The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 425: Corpse

Although these monsters were not the strongest opponents the Jade Emperor World encountered.

However, it is definitely the most difficult opponent.

And, according to some information from multiple battles.

They even learned a terrifying message.

That is, these monsters can be resurrected.

Because, often the existence that was killed by him last time, the second time, or the third time, during the battle, unexpectedly reappeared in the fighting team again.

If it is once or twice, it may be a coincidence.

However, when this happens many times, it is definitely not a coincidence and can be explained.

The existence of terror that can reverse life and death.

Even in the Jade Emperor Realm, it is enough fear.

Because the Jade Emperor Realm itself has such an existence, and they naturally have a deeper understanding of the horror of such an existence.

It can be said that this power that was temporarily named by the Jade Emperor Realm as the "Zombie Life" is definitely a power that the Jade Emperor Realm attaches the most importance after the Hall of Longevity.

This emphasis is even worse than the Palace of Longevity.

It's just a pity that no matter how hard the intelligence personnel of the Jade Emperor Realm work hard, they still don't have the slightest understanding of this force.

Not only that, for this reason, the intelligence organization of the Jade Emperor Realm, for this reason, also suffered extremely large losses.

Except for these two mysterious forces.

Other first-class strengths, super-class forces, five.

There are more than three hundred ordinary forces.

All kinds of casual repairs, thousands of people.

There are more than ten million monks directly participating.

The other monks who were involved in this incident inexplicably were even more uncountable.

In the past, this kind of power has even been able to launch a battle of cultivating immortals that spread to the entire world of cultivating immortals.

However, this time these forces turned out to be a force.

From this point, one can see the strength of the Jade Emperor Realm.

There are those guys who attach great importance to the Jade Emperor Realm.

At the same time, it can also explain that the terrifying influence of the guys behind the scenes this time did not personally end the situation.

In such a short period of time, he could organize such a constant, terrifying force.

Said unceremoniously.

If you don't count the Jade Emperor Realm.

This man behind the scenes can even directly manipulate the entire Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation with his own power.

You know, these guys don't have a golden finger like Wang Musheng.

There is no such good luck as Wang Musheng.

Even with manpower, this step can be achieved.

Even Wang Musheng had to sigh for a while.


At the same time, Jade Emperor Realm did not live up to the attention of your black hand behind the scenes.

Directly took over this attack with one's own strength.

Not only that, but even in a very short period of time, they launched a counterattack, and directly defeated these guys with a thunderbolt.

That sharp means.

For a while, the entire Southern Territory Cultivation Realm lost its voice.

The power displayed by the Jade Emperor Realm was too terrifying.

This is a terrifying force capable of conducting a battle in the world of cultivation!

The Jade Emperor Realm, with his own power, directly carried it down.

Do not.

It's not just about carrying it down.

The Jade Emperor Realm also completely disabled this power.

what does this mean.

It means that with its own power, the Jade Emperor Realm can launch a battle of cultivating immortals that will sweep the entire Southern Realm of Cultivating Immortals.

The most terrifying thing is.

Some caring guys observed it.

Even though he was going through such a battle, in the Jade Emperor Realm, everything was as usual without any change.

In addition, some well-informed generations are on the good fortune jade disc, among the chat messages of the residents of the Jade Emperor Realm.

A more terrifying message was faintly discovered.

That is, at this same moment, the Jade Emperor Realm is still in other places, experiencing a more terrifying war. This war even involves the life and death of a realm.

For your unnecessary troubles, the jade discs used by the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm are different from those used by the monks outside.

For example, the news aspect.

Some information will be shielded from outside monks.


After trying to understand the news, everyone was frightened.

Two-line war.

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, even in a two-line war, the Jade Emperor Realm still has an absolute advantage.

What a terrifying power this is!

Even with the enthusiasm, he was able to come into contact with such a terrifying existence.

It would be great if we could join such an existence!

However, compared to these people, I think I know everything.

However, what they know is still not all.

Some, knowing the existence of more information, did they understand that the power of the Jade Emperor Realm was much more terrifying than this.

Just like the guardian temple.

The guardian temple, although it has the name of guardian.

However, don't just use your hands to guard the temple and treat it as a good man.

You know, the name of the guardian temple is filled in with lives one after another through battle.

At the time Wang Musheng, UU reading www. broke into the guardian temple and destroyed the headquarters of the guardian temple.

Although because of the strength of the Jade Emperor Realm, a reconciliation was reached through the mouth of the gods.

However, as long as there is something wrong with the Jade Emperor Realm, the Guardian Temple will definitely take the lead and give the Jade Emperor Realm the most deadly blow.

And this time, those sect forces were aimed at the Jade Emperor Realm.

The powerful intelligence power of the Guardian Temple found the clues at the very first moment.

However, this, the guardian temple that has always been in the name of guarding the Southern Territory Cultivation Realm, has nothing to stop it.

At the same time, there is not the slightest idea of ​​preparing to warn his new ally, the Jade Emperor Realm.

In fact.

If it's not a fairy, even hesitate to stop it by force.

These people might even get involved.

Behind this power, a third-party power.

However, only the gods know that these people are just seeking their own death.

These people don't know what kind of power the Jade Emperor Realm has.

But he knows!

Although all he knew might be only one or two tenths of the power of the Jade Emperor Realm, it was enough.

Because, just this one-two-tenth of the power is enough for the Jade Emperor Realm to sling the Southern Realm Cultivation Realm.

It was precisely for this reason that the fairy did not hesitate to directly abandon all kinds of bad ideas from the old guys who were brain-dead.

Choose directly to resolve your grudges with the Jade Emperor Realm.

And start cooperation between the two parties.

Even now, the fairy remembered that he was there, as Wang Musheng called it, mirroring the terrifying battle scene in the Jade Emperor Realm.

There is a shuddering feeling.


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