The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 534: Long stay?

? The Shuyang birds flew down, and their sharp claws were pulled out of the trunk.




Three huge red phoenix trees were thrown to the ground.

These three red phoenix trees were dug up by their roots. The huge roots and crowns of the trees are well preserved. The whole tree is many times larger than the size of the Huyang bird. It is also because of their strength that they can be transported thousands of miles come.

However, the three-headed Xuyang bird was also very tired, and after yelling a few times to greet the birds, he plunged his head into the lake and drank the water.

Zhuo, Hongmo, and Dayan were also thirsty in order to hurry. After jumping off the back of Xuyang Bird, they squatted by the lake and gulped water, and washed their faces after drinking.

The chiefs rushed over one after another.

Ye Xi felt that there were too many people, and only let Chief Tushan and Chief Gongtao stay, and the other chiefs let them go to appease the tribe.

She wiped the drops of water on her face, feeling a lot more relaxed, and she just softened her expression and wanted to say hello to the buzzard, but turned her head and saw Ye Xi.

He immediately pulled his face, pointed at Xinghu and covered his face and said, "You give our purple bird this kind of water?"

Ye Xi: "?!"

The Red Desert on the other side walked over and said lightly in a haughty tone that only a super tribe can.

"Our Xuyang tribe has a Lishui lake with a Liquan stone heart snatched from the Li tribe. So the water in the whole pool is soaked into Liquan water. In the past, the purple birds in our tribe kept drinking this Lishui pond. water."

"Unexpectedly, after the purple bird arrives in your tribe, you can only drink this ordinary lake water!"

The flock can understand people and yelled at them dissatisfied.

Knowing that Ziniao was unhappy, Hong Mo suppressed his expression, and reluctantly introduced himself to Ye Xi.

"Forget it, let's not talk about water. You have already met Zhuo, the captain of our hunting team. I am Red Desert and he is Dayan. We are a little bit weaker. We are both rank 6 fighters."

Chief Gongtao's face twitched.

What is a little strength, just a sixth-level fighter?

Ye Xi still had a smile on her face, and said warmly: "Thanks for your hard work, you guys have come to send the tree, and it's really hard to sleep in these two days."

The three of them all turned black when they heard Ye Xi's address.

Hongmo looked at Ye Xi coldly, wishing to cut a hole in him with his gaze, and said, "The purple bird of our tribe is called Yaozi! It was taken by our Yuan Wu personally!"

Ye Xi followed goodness and flow: "Okay."

Then he turned around and beckoned: "Quack, come on, get out of the way, we should plant trees!"

The bird immediately jumped aside obediently.

The three were furious and fell down.

Quack...Your sister's quack! This is not as good as the buzzard!

Chief Gongtao quickly found a large number of fighters. Under Ye Xi's instructions, these fighters dug up the stone bricks on the shore of the lake, and dug three huge deep pits on the ground.

During this period, the three people in Hongmo kept reverberating in their minds.

They gritted their teeth with anger and repeatedly reminded themselves that this tribe was supported by the shark tribe. They barely held back their anger, did not drew their knives and hacked people, and waited patiently for the red phoenix trees to plant.

The planted red phoenix trees are beautiful.

Their branches are stretched vigorously, their mottled trunks are camouflage-like, the fire-red leaves do not stain dust, and they are set against the blue lake water. The scenery is exceptionally harmonious and beautiful.

The bird loves the breath of the red phoenix tree very much, and can't wait to fly down on the tallest red phoenix tree in the middle, and sing loudly.

The other three Xuyang birds immediately agreed with joy.

Listening to the crisp and sweet chirping, Zhuo and others' anger gradually dissipated.

After a while, the three people jumped onto their Huyang birds after the sound stopped, and under the eyes of everyone, they magically took out three big bags from the rich neck feathers.

Ye Xi took a closer look and found that it was three bulging bags **** with silkworm cloth.

He remembered that the Xuyang tribe had besieged the Silkworm Ridge shortly after the meteorite rain fell. So the people of Xuyang should know the secret of Silkworm, so could it be...

Sure enough, Zhuo opened her silkworm cloth bag, took out a source stone the size of a quail egg from it, and threw it to the bird.

