The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 427: 2 Jieshan

It was also Wang Musheng who snatched it from Zai Jie in the Jade Palace.

There is love Ji.

Old wood.


Speaking of this, this Yuhuangfeng is really a good person!

However, even good people need to be punished if they make mistakes.

However, because of love Ji, Mu Lao, and Die Yin.

Regarding the Yuhuangfeng matter, Wang Musheng did not hand it over to others.

Instead, it was handed over to them.

Even how to deal with it, Wang Musheng did not say much.

However, Dieyin and the others did not disappoint Wang Musheng.

Those who were in power at Yuhuangfeng are dead.

Then, Yuhuangfeng.

They were directly moved to the Jade Emperor Realm.

It's not far from Dieyin's Die Valley.

Since then.

The Southern Realm of Cultivation, Yuhuangfeng, is gone.

Some are just, Yuhuangjie, Yuhuangfeng.

In fact, when Dieyin and others returned to the Jade Emperor Peak, the existence of them had already received various news in advance, running and dying.

There are no more people left.

And there is not much left.

There are some guides, Die Yin, Mu Lao, Qing Ji, etc., waiting for them here, and then taking refuge in their existence.

Therefore, the process of handling Yuhuangfeng's affairs was extremely smooth, and it did not take much time.

Even those killings.

Those people killed themselves.

The opposite is another thing.

Except for the words of two mysterious forces.

It can be said that this force is the most powerful force in this incident.


It is Liangjie Mountain, one of the three top forces of the Southern Territory Demon Race.

The three major demon clan forces in the Southern Territory were Jade Emperor Peak, which had been dealt with by Die Yin and others.

Also, among the three top demon clan forces, the most powerful, most chaotic, and most ferocious Eye of Greedy Wolf.

The Eye of Greedy Wolf is not the name of a race.

It is the name of a spiritual spring.

This is a natural treasure land that can automatically gather, swallow the boundless spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and form a magical spiritual spring.

These spiritual springs can not only regulate physical fitness, but also powerful cultivation.

The most important thing is that he can strengthen the roots and temper the blood.

Especially the last one, the ability to temper the bloodline.

For Yaozu, it is too important.

When you enter, the talents of the Yaozu are often determined by blood.

The purer the blood, the stronger.

Even some guys with extremely pure blood will return to their ancestors and awaken their ancestors.

The power of the Eye of Greedy Wolf is slowly formed around the existence of this spiritual spring.

It is not a single race, or several races.

It is an alliance force.

The highest ruled by the Great Demon King.

There are many little monsters under their respective banners.

It is for this reason that this force, like Yuhuangfeng, does not regard itself as the leader of the difficult monster race.

It's also not like Liangjieshan, who ignores everything.

The behavioral rules of the wolf-greedy eye are more to do what you want, and never put all kinds of rules in mind.

However, compared with Jade Emperor Peak, there are still Liangjieshan's actions, and the style of Greedy Wolf Eye has been recognized by many monster races.

In contrast, the three forces, those who are willing to follow behind the eyes of greedy wolf, are the most.

The third and last one is Liangjieshan.

But compared to the other two, this mountain of two worlds is the most mysterious of them.

They only stayed in the mountains of the two worlds, regardless of whether the outside world was bloody, or the sky collapsed, this force would not interfere.

However, what is strange is that even so, in the cognition of all the monster races, the existence of this mountain of two worlds is actually the most powerful among the three forces.

And even more weird is.

If you ask more carefully, you will find that these monster races themselves, and you don't know why they have such a recognition.

It's as if someone or something exists.

The cognition of these monster races forcibly changed is average.

However, the Jade Emperor Realm Intelligence Department has carefully investigated this kind of strange cognition, not one or two monster races.

But all the monsters in the Southern Territory.

This is true no matter how weak or how strong the existence is.

And want to reverse these perceptions of existence at the same time.

Moreover, this power may even continue to operate.

This is a rule-level force.

Not a monk at all.

Even the fairy in the legend can't do it.

What made Wang Musheng unable to understand was that if this black hand was Yuhuangfeng, or even the eyes of greedy wolf, Wang Musheng could understand it.

But one of this black hand.

However, it is the most mysterious, and it basically does not interfere in normal times. There is no intersection between the two worlds of Xiuxian world and Jade Emperor world.

This matter, let alone Wang Musheng.

Even the efforts of my intelligence organizations have not been investigated.

It is because of the weirdness of this matter.

That's why Wang Musheng had to do it himself. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Of course, this is just one of them, and there are dispensable reasons.

The most important reason is that Liangjieshan is the place where the legendary Xiaoyue Sirius clan, that is, Mastiff's own clan, is located.

It's Mastiff's family.

Although I don't know why, Mastiff Gan clearly knew where his ethnic group was, but never thought of going back.

Moreover, whenever Wang Musheng asked about these two world mountains, Mastiff's words would seem secretive.

Especially after this time, Mastiff knew that there was Liangjieshan behind this incident.

Mastiff did the emotion that was immediately expressed.

It was not anger, or shock.

Instead, there was a trace of disgust and a trace of fear.

You know, the mastiff's cultivation base is definitely a terrifying existence beyond the ascension period, and it is a proper, immortal existence.

It is definitely the small group of existences with the highest level of strength in the human world.

Coupled with his usual mentality of being fearless and putting nothing in his eyes.

What kind of existence would make him feel fear?

Especially such an existence is still in the human world.

It is simply unimaginable.

However, after hesitating for a while, Mastiff finally prevented Wang Musheng from sending other monks to Liangjie Mountain.

"He is reminding me that it's time to go back and take a look.

And, do you know where the Liangjieshan is? "


Hearing the mastiff's rhetorical question, Wang Musheng was instantly dumbfounded.


Although I have been talking about Liangjieshan and Liangjieshan, thinking about it carefully, I don't even know where these two mountains are.


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