The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 485: Fierce battle (2)

Many of the thorny finches and the soldiers on their backs who were fanned to the ground never got up again, fell motionless in the blood, and were then inadvertently trampled into flesh by the mutant earth otter.

High in the sky.

Chief Thorns allowed his thorny finches to fly around the earth otter's head, then aimed at the mutant earth otter's eyes, bending the bow and shooting arrows.

The Earth Otter’s eyes are not easy to aim. Its eyes are very narrow, its eyelids droop like an old man, and its head is still turning, making aiming more difficult.


The bone arrow flew out of the string, and flew towards the eyes of the mutant earth otter.

However, with a slight movement of the earth otter's head, the bone arrow hit its eyelid. Only the arrow penetrated the thick eyelid and penetrated the earth otter's eye.

It looked like a small thorn nailed to the eyelid.

But after all, the eyes were sensitive, and the mutant earth otter became more and more angry. One after another thorny finches were knocked down and then trampled into fleshy flesh.

Chief Thorn watched the blood on the ground more and more, his eyes were red and his teeth clenched.

The posterior molars were all crushed, and the teeth fragments and **** smell filled the whole mouth.

In fact, he didn't expect to kill this monster, he just wanted to drive it away, but the damage they caused was obviously not enough. The pain just made it crazy and didn't make it retreat.

The main reason is that this monster is so huge that even if all the spears and arrows of the entire tribe hit it, it will not be able to cause fatal injuries.

This is a desperate fact.

Just as Chief Thorns was thinking about a way frantically, the horned teeth jumped off the thorny sparrow's back, and jumped boldly onto the head of the mutant earth otter.

For the mutant earth otter, the weight of the horned tooth is too light, and it is like a small bug falling on the body, without noticing it, just attacking the thorny finches around it frantically.

But Qiuya is not easy.

Because the head of the earth otter is not flat, when it stands up, the back of its head and back form a line, like a steep cliff, and its head is still turning and shaking.

Fortunately, the top of the earth otter's head is full of dense brown-black hairs, each of which is longer than that of the man with fangs. The otter clung to its hard and smelly hair, and then barely clung to its head, not letting itself Was dumped.

Qiuya has been waiting for the opportunity.

After twenty breaths.


With the thunderous sound, and the puffed up dust.

The mutant earth otter suddenly landed on all fours, trying to slaughter the flock of thorns in front of him.

At this moment, Qiuya's feet stood steadily on top of its head. His eyes lit up, and he pulled out the big bone knife behind his back like lightning, then lifted it high and tried his best to cut the bone knife. Poke down

The sharp, one-meter-long bone knife instantly pierced the hard skin and pierced its skull, mostly submerged in its head.


The mutant earth otter stood upright, roaring furiously, and slammed his head like a big cloud.

Facing the big hand that came from howling, in order to avoid the fangs, he had to roll off its head.


Chief Thorn's eyes were about to split, and he drove the Thorn Sparrow under the crotch to fly in the direction of the fangs.

You must know that this prairie land otter is more than 30 meters high. Falling from its head is equivalent to falling from the top of a mountain. Even if the horned teeth are immortal, it can be maimed. Then the land otter can throw the horned horns on its feet with just a little movement. The tooth was stepped into mud.

The thorn-toothed thorn finch fly also spread its wings and flew quickly to the Savior.

But they are one step too late.

Qiuya almost fell to the ground.

Just when Qiu Ya thought he was about to finish, Dong Muying hugged him at the last moment and took him to his thorn sparrow.

Before Jiaoya had time to rejoice, a huge tail whizzed towards them.


A thorn finch connected to Dongmuying and Jiaoya was severely hit by a strong force.

The thorn sparrow was smashed and flew without knowing where, and accompanied by the sound of cracking bones, the two were bombarded to the ground, their bodies deeply embedded in the mud.

The two of them lay there with pale faces, cold sweats of soybeans floating on their foreheads, and their bodies were extremely painful.

However, before the two of them had time to catch a breath, a huge foot stepped on them like a mountain.

The hairs of the two people exploded and rolled to both sides at the same time, and finally avoided by a few centimetres and escaped.


When one foot is stepped on, the ground is shaking.

The big foot whizzed up again and stepped on other places.

Dongmuying thought of something and looked to the side with trembling breathing. At the same time, Qiuya looked at the opposite side in a panic.

The two looked at each other.

Seeing that the other party is still alive, on the two dirty cheeks covered with mud and blood, Qi Qi showed a relieved expression.

"Fuck him, it's really exciting"

Dong Muying clutched her painful back, cursed low, scolded and got up.

Feimao rushed over.

The two seized the time to jump on Feimao's back and returned to the high altitude again.

Gradually, the attacks of the Thorn Warriors can no longer anger the mutant earth otter, it understands that they cannot really hurt it. After all, the speed of the thorn finch is too fast, too difficult for the earth otter to catch.

After eating a few thorn finches and a few thorn warriors, the mutant earth otter ignored their attacks and climbed along the rock wall to the top of the cliff.


The thorn vines full of spikes were torn off one by one, and the thorn vines that continued to be pulled were also dragged back by great force. The entire thorn bushes that stretched for one kilometer were shaking violently.

The thorn vines under Ye Xi's feet also shook violently. He relied on his extraordinary balance ability to barely stand firm, and continued to recite the witchcraft to bless the thorn warriors.

The thorn warriors saw the mutant earth otter climbing up and they all tried to block it.

But it was useless at all. This mutant earth otter seemed to be determined to crawl towards the thorn bushes, and ignored the attacks of the thorn warriors.

"Slah, Slah"

The whole thorn vine shook violently.

Ye Xi also had to grasp the vine with one hand to barely let himself fall.

And the Tianmang warrior beside him was lying on the thorn vine, his palm and face were pierced with blood. Seeing the huge monster getting closer and closer, his whole body collapsed, shivering and roaring dumbly,

"If you can't stop it, the sky light that you can't stop is over, and so is the Tribe Tribe."

After all, he jumped tremblingly, trying to escape from here.

But the thorn vine was shaking violently, and his body was paralyzed and stiff due to panic. So in a panic, a long thorn pierced the foot plate, and the whole person was nailed in the thorn vine.


He screamed bitterly.

Hung upside down in the air, shaking constantly.

Ye Xi turned to see his tragic situation, frowning slightly, just about to save people, the mutant earth otter has crawled here on all fours. The huge earth-yellow baboon face and brutal blood-red eyes are close at hand.

Reluctantly, Ye Xi could only jump back in a hurry.

Most of the thorn bushes can pierce the soles of his leather boots. Now the thorn bushes are still shaking violently. He must be very careful to find a place to stay, so it is impossible for him to save people in this short time. Escape safely.

The behemoth finally climbed into the thorn bushes.

The Tianmang man was panicked to the extreme, he let out a heart-piercing roar, struggling with his hands and feet.

The mutant earth otter also saw him, grabbed him from the thorn, and threw it into his mouth in the blood basin.


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