The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Inheritance Trial

At the same time, there is a strong heritage in this.

Every ten thousand years, he will automatically turn on, selecting the ultimate inheritor from the entire Supreme Profound Realm.

Success can be passed down.

Those who fail can only be trapped in this space forever.

According to their deduction, this world is a place dedicated to inheritance. Once the inheritance is acquired by the inheritor, this place will disappear.

They can also get rid of the shackles here, thus completely free.

It's just a pity that so many years have passed, but no one has been able to pass the trial and obtain the ultimate inheritance.

After knowing all this again.

Every time when the ten-thousand-year period is approaching, those races that are trapped in it will find ways to send their own people out, looking for genius children in the Supreme Profound Realm, and come to participate in the trial.

And Mastiff's parents have left here for the past ten thousand years. "

However, in the end, he was unwilling to return here.

Mastiff was born outside.

But he was unlucky and died in the hands of those so-called righteous monks.

In fact, Mastiff seriously suspected that the death of his parents was entirely due to the secret existence of that unknown existence.

Otherwise, all of this would be a coincidence.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Mastiff is willing to shrink in a small village like Kushui Village.

As for what the mastiff did at the beginning, because he was young and ignorant, the nonsense that you were restrained by faith was purely used to fool Wang Musheng.

Because this guy has a blood heritage.

Moreover, because of the Sirius family, the almost immortal beings can't cultivate. The only thing that can be done is to learn all kinds of knowledge.

In fact, for such a long life, even without special study, the accumulated knowledge is not comparable to ordinary people.

With such a terrifying heritage of knowledge.

No matter how stupid the Mastiff is, there is no problem at all, copying homework from the book!

Therefore, the mastiff's rhetoric was completely nonsense.

"So, the so-called time is up, it's the time for this 10,000-year inheritance."


"You want me to go!"


"what is the benefit?"

"Once passed, you can get an extremely powerful inheritance, a terrifying inheritance that can affect time."

"What if it fails?"

"With your strength and my strength, even if you fail, you can retreat with your whole body. At best, it's not just being trapped in it for the elderly.

Anyway, you have Jade Emperor World in your body.

It will not feel boring.

Moreover, even if it fails, you can still get a lot of benefits. Do you still remember the Five Poisons True Secret Technique that I passed to you?

That was what we, the ancestors of the Sirius Clan, got when we participated in this inheritance trial. "

"You have already thought about it!"

"Anyway, there is no harm to you. Why not try. Even if it fails, relying on the strength of the Jade Emperor Realm, maybe one day, we will be able to forcefully break through all of this and leave. Here it is!"

"Now you can honestly say, did you do it deliberately?

You can rest assured and say boldly, I promise, I will never kill you. "


This one.


At the beginning, I did not have any good intentions, but I was not prepared to harm you.

The tactics for nourishing souls are what I prepared to prevent today.

This place is so weird, I know I can't escape.

So, I studied this spiritual cultivation formula.

I didn't lie to you for the effect of the Secret Art of Nourishing Spirits.

Even the effect of Yang Ling Jue is much stronger than what I introduced at the beginning.

He is not only able to forge a spiritual tool that can grow at will after consuming a certain amount of resources.

More important functions, even a living body can be used as a spiritual tool to temper, thereby obtaining extremely terrifying power.

Originally, I didn't create this spiritual cultivation art.

It is my father, and my mother, who inherited the legacy of those ancestors, and specially researched a technique that can gradually strengthen the power of those guardians.

After all, those guardians, because of the influence of time, are no longer able to strengthen themselves through their own cultivation.

From this point of view, is my father and mother really a rare genius?

It's just a pity, all of this, before they are finished, they are over.

Otherwise it will be interesting.

Then, based on their research, I revised and improved it a bit, and then created this, Nourishing Soul Art.

Originally, in my plan, I was going to use this spiritual cultivation technique to temper and forge you, and in the process.

Graft my life and directly graft down on your body.

So I can sit back and relax.

But, who would have thought, how could this cultivation technique become such a ghost after you cultivate it.

Moreover, he was completely tied to you in a daze. "



"I suspected that you had the subject at first, and UU reading www.uukā is really not wrong."

"Hey, hey, you can't do this. I didn't plan to harm you. If you really followed my plan back then, maybe your current cultivation level will change even more!"


"You can continue editing!"

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you cultivate yourself?"

"I think too! But in the early days, I underestimated the influence of the power of faith, and broke my body, so I can't practice!"

"No matter, I have to vent my breath today!"


"Oh, help!"

"Someone killed a wolf!"



Fighting and fighting, no matter what it was, after such a long time together, there is still a symbiosis contract.

The relationship between the two is no longer comparable.

For the current mastiff, Wang Musheng can still believe it.

Mastiff helped himself so much.

Wang Musheng still didn't hesitate to help Mastiff with such a thing.

Moreover, Wang Musheng also has self-confidence, and he cannot be held back here.

You know, I have the power of faith.

The only difference is that the time of leaving here is different.

Besides, Wang Musheng is not necessarily certain, he will definitely lose.


"Ancestor, do we really want to start the inheritance trial again? Our current strength can only barely support one inheritance trial.

If we fail again this time.

Then, there is no room for turning over. "

It was just before that, Mastiff was doing it, and Mastiff Wang Musheng led the way.


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