The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 545: Awesome longevity

After a while, a long slender ferocious giant swaying its body slowly crawled out of the ground, and many Xicheng people took a breath after seeing the whole picture.

The cheers became much smaller.

Without him, it's purely because this weird bug is too hideous and ugly!

Worthy of an ugly name.

Ye Xi touched the tip of his nose, and felt that this thing was a bit like a face-holding bug, no, it was ten thousand times more hideous than a face-holding bug. The face-holding bug was petite and pitiful in front of it.

Although this guy is more than 20 meters long, his feet are longer than those who hold the face and denser than those who hold the face.

And it looks really oozing. If a cowardly person hits it in the deep forest, the soul will be scared, and I don’t know where the heavy rain can find the giant insect.

Chief Manggu muttered: "This thing is a bit like a tadpole."

Ye Xi raised her eyebrows.

Looking down from the stands, it is indeed a bit like a giant tadpole with an ultra-long tail, but this tadpole is flat, with many ultra-long and ultra-dense feet growing beside it.

The chief of the nest tribe interjected and said: "It's not like tadpoles and not like tadpoles. I look like fish bones, fish bones with many spines."

The Chief Sting ran back at some point, and immediately became displeased when he heard what they said: "Why is it like a tadpole like a fish bone? I think it looks like a centipede! Look at its feet!"

Ye Xi smiled.

To an unknown creature, it is like a hundred things in the eyes of a hundred people.

"So, you don't know this bug?"

Ye Xi asked the sting chief.

Chief Sting: "I have never seen it before. If I have seen such a beautiful person, I will definitely remember it! The pottery is really hiding!"

Then he admired obsessively in his eyes:

"Look at how slender and powerful its tail is. Look at how smooth its carapace is. It didn't get any dirt when it came out of the soil. Also, have you noticed that it has concave lines on its side. When walking through the soil, it can pack its feet all aside, and all of them are shrunk in this concave pattern to help it travel quickly. I dare say that it travels faster in the soil than the long worm..."

Ye Xi listened carefully.

Originally, he had been hesitant to reproduce the worms vigorously. After all, the worms had extremely high combat effectiveness and were good at drilling the soil. If they were used well, they would be impossible to prevent.

It was only because of the fierce battle with the Bin tribe two years ago that many people in Xicheng resisted them.

Now the appearance of the ugly monsters completely stopped him from shaking.

But he has one last question.

"Chief Gongtao, isn't this weird worm the only one? If it grows flowers, can it reproduce?"

Chief Gongtao said excitedly: "Master Xi Wu, don't worry, we still have three monsters like this. There is absolutely no problem in breeding!"

Ye Xi nodded.

The heavy rain in the Colosseum didn't know what Ye Xi and the others were talking about, but opened her arms and hugged her ugly tail happily.

No matter what the result is, she is very happy today. Now she feels that the ugly monsters are not so ugly and so terrifying. Instead, they are hideous and cute. She decided to treat it better in the future.

The ugly monsters left the scene in heavy rain.

The walking beasts and the fierce insect pets continue to compete one by one, and the Jiao Jiao is still in charge of the battle against them. There are many types of the walking beasts and the fierce insect pets. It is not until the afternoon that all the competitions are finished.

Next, it's the turn of the flying pet competition.

Hundreds of competing pets and their owners came to the center of the field together under the instructions of Chief Qianqi.

After a while, the buzzard made its debut.

It flapped its wings and hovered over the Colosseum. The shadow cast by its huge body obscured the smaller half of the Colosseum. Although it deliberately reduced its aura, the phoenix eyes still made some of the pets tremble with fright and no atmosphere. Dare to come out.

Ye Xi stood tall on the head of the buzzard, holding the parchment in his left hand and the charcoal pen in his right hand. He glanced at the reaction of the beasts in the field, and then recorded something.

In the Colosseum.

A variety of giant birds, pterosaurs and flying giant insects carry their owners in place.

The blue-scale pterosaurs of the Ehud tribe, to be precise, the long-tailed curved-jaw blue-scale pterosaurs also squatted inside. Their claws are sharp, and their beautiful blue scales are shining brightly by the sun, and they look majestic and majestic.

The ebony with blue nose and swollen face was riding on the longevity pterodactyl's back, crying and begging for it,

"Wow longevity, you have to be more serious later, don't deliberately throw me to play, after the game, you can fall as you like, can you?"

Longevity flicked his tail.

Ebony became even more depressed, but he continued to plead: "Longevity, this game is very important to us, please! You nod if you agree..."


A chuckle came from the side.

Ebony turned his head and found that a Qiang tribe warrior was smiling.

