Mountain has existed for a long time, the inheritance in it is extremely long, and the inheritance of virtue and strangeness exists.

Even the oldest existence in the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation could not be said clearly.

Therefore, although the forces on Qifeng Mountain were scattered, it was inconspicuous.

However, once united, even some super-class forces need to be in awe of three points.

On the other hand, the forces on Qifeng Mountain are different from their strength in terms of behavior.

It is extremely high-profile.

It may be this way to find your own presence!

The leader of his own right way.

I really want to manage everything.

However, because these guys are extremely self-aware, they will not provoke the existence of those superpowers.

In terms of acting, although he was rampant, he happened to be stuck above the bottom line of the guardian temple and many super powers.

Therefore, although many small and medium-sized immortal sects gritted their teeth on Qifeng Mountain.

However, this Qifeng Mountain is still alive and well, continuing to run rampantly.

However, in the eyes of a truly powerful existence, Qifengshan is nothing more than a clown at best, and is not regarded in the eyes.

Among them is the Jade Emperor Realm.

When the Opening Ceremony was held, the Jade Emperor Realm invited the entire Southern Territory Cultivation Realm, as long as there were those who could be ranked.

It is a pity that this Fengshan Mountain is not qualified by the standards of the Jade Emperor Realm.

Therefore, the final result can be imagined, and the people living in Fengshan were not invited.

However, it is clear that these monks in Qifeng Mountain, who have a high self-esteem, are quite dissatisfied with this matter.

No, they have self-knowledge and know that the existence of the Jade Emperor Realm is not something they can shake.

Therefore, they chose forbearance.

Originally, when they thought that they would not be able to avenge in this life, when they breathed out the resentment in their hearts.

However, soon the opportunity came.

A group of weird opportunities, looking for them to be their heads, bearing the name of the Jade Emperor Realm, wantonly destroy the reputation of the Jade Emperor Realm.

Despite this, it is in line with their wishes.

However, they still know what they can do and what they cannot do.

This is also the reason why Qifeng Mountain has been able to exist until now, but not fall.

But unfortunately, these guys who come to the door are not good at fault.


Disagreement is death.

In the face of death and possible danger, they chose the latter.

Moreover, those unknown existences also provided them with a lot of manpower.

Moreover, it only needs to corrupt the reputation of the Jade Emperor Realm and Xiaoyao Palace, but there are no specific requirements.

Even in the middle, the benefits obtained are completely owned by these guys themselves.

In addition to the possible dangers.

This is simply a nonsense business, and everything could not be better.

Plus, they only need to corrupt the reputation of the Jade Emperor Realm. Can they not reveal their identity at all?

In this way, they can reduce their threat to the lowest level.

Especially, using these masters, they got it for the first time, after a lot of gains.

All the possible threats were forgotten by them.

Human is infinite.

Especially the monks, they also have gains, but usually, this is controlled by their powerful controlling power.

And when this was completely released, it was extremely terrifying.

Various resources.


Secret technique.

These, the existence that they usually covet so much, but now they can get it as long as they move their mouths.

Who can resist such a temptation?

At first they still had control.

Just plunder all kinds of resources, try to control and not kill.

Or it's less killing by menstrual flow.

Even some of the poorer sects, forces, UU reading www.uukā, they even leave some resources.

It will not be all plundered.

However, over time, these guys continue to be enlarged.

The idea is to destroy all the people.

Their actions, not just for the resources of cultivation, began to become private hatred.

This personal enmity is probably just an ordinary sentence, a vent.

A little thought.

Now, it has indeed become, an excuse to destroy people.

Or just to satisfy yourself.

Turn those fairies that you can only watch from a distance and can't play with them, and turn them into your own private flaps.

Or, just to see those guys who used to show off in front of me, begging for mercy in front of me.

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