The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 532: Volcanic zone

The sky is blue and high.

The bird stretched out its beautiful wings and continued to soar.

It bypassed the towering snow-capped mountains straight into the sky, flew over the rolling eroded mountains, and its long tail feathers swept across the large lake as wide as the sea, and carried Ye Xi to many places that it had never been before.

In the end, the flock accidentally carried Ye Xi into the territory of the Molten Tribe.

This is a seismic volcano belt, which is close to the ocean. Many high or low volcanoes are lined up along the coastline, and you can see countless cystsscale pterosaurs circling the volcano.

Ye Xi took advantage of the distance they were still far away and they weren't found, so he patted the neck of the buzzard quickly: "Quack, fly high!"

The flock flew obediently to the sky.

In the thin air high in the sky, Ye Xi sat on the neck of the bird, and took out a simple telescope polished with ice stone from the animal skin bag he carried with him.

The place where the bird is hovering is more than 10,000 meters above the ground.

If a person with acrophobia is sitting on it at this time, I am afraid that he will faint by just looking down. Even ordinary people with courage would have their heart beating fiercely when looking around, trembling tightly around the neck, for fear of being thrown off.

However, Ye Xi held the feather of the bird in one hand, and put the simple binoculars close to his eyes in the other hand, and explored half of his body outside, and then looked through the floating clouds to the ground ten thousand meters below.

The face of Molten Tribe caught Ye Xi's eyes.

I have to say that the place where the Molten Tribe lives is very exciting.

It was a series of towering volcanoes. Most of the volcanoes were obviously in the active period. At a glance, he saw five small volcanoes and a super large volcano in eruption.

The scene of the eruption of that super large volcano is even more shocking.

The flaming red hot magma is constantly erupting from the crater, which looks like viscous molten iron just out of the furnace, which is trembling. There are thick black volcanic clouds at the top of the mountain, and terrifying purple lightning flashes in the clouds from time to time.

Countless ferocious and powerful cystscale pterosaurs fanned their wing membranes and hovered beside the dark clouds, making rough calls.

There are other Cyanoscale pterosaurs just squatting on the rugged rocks protruding from the volcano, and piercing their sharp claws into the charred black rock. The nasal cavity emits two white heat from time to time, allowing the hot and red magma to flow slowly from the surroundings. Over.

The volcano continued to erupt, and the viscous lava flowed along the mountain wall to the foot of the mountain, and finally spread to the surroundings.

The high temperature distorted the air, and white smoke burst into the sky above the magma.

The fiery red surface gradually cooled and turned black, showing cracked lines, and finally turned completely solid black, fusing with the surrounding black volcanic rock.

Ye Xi said in his heart,

"It is said that the temperature of the magma is as high as more than 1,000 degrees. The surrounding area has been eroded by the magma all the year round, and no vegetation can grow. I only see the black volcanic rock when I look down like this."

"There are also the black clouds floating around the volcano. Although I can't smell it here, the air underneath must be very pungent and full of sulfur. The Molten Tribe people are also fierce and can survive in such a harsh environment. Go down."

"It deserves to be a super tribe."

Ye Xi was afraid of being discovered by the Molten Tribesmen, so he didn't dare to wait. After sitting upright, he retracted the simple binoculars into the animal skin bag, and said to the flock: "Quack, let's go!"

One person and one fierce bird left quietly.

After leaving the Molten Horde, they went all the way south, looking for a giant tree that they wanted, while hunting the beast.

It is now the beginning of spring, and all the beasts and insects that have been hungry for the whole winter crawled out to look for food. Ye Xi and the flock of birds relied on their strength to smash them all the way.

Now they have lost interest in the fierce beasts below the king species, so they slaughtered all the fierce beasts of the king species in more than a dozen forests, drinking their blood to quench their thirst, and eating their meat to satisfy their hunger. Of course, they must not forget before leaving. Dig the beast core.

The meat that is not eaten is left and left to other creatures in the forest.

In the process of searching for giant trees, Ye Xi also found several crops suitable for planting in Xicheng.

He first found a wild grapefruit forest.

The grapefruit trees in this grapefruit forest are all tall, twice as thick as ordinary grapefruit trees. The dense bushes are full of large yellow grapefruits. Peel the grapefruit skin, and the inside is full of sweet and sweet flesh.

Ye Xi vaguely remembered that the grapefruit matured in autumn, but he saw that these grapefruit trees were also full of fruit in early spring, thinking that these prehistoric grapefruit trees might ripen twice a year, and he became more satisfied.

Then he found a cane forest.

The sugarcane bark of this sugarcane forest is very hard, and there is no biological interest in normal times. Only a special kind of giant insects with big-nose pliers feed on them. Therefore, the entire sugarcane forest covers a large area of ​​more than 1,000 hectares.

Ye Xi was ecstatic when he saw them. Sugarcane can make cane sugar. How much sugar can be made from so much sugarcane. You must know that there is no sugar in Xicheng, only honey.

Memorize these two places carefully, intending to go back and let Xicheng people ride the frilled octopod swarm to carry them, and then continue to travel south.

Later he found a small blueberry fruit tree.

Blueberry is a small berry fruit tree of perennial shrub. Originally, the fruit is as big as cherry at most, but the fruit of this blueberry tree is as big as red dates. The fruit is full and juicy.

The most important thing is that this small blueberry fruit tree is of the level of exotic flowers, exotic plants and exotic trees. The fruit has magical effects. Ye Xi only ate one, and he felt his eyesight improved significantly and his body was warm and comfortable.

This blueberry tree is precious, and Ye Xi, afraid of accidents, killed the beast guarding the blueberry tree, then uprooted the blueberry tree and tied it to the neck of the bird.

With these three windfalls, even though he still couldn't find a giant tree that matched his heart, Ye Xi was already satisfied.

Just went south for thousands of miles.

Towards the evening, they found an amphibian remnant species near a big river. The eyes of the bird were bright at the time, and it swooped down to the river with a clear sound.

It wants to eat meat grown in the wasteland!

Although the flocks are also at the level of the wild relic species, there are also differences in the strength between the wild relics and the wild relics, and the flocks are the top ones, which can easily hunt common legacy species.

At that time, this amphibians relic was lying on the shore in a comfortable sunset. When he saw the huge flock rushing towards him with bright eyes, he jumped up in shock, and fled into the river crazily with his four claws.

Seeing that its head and body successfully escaped into the river, at the last juncture, the flock caught its tail in time.

Just when the fowl was excited to pull it the other end suddenly lighted, and the tail broke by itself!

Yuan Yun stared at his **** tail, and then looked at the bottomless river, screamed angrily.

The meat on his mouth ran away, and the fowl was very unhappy, and looked downcast after sucking his tail.

Ye Xi comforted it for a long time.

He also regrets that this amphibious relic is not large in size. If he has a big bow and a sharp arrow, he might be able to shoot this amphibious relic before it escapes into the river, let alone shoot it to death. , At least it can slow down its actions.

It wasn't because of his carelessness that he didn't bring a bow and arrow, but because he already had a lot of things on his body.

He is now carrying an ancestor witch bone staff on his back, a tooth knife hung around his waist, two black daggers made of beaks of ferocious birds hidden in the leather armor, and a bag of animal skins that he carries, which is full of stuff.

But now Ye Xi wondered, since there is quack, he must be equipped with a long bow and a pot of arrows on his back, so that one person and one bird can cooperate better.

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