This Qiang warrior was not embarrassed to be caught by ebony. Instead, he said: "Are you sure you really want to participate in this competition? You are not afraid of making jokes in front of so many people and so many tribes? Today, the whole Xicheng has arrived. If... Tsk tsk, it’s still too late to end anyway!"

Ebony glanced at his mount.

It was a sparrowhawk with a sturdy head, looking gentle and obedient, and Ebony's eyes couldn't help showing envy.

The Qiang warrior caught this wisp of envy and proudly touched the feathers of his mount. He smiled and said, "Do you like my beast? Give me a bag of aphid, and I will tell you where I caught it."

Ebony's eyes flashed, but in the end he refused.

"Thank you, but longevity is sometimes pretty good, so forget it."

"Very good?"

The warrior Qiang smiled when he saw his blue nose and swollen face, and couldn't help but laughed at him with winking eyebrows. Ebony drooped his eyes and didn't answer his lips.

During this process, Changshou kept looking straight ahead, as if he hadn't heard anything.


The sharp whistle sounded.

The flock fluttered its wings and flew high, and the giant pterosaurs and insects in the competition also fluttered their wings.

Just as the giant sparrowhawk spread its wings, there was a snapping sound, and a long blue tail hit its head severely, smashing it.

Sparrowhawk was stunned by this heavy blow and shook his head in a daze.

The longevity around him threw his tail back and flew into the low air.

At this time, the surrounding flying insects and birds pterosaurs have all taken off, and they are all struggling to chase the flocks high in the sky. Although the Sparrowhawk chased after standing still, it was two seconds behind, allowing it to compete with others. The battle pets fell a lot.

Sitting on the back of the pine bird eagle, the Qiang warrior glared at the longevity that flew farther and farther in front of him, and shouted angrily.

The ebony reflex arc was so long that he understood what was going on. He clasped his long-lived neck, turned his head swollen in the wind, and shouted, "I'm sorry--"


The flock flies ahead, and various flying pets flap their wings or insect wings to catch up.

Dongmuying and the king-species canary of Xiaoya took the lead, followed by the thorny finches, and several blue-scale pterosaurs of the Eyui tribe were quite powerful at the critical moment, closely following the thorny finches.

Especially longevity.

Longevity soars at extreme speed, rushing forward like a fighter jet.

Ebony was lying on Changshou's body, hugging his cold neck tightly, feeling the gust of wind blowing from his ears, quite worried, for fear that Changshou would deliberately throw him down.

But this time longevity did not act as a demon, a beautiful sideways passed through two thorny sparrows, and flew steadily in the forefront of flying warfare.

Ye Xi, riding on the bird, looked at the performance of all the pets in his eyesight.

After flying to a high enough altitude, Ye Xi patted the buzzard on the head when all the pets were in line, and the buzzard suddenly turned around and rushed straight to the Colosseum on the ground.

The other flying pets also turned around behind the flock, like hundreds of fighter jets, tracing beautiful trajectories in the blue sky, and then rushing to the ground.

The chief of the little bird tribe in the Colosseum looked at the sky, and suddenly took out a little bird carefully from his arms, and drove it to the center of the Colosseum.

This is the next test for flying pets.

The pet that catches the little bird first wins.

This little bird is very flexible, and only as big as a fingernail. It is extremely inconspicuous in the huge Colosseum. This competition can not only test the flexibility of the pets, but also test their vision.

After a while, the canary thorn finch and the blue scale pterodactyl rushed back to the Colosseum first, their eyes patrolling in the huge field, and a few sharp eyes quickly locked on the little bird.

Little birds flew around in the field.

More and more flying pets are returning to the Colosseum to join the ranks of catching microbirds. However, because of their small size and flexibility, many pets will lose their tracks when they chase them.

Only Changshou opened his big eyes, locked on the target tightly throughout the whole process, and with his last mouth, the little bird was snatched into his mouth cleanly.

This competition soon came to an end.

Everyone cheered.

Ebony was bathed in enthusiastic cheers, hugged Longevity tightly, and was moved to tears: "Wow Longevity, you are amazing!"

Longevity pushed him away with disgust.

Ebony remembered something, smiled and patted its long beak and said: "Let the little bird out, you have won the game!"

Changshou glared at him warily.

Ebony coaxed: "Let it out, go back and eat aphid, this is not delicious!"

Longevity is unmoved.

Ebony watched his smile come and congratulated the Chief Microbird. He couldn't help but smiled, and patted its beak more vigorously: "Let it out, it's raised by someone else, you can't eat it!"

Changshou suddenly raised his with a grunt, and then opened his long beak to the ebony.

It was empty inside.

Ebony felt that the whole person was stupefied. He turned his neck crunching and saw Chief Micro Bird with a stiff smile and wide-eyed eyes, and he wanted to faint.






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