The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 426: Jade Emperor Peak End

These guys don't know yet.

None of the strongest in the Jade Emperor Realm appeared.

The most marine monks did not appear either.

Those monks in the Northern Territory did not see a single one.

Not even those alien races.

And the horror that I saw, the one that destroyed the family, the giants of bones, and the beasts of the earth.


There are so many horrors that have not appeared.

What appeared now, but only some human cultivators, and some monsters cultivators, had completely resolved what was a dead end in everyone's eyes.

"No, after this incident, I finally established a connection with the Jade Emperor Realm, maybe there will be a crack.

Must find a way to make up.

By the way, aren't you planning to re-repair the guardian rules recently?

At that time, you can go to the realm master to help.

Moreover, in the Guardian Temple, for so many years, it has accumulated some unusable artifacts, materials, and so on. At that time, you can open a trading point in the free market on the island in exchange for some practical treasures. "

This time the sharp tactics of the Jade Emperor Realm soon took effect.

Moreover, what Wang Musheng did not expect was.

This reaction turned out to be reflected in the free trading market on the island.

Because the Jade Island Trading Market is the only point of contact for the Jade Emperor World to the outside world.

Many people, in order to be able to join the Jade Emperor Realm.

Come here one after another.

And recently.

The most popular is the assessment point set up by Wang Musheng on the access island, the free trading market. Everyone hopes that they can pass the assessment point smoothly and join the powerful Xiaoyao Palace.

Secondly, some powerful top sect forces in the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation.

Before for various reasons.

These superpowers did not choose to join the trading market.

However, because of the power displayed by the Jade Emperor Realm this time, these superpowers might be to get closer to the Jade Emperor Realm.

Or fear of being misunderstood by the Jade Emperor Realm.


In short, due to various reasons, these superpowers have entered the free trading market on the island.

Zongmen contact point was established here.

Or open a class shop.

And with the addition of these superpowers, there is no hesitation for many of them before, and there are still concerns.

Have chosen to settle in one after another.

The direct result of this is.

The place of the free trading market on the island was not big enough for a while, so Lingxu had to expand the island.

Let's not talk about other things now.

Just take the wealth gathered on the island, and even you can move the entire southern immortal world.

Similarly, in this battle alone, although the Jade Emperor Realm did not say that it wanted to dominate the Southern Realm Cultivation Realm, all the monks knew it.

The current Jade Emperor Realm is already the uncrowned king of the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation.

It was also because of this battle that the difficult world of cultivating immortals has not changed and become more chaotic. On the contrary, the various orders have suddenly become a little better.

Because of the terrifying power displayed by the Jade Emperor Realm.

Let all the sects feel the pressure, and forcefully restrain the sect disciples to prevent these little guys from offending someone who shouldn't offend someone who is not paying attention.

You know, this is deadly.

As for the previous ones, with a little cultivation base, those guys who are in the whole realm of cultivation.

Because of the terror deterrence of the Jade Emperor Realm, it also converged.

Although the Jade Emperor Realm, Xiaoyao Palace, never said whether he was the right way, the devil way, or the evil way.

However, because of the merit list, there is also the appearance of the evil list.

Coupled with the tendency of Jade Emperor Realm to act.

Everyone, still very automatically, divided the Jade Emperor Realm into righteous people.

In their understanding, the so-called right way is those who like to be nosy.

If it doesn't converge, if one of them is not good, it will make the Jade Emperor Realm and Xiaoyao Palace look unhappy, it will be fatal.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

Inside, the entire Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation was undercurrents.

The sudden appearance of Jade Emperor Realm has surprised many existences.

This time, the power displayed by the Jade Emperor Realm made these people feel shocked.

This is out of their control.

Do not even fully understand the existence.

It's definitely not what they want to see.

More importantly, the appearance of this jade emperor world, Xiaoyao Palace, had already affected their plans intentionally or unintentionally.

This has to make them pay more attention.

These are intentional.

Still unintentionally.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence.


Even Wang Musheng didn't know that this time, the sharp methods of the Jade Emperor Realm would cause so many changes.

Of course, even if he knew it, Wang Musheng wouldn't care about it.

Although Wang Musheng would not interfere with this matter, and hand it all over to a group of little guys.

Treat it as a trial.


However, there are some things that cannot be escaped.

Because of this incident.

There are two familiar figures.

Wang Musheng thinks it is necessary to go there.

This is not to say how powerful these two existences are.

It's because these two existences involve the closest existence around him.

First of all.

The first one is Yuhuangfeng.

Once the Southern Territory Monster Race, one of the three first-class forces.

However, because of the Jade Palace, because of the battle between Wang Musheng and Zaijie, it was completely destroyed.

The power of Yuhuangfeng was severely damaged.

As a result, Yuhuangfeng could not be directly closed.

At the beginning, it was because of this incident that the other two forces of the monster race, the wolf-greedy eye, and the existence of Liangjieshan, continued to fight each other.

Even, in the end, a terrifying civil unrest broke out among the entire Southern Territory Monster Race.

Normal civil strife has lasted for more than ten years.

It was not until the rise of Xiaoyao Pavilion that this slowly stopped.

Originally, the gate was closed.

It's a declaration to the outside world. I don't care about other things, and I won't participate in it. You can toss it yourself!

But what I did not expect is.

Under investigation by intelligence organizations.

Behind this incident was the figure of Yuhuangfeng.

Those who framed the Jade Emperor World, the Jade Emperor Butterfly clan, came from the Jade Emperor Peak.

Speaking of the cause and effect between this Yuhuangfeng and Wang Musheng, it's gone.

Wang Musheng's Jade Emperor Realm was established based on the secret treasure of Jade Emperor Peak, the Jade Emperor Pearl.

At the same time, his first woman, Dieyin, was also the saint of the original Yuhuangfeng and Yuhuangdie clan.

Even in the growth of the Jade Emperor Realm, the realm gate leading to the Netherworld has played a huge role.



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