The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 486: Black dagger

After the whole man ate a person, the mutant earth otter was not satisfied at all.

Such a bit of meat is not enough to fill its teeth.

Among the black thorns, this behemoth turned his head and looked around, sniffing vigorously, with a pair of huge blood-colored eyes full of hostility patrolling everywhere.

Since eating so much human flesh in the Tianmang tribe, it is very sensitive to human taste.

It smelled a lot of human flesh in this bush of thorns. Although it hasn't seen them now, it knows that these people are hidden in this bush of thorns. It just waits for it to find all of them, and then eats a lot.

Just like in the Tianmang tribe, I ate for several days until I was tired and tired.

But where are they?

It sniffed vigorously.

The dense thorn vines restricted its movement, and it shook its head and waved its claws to shake away the thorns around it.

However, its crusty skin can't block all the thorns. Some sturdy long thorns pierce the skin and plunge into its body, making it more mad while eating pain.

Where are people hiding?


It stood up, its forelimbs stomped heavily.


The ground made a muffled sound like a mine.

This mutated prairie land otter is so huge, this stepping suddenly shakes the mountain and cracks the land. Several small black holes are broken in the ground tens of meters away, and the gravel, sand, and sand flow into the black hole.

That is the roof of the Ji tribe cave was trampled on.

A child's suppressed and frightened screams came from the hole in the ground.

The mutant earth otter stared at the small black hole, his nose moved, and he smelled a strong human scent, and the light in his blood-red eyes became more frightening.

It, found, arrived!

"Roar! Roar!!!"

The mutant earth otter roared in excitement.

It strode in the direction of the hole, and frantically tore the thorn vines, tearing off all the thorns blocking the way.

The thorn warriors all attacked the mutant earth otter desperately when they saw it, but it was of no avail, and their attacks could not attract its attention at all.


It came to the top of the hole, fell on all fours, digging the ground frantically with its forelimbs like a bear, and quickly digged a big hole.

Countless earth and rocks fell to the ground along with the foam.

The gap on the top of the cave is getting bigger and bigger, and a large amount of glaring sunlight spills into the ground.

The people hiding inside were shivering, with red eyes and tears. I don't know if they were stimulated by the sudden light or because of extreme fear.

The earth otter stuck its huge claws into the gap and fumbled around.

The people in the cave were horrified to the extreme. The women held their children and covered their mouths desperately, and retreated to a safe place.

No one screamed, only suppressed vague panting.

The mutant earth otter didn't catch anyone, and let out an irritable growl.

This is exactly where one of the five main stems of thorny vines grows. The huge root system firmly grasps the soil and binds it together, making it impossible to dig larger holes.

Stimulated by a strong appetite, it stood up and picked up the main stem.


This sturdy main stem was pulled out by the roots, large tracts of soil were taken up one by one, and the top of the cave was completely lifted up like a large soil cover.

The earth otter slammed his hand aside.

The people hiding in the underground cave no longer had a place to hide, and the crowded crowd was completely exposed. One by one, they opened their red and scared eyes, and looked up at the behemoth with trembling heads.

In mid-air, Chief Ji, Dong Muying, Jiao Ya and others clenched their fists, their faces pale as paper.

Are they going to follow in the footsteps of the Tianmang tribe?

Although the witch has been evacuated to a safe place, and the hundreds of warriors of them can survive safely with the thorns, but the hundreds of them are left, what is the difference with the extermination?

But the mutant earth otter did not eat these people.

It was attracted by two golden canaries.

When the main stem of this thorn vine was uprooted, a large thorn vine also collapsed and fell. Two canaries not far from here lacked the thorns to cover, and were shone by the sun, and the gorgeous feathers reflected a few golden light. .

This earth otter stared at them with scorching eyes.

It can feel the abundant energy in the two canaries, and can no longer care about human flesh. It can't wait to rush to the past by stepping on a place of thorns.

Chief Spinner was desperate originally. Seeing the Earth Otter rushing to the canary, he sighed with relief and made a gesture to make the Soldiers rush down to save the lives.

A thorny sparrow rushed to the pothole.

The thorn warrior on his back desperately dragged the person in the pit up, and then the thorn sparrow carried the person to high altitude-the altitude is safe.

They knew that they couldn't drive this behemoth out of the territory, and now they could only protect the tribe from evacuation as much as possible to minimize the loss.

However, there are more than 6,000 people in the Thorns tribe, but only more than 500 thorns sparrows, and they are small in size, even if they are caught in a harness, a thorn sparrow can only carry three people.

The remaining four thousand people can only be abandoned.

A briar sparrow full of people flew high into the sky, and there were fewer and fewer people in the hole.

The two canaries on the other side looked at the earth otters getting closer, flapping their wings, and desperately pecking at the cords that tied them, trying to escape here.

However, the tendons were too strong, they kept pecking and they could only watch this behemoth get closer and closer.


In the end they let out a sharp and helpless whine in vain.

Ye Xi sighed in his heart, hiding in the thorn bushes, and moved with compassion.

He fetched a black dagger from the lining of the leather armor.

This black dagger was polished with the claws of the great waste relic. It was very hard and sharp, and also very difficult to polish. After so long, the entire Xicheng had polished five, three of which were given to Ye Xi.

He raised his hand.

Flicking the dagger in that direction vigorously, the black dagger came out of his hand, turned into a black light and broke through the wind sharply, lasing accurately to the tendon rope.

This string that firmly bound the two king's sparrows was instantly cut by a dagger.

It's as easy as cutting grass.

When everyone and the fierce beast did not react, Ye Xi slammed the black dagger again, and cut the string connecting the two canaries.

The two king-breed canaries immediately regained their freedom and flew into the sky with their wings.

However, how could the mutant earth otter easily escape the food from the mouth.


It rushed forward, slapped its big palm, and slapped one of the male canaries, then immediately lowered its head and opened its mouth to swallow it.

The female canary groaned in anger.

When it was about to fly high, it turned back in an instant, and struck the earth otter's nose with a deadly attitude.

The earth otter's nose is relatively fragile, and it was painful to be pecked by the female canary, and went mad in the pain, unable to eat the male canary, and slapped it severely.

The female canary was smashed into the thorn bushes.

Then motionless.

A thick long thorn pierced its chest, nailing it to the thorn vine, and bright red blood poured out from the wound.

And dripping down.

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