The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 431: hope

"Are you sure, next time we have a chance?

Because of the influence of the boundless chaotic rules in these two realms, the previous generation, the previous generation, the previous generation,...!

These ancestors have completely turned you into a stone.

I can feel it, and I am almost too.

The same, there are many more, and the old guys of my generation.

I am not afraid of becoming a stone.

What I am afraid of is that when we old guys are completely turned into stone, you, my Sirius family, will completely lose hope. "


"Don't be sad, this is the price we should pay for all this.

And, haven't you noticed the difference between Mastiff and that little guy? "


"Hehe, it's above the image, it's not a phantom, it's a real human form, followed by his power.

The qi around us is to find a way to blend into the surrounding rules.

However, the qi around him is forcibly twisting the surrounding rules to adapt to his existence. "

"How come, is it because Mastiff has broken the shackles of this curse, then why does he come back."

"No, I can feel that the curse is still there.

However, because of certain checks and balances, the power of the curse has been continuously weakened, and the impact on him has been small. "


As slaves to the curse of eternal life, they knew the power of the curse of eternal life very clearly.

Although he has eternal life.

However, they are bound here forever.

Even more because of the power of time, their growth and cultivation have completely stopped.

Not only that, the humble soul that hasn’t grown up can’t adapt to the long and terrifying death light at all. If one is not good, the soul will be consumed by this long matter and become a piece. Although there is life, But there is no living stone.

There will always be people, or race, for various reasons.

Came here.

In the end, in that long time, the emotions and desires, and even the will to live will be wiped out.

In the end it became a stone.

A true living dead.

Slowly was buried here, the land of the two worlds.

No one can be an exception.

Are these races willingly?

It's not.

They have gone through countless efforts to leave here.

But they all failed.

Are these races all idiots?

Do not.

Not only are they stupid, but there are many of them, such as talented people, ancient alien races, and so on.

Such an existence, which is not capable, in the human world, can easily become an ancestor's existence, and even can, easily, become a god's existence.

However, after they did not know how many years of hard work, they all ended in failure.

However, in this case.

They suddenly found a guy who actually reversed the terrifying prestige of the curse.

Although this prestige is not completely free.

It's just a certain amount of control resisting the curse.

But this is also great.

You know, even this is not something ordinary people can do.

No, no one has ever been able to do it.

"how can that be?"

"Although our strength is not good, we can't see how powerful the little guy's strength is, but just to distinguish whether he is strong or not, there is still no problem."

"Ancestor, what about us?"

"It's useless, if I didn't guess wrong, this situation is not because the mastiff did his own deeds, but because the little guy around him helped.

Moreover, the mastiff did not say, but also proved that this method cannot be copied. "

"The one next to him is not human, nor ghost."

"Mastiff, if you want you to become the next ancestor, you need to get rid of the narrow prejudice in your heart and completely get rid of the sickness.

He will only bring you prejudice.

Blind your eyes.

Let you make a correct judgment.

This is the most dangerous thing for a tribe in power. If one does not pay attention, it may directly lead the entire tribe to death. "

"Yes, it's the ancestor."

"That human being is not simple, not to mention the kind of noble coercion that makes us want to kneel down directly, and the little fellow Mastiff. For that human being, the faint master-slave relationship proves that human being, compared to Mastiff is much stronger than that little guy.

With the help of such a presence.

Maybe our Sirius clan, and the thousands of trapped races in these two realms, maybe there will all be, goodbye.

The opportunity to completely get rid of the curse of eternal life. "

"Yes, then I will prepare now, this time to participate in the inheritance trial."



"I hope the old man is right! There is no time for the Sirius family."




You know, participating in the inheritance trial is not that simple.

Because outsiders are not qualified to enter the core land of the inheritance, it is necessary for these beings who are bound by the curse of eternal life to protect and **** the law personally to be able to enter the inheritance land.

And this process is obviously not safe.

Once you step into the trial ground, you will either pass or fail. There is absolutely no way back.

And it was not peaceful.

Don't say if you pass.

After so many years, no one has ever passed it.

As for failure, it is impossible to retreat from the whole body.

The ancestor of the Sirius tribe, that blind eye was the gift left by the last time he entered the trial ground.

A wound that can never be recovered under the force of time.

I can only endure the terrifying damage caused by the wounded mouth and continue to torment myself forever.

However, this is already considered good.

What's more, he was buried in the trial ground forever, and there was no way to come out.

Every time I enter the trial ground.

It's a journey to face death.

At the same time, this is also a war for freedom, for race inheritance, without the slightest hope.


All this did not make Wang Musheng wait long.

It only took seven days.

The mastiff appeared again in front of the two.

At the same time, inform the two that they can go to the trial place.

Perhaps it is endless time, and the souls of these Sirius tribes have been consumed almost!

Therefore, although there are still many Sirius tribes here.

However, except for those little guys who don't know anything, they are still repeating this time, another naive game, besides chasing and playing.


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