The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 417: Ziyang Zhenjing

Because of power.


Because of various ridiculous reasons, these guys, step by step, slowly become the devil.


In other words, these guys are already crazy.

"We can't be blamed for this, blame it, Xiaoyao Palace, blame the mysterious guys.

If it weren't for Xiaoyao Palace offended those mysterious guys.

Those mysterious guys will not find themselves and others, and threaten them and others to do these things.


He and others were forced. "

Yes, all these faults are those of the mysterious people and Xiaoyao Palace, and have nothing to do with them.

They are also victims, all forced.

Under the control, they have completely transformed into demons.


"Long Dao people, welcome."

"Haha, the teacher is polite, polite, the great master is preaching, how can I not come to such a grand meeting."

"Yeah, isn't this fat enough? You are willing to run out of your messy grave."

"Who am I, I turned out to be a thin Taoist! By the way, you haven't been squeezed dry by those women!"



"Wow, look at that, isn't that Fairy Ming? I heard that she is only three hundred years old, and she has already gathered the golden core.

I heard that they are in retreat recently, attacking the Nascent Soul Realm.

Does not appear here now that she has succeeded. "

"A cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage three hundred years old is another great cultivator in the future!"

"Look over there, isn't that Qingfengzi?"

"Zizi, this is an existence comparable to Fairy Ming!

...! "





"It really deserves to be the Great Venerable, this evangelistic conference can attract so many powerful and mysterious existence."

"What do you still sigh!

Hurry up, or wait a minute, the good location will be gone. "

"Yes! Hurry up, hurry up."



The so-called evangelistic meetings are often a few, the elders of the sect.

Or some powerful monks, used to take care of and guide juniors in their practice.

Or it is used to buy people's hearts.

They will preach in a fixed place, so as to be kind to others and gain hearts.

Of course, I don’t cut some of them. I really win the Taoist master. I sincerely want to spread my own tradition and leave something for future generations.

However, such people are very few after all.

Said it was a mission meeting, but as usual before this so-called mission meeting.

There will be another, really, a meeting that only a few core personnel can attend.

There were not many meetings involving so many monks.

However, every time it is convened, it will determine the direction of the entire Qifengshan force in the future.

It can be said that this meeting is of extraordinary significance to the entire Qifeng Mountain.

And this time, the conference was held.

The most important purpose is to divide the stolen goods. During this period of time, those so-called receipts are divided to a certain extent.

However, although this is the envy of everyone, it is not the main purpose this time.

"Everyone should be aware of the recent changes in Qifeng Mountain.

Then I won't go into details.

During this period of time, under the concerted efforts of everyone, many evils were dealt with to a certain extent.

The effect is remarkable.

The most important thing is that our manpower did not suffer any loss. Instead, we have obtained a lot of resources so that everyone's strength has developed to a certain extent.

This is a good thing.

Whether it's for everyone.

It is still a good thing for the entire Qifeng Mountain.

It is worthy of recognition.

However, these are all past tense now.

What we are going to discuss this time is whether we want to go further. "

The talking was an old man wearing a purple robe, with a childlike face and a hefty hair, who looked very immortal.

He is known as the Purple Sun Taoist.

Come from, Kunyang Gate.

The reason for this name is not what he claims to be, but because he cultivated, it is the "Ziyang Zhenjing".

This kind of exercise is extremely domineering, and it can continuously exert the terrifying heat of burning mountains and boiling seas.

It can also directly summon, one round, the purple sun.

Play a terrifying lethality.

It is precisely because of this that the Taoist Ziri has earned such a name.

The Kunyang Gate was the third most powerful force in Qifeng Mountain, apart from Kai, Haoyue Gate and Sky Star Sect, the two forces.

At the same time, these three sects are also the leaders of Qifeng Mountain.

Although, in the true sense, these three sects cannot be settled in one word, the whole Qifeng Mountain matter.

However, its role cannot be ignored.

But different from the past, the three forces of the Haoyue Gate, the Sky Star Sect, and the Kunyang Gate are three powers.

In this meeting, the Kunyang Gate was the only one, with two sects faintly surpassing the others.

Become an absolute dominant position.

And all this is because Kunyang Gate played the biggest role in this incident.

And it was precisely because of this incident that Kunyang Gate saw a thorough growth and detached itself from everything.

The opportunity to completely control the entire Qifeng Mountain.

He didn't want to just become, an alliance force, a member of many masters, what he needed was absolute control.

and so.

After the initial trial, it was discovered that the subordinates given by the mysterious people really obeyed their orders 100%.

Moreover, since this period of time, the Jade Palace has not taken any action.

And because of this, Kunyang Gate and Qifengshan were given the ultimate courage.

The most important thing is that they have investigated this Xiaoyao Palace, although acting a bit domineering.

However, in general, it is a decent person.

Such forces are also the least afraid of Kunyangmen.

Such guys, one by one, act with many worries and have various ties.

Do something, find a reason.

Stand at the highest point of morality.

Faced with such a guy, UU reading, as long as you choose a good camp and pretend, these people are not afraid.

As for the consequences of possible failure.

If you rush to provoke such a terrifying existence, what will happen in the end?

But it was directly ignored by these people.

Because the benefits are too great.

The big ones can already allow them to forget all the horrors and selectively.

Sure enough, greed is the original sin.

, Is the best stupid poison.

More obviously, because of Jade Emperor Realm, Xiaoyao Palace, because of Wang Musheng's concerns about cause and effect.

The reason for seldom intervening in various things in the Taixuan world.

As a result, a wrong perception was created for many people.

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