The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 546: ?? guess

? Of course Ebony didn't succeed in passing out, but he stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and then Chief Little Bird twitched his forehead for a moment, and walked away with a cold face.

Before leaving, he gave Changshou bitterly.

Ebony also wanted to stare at Changshou bitterly, but Changshou turned around and only left him with a pterosaur butt. Ebony... Ebony can only rub his face bitterly.

The test continues.

Flight pets continue to test various items such as smell, endurance, grip, bite force, and pecking power. After the results are obtained, they will be combined with their respective strengths for comprehensive evaluation.

By the evening, the competition was coming to an end.

Ye Xi announced the result of the game on the spot.

The thorn finch, the long-tailed curved-jaw blue scale pterodactyl, the big mango, the moa, the liger, the canary, the large carnivorous dinosaur in the warehouse, and the monsters of heavy rain, have been breeding flowers and fruits Priority use.

Ye Xi, who performed well today, also gave extra rewards. Finally, with the cheers of tens of thousands of people, the competition came to an end.

Everyone still wants to stay in the Colosseum and don't want to come out, because this kind of whole city carnival is extremely rare. In addition to the big sacrifice, when is there such a big carnival festival of national mobilization?

Seeing that everyone likes this kind of competition so much, Ye Xi discussed with a few chiefs and decided to hold a battle pet competition every year in the future.

War pets and fighters who perform well will be rewarded generously, and they can even be assigned to nurturing flowers and fruits.

This decision was enthusiastically approved by the 40,000 Xicheng people, and everyone is looking forward to next year.

One month later.

Ye Xi and Heping Kiln stood together by the shore of the Star Lake, looking at the wide lake.

There are many female treants floating on the clear blue water. These female treants lie on their backs with their eyes closed and their limbs stretched. The back part of the back that is submerged in the lake water is spreading with staggered tree silks. There are many fresh green leaves on the tree silks and beautiful. Purple flowers.

Most of the purple flowers are very small, but the purple flowers that grow at the belly button are as big as palms, and there is an apple-sized wood-colored fruit growing in the center of the flowers. Upon closer inspection, they are clearly in the shape of a curled up baby.

Pingyao: "Finally formed. I think these female trees have never been ashore these days in order to give birth to a child. They just float on the water motionlessly. Even the food is eaten in the water. I heard that they will float like this for half a year. Can't move."

Ye Xi sighed: "Whether it is a foreign woman or an ordinary woman, it is always hard to give birth to the next generation."

"Yes..." Pingyao turned his head to look at him: "However, I didn't expect Xi Wu to give the last batch of trees to the tree people."

After that contest, Ye Xi left one-third of the fruit growing, and the rest was given to the winning tribe. As for the tree growing flowers, Ye Xi unexpectedly gave it to the tree people.

Ye Xi looked back: "The tree people are difficult to multiply, and they need this flower, not to mention, the tree people have found me personally."

Pingyao: "It seems that Zebai is anxious. At that time, he told me that he wanted to participate in the battle pet competition!"

Ye Xi laughed.

After a while, Zhang came to Xinghu and bowed to Ye Xi, saying: "I have seen Master Xi Wu!"

Ye Xi turned around, saw the joy between her eyebrows, and asked with a smile, "Did something good happen?"

Zhang simply said: "Yes, the corn in the foreign plantation garden is ripe and ready to be harvested."

Ye Xi showed a surprise smile on his face, "You have taken good care of them. You have been working hard these days."

He only did his own work in the first few days of the establishment of the alien plantation garden, and later handed it over to Liu. After that, he soaked in the alien plantation garden every day to study these alien plants, and devoted great efforts to this alien plantation garden.

You know that caring for alien plants is not just a pile of aphids feces, just sprinkle ferocious beast nuclear powder.

Sometimes too much aphid feces will kill the plant, and too much nucleus powder will cause the alien plants to be unable to absorb and become black. Different plants are distinguished by soil, temperature and sunlight.

Although a simple and rude breeding method like Ye Xi won't die in the short term, it is not good for the alien planting in the long-term. However, after Xian took over the rectification, the entire alien plantation garden has obviously grown better.

It must be mentioned that Lai also discovered a pattern that all tribes did not discover.

That is, the types of beast nuclei that different plants like are different, some like the beast nucleus of fish and beasts, some like the beast nucleus of birds, some like the beast nucleus of grumpy beasts, and some like the beast nucleus of temperate beasts, and some like the beast nucleus of temperate beasts, and some like the beast nucleus of temperate beasts. The beast core.

Find the right type of animal nucleus, the alien plant will grow better.

For example, corn grass especially likes the nucleus of a kind of warm-swallowing sheep beast. When the soil is mixed with this kind of hybrid animal nucleus powder, the ears become a lot bigger.

Zhang shook his head: "It's not hard work, it's just Master Xi Wu, what should I do with these corn grass seeds?"

Ye Xi: "Now is the season for planting, so let's plant them all, I will explain to Chief Zhang later."

The seeds of alien plants will more easily absorb the energy of the beast core, and will grow into alien plants more easily, and only a few will become black and withered because they cannot absorb the energy.

Ye Xi thought faintly in his mind that there are more than a thousand healthy exotic-grass-grade corngrass grown in the Hetero Planting Garden. If all of them are sown, with the fertilizer effect of aphid feces, the frequency of four crops a year will be used. It won’t be long before all ordinary corn grass can be replaced with this kind of exotic grass.

These grains are very helpful for improving physical fitness and can increase one's strength. If everyone in Xicheng eats this grain for a long time, everyone's physical fitness will reach an astonishing level, and everyone will become a super strong man.

However, the amount of ferocious beast nuclei consumed to grow this exotic grass-level corn grass in large quantities is also terrifying.

Maybe the hunting scope of the Xicheng hunting team will continue to expand.

Liu: "If all the seeds are planted, the alien plantation garden may not be big enough."

Ye Xi: "It's okay, these cereal grass seeds will be planted in the farmland."

Repeated dumbfoundedly: "Farmland..."

She thought of the horned melon vines, oily bean trees, and giant lettuce in the foreign plantation garden, and suddenly a crazy idea flashed in her mind—their Xiwu shouldn't it be the whole All crops in farmland will become alien plants!

Ming eyes widened unimaginably. Zhang and Ye Xi looked at each other for two seconds. After regaining their senses, they said nothing. After a salute, they calmly retired with Ye Xi.

Pingyao looked at Lai's back and said in amazement: "What's wrong with Lai? How does she walk a bit like..."

Some fluttering?

Ye Xi smiled without saying a word.


When the chief of planting received the weed-level corngrass seeds and cherished them and sowed them in the farmland cautiously, Ye Xi began to form a team to smelt copper and iron.

In view of the fact that Xicheng has not yet found a large iron ore, he decided to start smelting copper.

The hardness of bronze is also very objective. If it is smelted well, its hardness can even exceed that of the teeth of wild beasts.

Of course, for the tribe of this primitive society, smelting bronze is much more difficult than hunting a brutal beast.

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