The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 533: Little flower being bullied

? Ye Xi's luck is very good. Just thinking about matching a bow and arrow, he found a different tree that is very suitable for making a bow.

The tree is only more than three meters high, the thighs are so thick, thin and short, it is very eye-catching at first glance. But peeling off the brown bark will reveal that the wood flesh inside is blood red, and the thin annual rings at the cross section are very tight, indicating that it has a long tree age.

Ye Xi cut off the entire alien tree, then cut off the branches and leaves with a black beak dagger, tied it around the neck of the bird with a rattan and took it away.

The sky soon became dark, and one person and one bird found a place to spend the night at will, and continued to search for a suitable giant tree the next day.

However, they still found nothing the next day. No matter how tall and clean the giant tree they found, whether it smelled strange or not, the birds were still dissatisfied and appeared more and more irritable.

Ye Xi guessed that the flocks should be the red phoenix trees planted by the Huyang tribe.

Seeing that he couldn't find a more satisfying giant tree, Ye Xi had to announce that he would go back to the mansion. After deciding to go back, he would send someone to the Xuyang tribe to take a trip and borrow a red phoenix tree.

When they went back, they didn't find a giant tree, but they brought a large bag of king seed beast cores, and hundreds of strange flowers and weeds.

Most of the exotic flowers and weeds have their roots chopped off and wrapped directly in animal skins.

But some small blueberry fruit trees like Ye Xi think that what can be planted is taken away by the roots, such as a bean vine with silver beans. This beautiful silver bean has healing properties and is even better than lotus seeds from the lotus tribe. many.


At this time, the snow on the ground in Xicheng had almost melted. When Ye Xi was in the air, he was pleasantly surprised to see the Jiao Jiao who had ended his hibernation on the lakeshore.

Ye Xi jumped off the back of the flock.

Jiao Jiao ended up fighting with Xiao Hua to greet him.

Ye Xi smiled and looked at the Jiao Jiao, who was completely different from before hibernation, and nodded approvingly: "Yes, it is already the king of fierce beasts."

The reason why Jiao Jiao could break through from a barbarian beast to a king-type beast so quickly was because of Ye Xi's support.

It is Ye Xi’s war beast, and Ye Xi will naturally not treat it badly. After the conditions are met, the beast core allocated to the Jiao Jiao will never be broken. Before the winter last year, he swallowed two large pieces. The source stone helped it break through.

Living up to Ye Xi's expectations, Jiao Jiao finally became the king-kind fierce beast, and from the perspective of its aura, it was the kind of fierce-king beast with relatively strong strength.

The current Jiao Jiao is more than 20 meters long, and the five people are so thick, the scales on his body are not as shiny as before, but the brilliance is introverted, like Moyu.


Jiao Jiao hung his huge head to look at Ye Xi, and then raised his head to look at the bird, his scarlet eyes filled with joy.

Ye Xi's contract beasts also had a mysterious feeling between them, so Jiao Jiao recognized that the behemoth in front of him was Quack, and couldn't help but feel happy after seeing each other after a long absence.


The little flower on the side whispered, turned her head and ran away in small steps.

It doesn't like fowls. When it sees it, it remembers the gloomy days when it was bullied and bullied. It used to be unable to beat Quack, but now it has become more powerful. It can't afford to provoke it and can only hide it!

"——Little Flower!"

Ye Xi called it, but Xiao Hua didn't hear it, spreading her legs and running towards the farmland, Ye Xi could only look at its back with amusement.

And the disgusted bird squatted on the ground with his wings together, tilted his head and fixedly looked at the little flower running far away with his eyes.

When the little flower ran far enough to slow down, the flock suddenly spread its wings, followed by a gust of wind and picked it up in one bite.

"Haw! Haw!!"

Xiao Hua was suddenly caught in the air, frightened to the rattan dance, and desperately beat the flock.

But now the flock of flocks is not the quack it used to be. In the past, it might still be afraid of the rattan of the small flower, but now it only hears the four rattans crackling, but the flock of flocks has no reaction at all.

The little flower was thrown back to the shore of the lake humiliatedly.

It was scared of the buzzard. Seeing that he was put down, he fled like a wind on his feet, but the buzzard still looked at it with a tilted head, and suddenly rose into the air when the little flower ran out of sight. Grab it and throw it to the shore of the lake again.

Xiaohua was bullied and cried loudly. She wanted to run unwillingly, but she couldn't get out of the five-jaw mountain.

After several times, Xiao Hua became discouraged and didn't run away. The whole piranha just lay on the ground dyingly with its roots and vines, as if to say, do whatever you want!

Xiaohua lowered her head and pushed it, Xiao Hua turned around like a dead body.

The beautiful phoenix eyes of the flock looked at it for a moment, then suddenly fluttered and flew away.

Xiao Hua thought that this was a new trick of the bird, hummed disdainfully, and resolutely lay motionless on the ground.

The flock came back soon, and then threw a **** corpse of the king-kind fierce beast to Xiao Hua's side.

From the petals to the roots of the floret, the whole flower suddenly stretched!

It was shocked.

We must know that although Xiaohua is like a group pet, the king-kind beast is precious, and soldiers can at most give it a piece or two of meat. No one has ever put the entire king-kind beast next to it so extravagantly. Let it eat as much as you want!

Little Hua was afraid of the flocks and regretted it and got up. The four canes were tightly wrapped around the king's beast's corpse as if they were protecting food. Can't wait to bite its head.

Blood dripped out.

In the interesting eyes of the flock, Xiao Hua just took one bite, and with difficulty and contentment, he ate the entire king-species fierce beast, including the fierce beast core.


Xiao Hua had a long, full hiccup.

After a while.


A delicate and tender voice came out of the big mouth of the blood basin.

Xiao Hua changed her predecessor, dragged her big belly, took the initiative and flatteringly stepped to the side of the flock and circled it, and rubbed the fowl's feathers with a flower disc, and she didn't know who learned it .

Ye Xi, who had been sitting on the stone chair, couldn't bear to look straight and covered his forehead.

More than two years have passed. Not only has the size of the birds become larger, they are also more mature, and they will play with the little flowers. However, the little flowers are still as stupid as they were when they were young.


Ye Xi looked at the birds, pythons and flowers in a group in the sun, UU reading www. slowly burst into a warm smile.

He hasn't seen this scene for a long time.


A long and sharp whistle suddenly came from the observation tower on the top of the mountain.

Ye Xi smiled, and stood up from the stone chair.

At this moment, both the soldiers trained in the Colosseum or the ordinary people who feed the livestock in the back mountains grabbed their weapons and jumped to the heights vigilantly.

In the azure blue sky, three Xuyang birds appeared soon.

Seeing the war beasts of the Xuyang tribe again, the Xicheng people couldn't help being angry and panicking, but Ye Xi looked up at them, but raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Because it saw every Huyang bird holding a fiery red giant tree in its claws.

The Xuyang tribe sent the tree intimately!

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