Ye Xi was shocked: "You... actually brought three bags of source stones?"

Hong Mo couldn't help but glanced at him contemptuously: "The purple bird eats a source stone every three days. We know you can't get it out! So we brought the source stone here."

Ye Xi was happy and ashamed to hear him say this.

Being happy is naturally happy for Quack, no wonder that Quack grew up like blowing a balloon in just two years, and his strength soared. Under the feeding method of the Xuyang tribe, it is strange that he does not grow and become strong.

Ashamed because he, as the contractor of Gaga, did not provide it with the best conditions.

At present, Xicheng has only about 40 kilograms of source stones, most of which are distributed to the clansmen. Ye Xi still has about 10 kilograms left, all piled in stone houses.

The remaining ten kilograms of source stones are not all his own. Sometimes they have to be rewarded to the tribe with merit, and it is impossible to give them all to Quack.

According to this feeding method of the Xuyang tribe, his source stone of more than ten kilograms was gone in just over a year.

After the happiness and self-sacrifice, Ye Xi's heart was moved again.

"You can put so many source stones in Xicheng and put them in my hands..."

Hong Mo frowned immediately when he heard this, and scolded: "I want to be beautiful! What do you do if you use it yourself?"

Ye Xi was stunned: "Do you want to put all the source stones on the red phoenix tree? It's not impossible, but it is not convenient for Gaga to open the silk cloth bag to get the source stones."

Hong Mo said unhappily, "The three of us will live here for a year, so I don't have to trouble you about feeding Yuanshi!"

...Live for a year?

Ye Xi's face became slightly invisible.

Zhuo, Hong Mo, and Da Yan suddenly became angry when they saw him like this.

They are not happy yet!

Who wants to succumb to this little Xicheng!

Especially Zhuo, he was originally the captain of the high-level hunting team, but now that Ye Xi had to hand over the hunting team to the deputy captain, he wasted a year by running here.

Not waiting for the burning, Ye Xi had already sorted out his mood, and smiled at them with a standard smile: "Then distinguished guests, welcome to Xicheng."

The three of them said nothing with stinky faces.

Ye Xi's smile remained unchanged: "Let's go, let you settle down."

After all, after a few words with Chief Tushan, he turned around and walked forward first.

The three of them carried silk wrappers and followed Ye Xi with cold faces under the eyes of everyone in Xicheng.

Seeing them following, Ye Xi slowed down and said as he walked: "Since all the distinguished guests are going to live here for a year, it is also necessary to find out where you will live."

"This is Xicheng. It is different from tribes in the traditional sense. It is a tribal alliance led by the city lord and composed of many tribes. Everyone keeps their totems and customs and lives here together."

"Here is our residential area in Xicheng. The row of stone houses we are passing now belongs to the Manggu tribe, the row next to it belongs to the Aphid tribe, and the next row belongs to the Rongcao tribe."

Hong Mo and the other three looked around from time to time.

Last time it was dark and the situation was urgent, they hadn't looked at Xicheng carefully, but now, they found that the surrounding buildings were really unseen and ingenious.

Whether it is the simple and atmospheric bluestone brick wall, or the ice state stone window that can penetrate the sun, or the door that can be opened, or the neatly arranged steps... They are just now When looking down from midair, the rows of buildings neatly arranged in a radial pattern, the huge colosseum, and the towering stone towers really shocked them.

They dare to say that among the eight super tribes, there is no one who can build stone houses better than this Xicheng, and Jiugong is far less than Xicheng. The stone houses of their Xuyang tribe are compared with the stone houses of Xicheng, and it is almost a pile of broken stones. same.

However, the three of course would not say what was in their hearts.

Shao looked at Ye Xi contemptuously, and said coldly: "Energy is not used to improve the strength of soldiers, but it is used to build stone houses. It is really stupid and ignorant!"

Ye Xi said neither softly nor rigidly: "What's wrong with living in a more comfortable way? Or is it not possible to live in a cave to increase your strength?"

Zhuo was choked, her eyes staring and speechless.

Haven't seen any ordinary tribe who dare to have such an attitude toward them!

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