MayoJou chapter 101

MayoJou chapter 101  

The princess of the Schultz 3

The next day, we departed to “God’s Garden”, ruined by the dark beast “nest”.

The nest supposedly birthed a 5000 beasts strong legion, but I can only roughly estimate their numbers at the surroundings of the nest.

According to Lade, there’s isn’t a set period of time at which the nest births new dark beasts.

There are nests that barely births new dark beast even if left alone, similar to this occasion, some nests births a large amount of beast in a short time, there are some precedents in past events.


After destroying the nest and a doing throughout search of the “God’s Garden”, we couldn’t find any new information regarding the “dark beast king” nor the cultists. Unfortunately, we found an innumerable amount of bodies from the Schultz tribe. 


[Say... that nest, that creepy lump of meat is it really my mother?]


After returning to Fortitude Castle.

Diane, the princess of the Schultz tribe asked me that.

Their current headquarters decided  that she will be accompanying us as a representative of the Schultz tribe.

From the images I saw from the Shaman, her mother, Sheala, was being swallowed by darkness. I couldn't think of any other explanation other than she becoming a “nest”.


Actually, at the time we were in front of the nest at God’s Garden, I tried “Dispel Magic” and several other spells to make her human again but they all failed. Afterwards I reluctantly destroyed the place with “Meteor”...  for Diane this is something utterly incomprehensibly I’m sure.


[I’ve have no proof but... I don’t think there was any other choice... I’m sorry we couldn’t help her]



Even if that lump wasn’t Sheala, there wasn’t any living human remaining. Even for a short time, dark beasts did occupy the place.  

We also identified and buried every remain from the Schultz tribe we could, but Sheala wasn’t among them.

I’m sure Diane knows what that means.


[If ya say so... that must be it...]


Naturally, she was sulking.

No matter if she’s a warrior of the tribe or someone in command of a battle, she is still a girl around middle school age.

You could see her sadness and sense of loss on her red eyes.


[Ya... She was a person with so much pent up resentment. Even if the cultists took advantage of her... it was pitiable...]


Such a shame... As someone who just meet her can I do anything for her?


[I’m sorry... Like really sorry....]


[N-no it’s nothing... you didn’t do anything wrong...]


Diane turned her back on me.

Only once I heard her sniffling.


[From now on... I’ll consult with my dad... the patriarch and the others. Maybe they all want to to return to God’s Garden]


That’s how it is.

The Schultz tribe was chased out from Fillsand once already.

And for 20 years they have been desperately rebuilding their lives on the ruins of God’s Garden.

I also doubt they want to migrate again.


[It’s just that, among the youngsters some want to follow you, would take care of that bunch?]

[Yeah, of course]

[That’s relieving, I’ll also obviously be serving under you]

[I see...]


Diane was vigorously turning her face to me.

Just a moment ago she had a face that could cry at any moment, but now she’s all smiles.


[I don’t really get it but, you are trying to destroy the dark beasts huh? ain’t that something amazing you want to do? Let me help you too!]

[Yeah, that’s right]


She wasn’t outside of the norm as warrior as Lade, but she was plenty strong for this world standards. Besides her ability to lead the tribe’s warrior is something we are currently lacking.


[From now on I’ve become your sword, also 30... no make that 50 warriors from the tribe I’ll dragging along!]

[uh huh...]


Above all is her motivation to fight against the dark beasts, I think...

I don’t feel any anger nor any desire for revenge from her.

Rather, I have the impression she strangely feels admiration for me.

It might not be the best way to say it but, it’s not something like determination or willingness to fight, more like she’s depending on me.


[How reliable... thanks. But first you need to calm down your people]

[Ya I know!]


For this 14-15 year old girl, her mother was the cause the dark beasts destroyed her birthplace, it was an abnormal situation.

It’s absurd to expect her to keep her sanity.

In the first place, there’s no way I’d know how to deal with the mental trauma of PTSD.

It’s vexing, but it’s up to herself to regain her own peace of mind.


[Well! Wait for a bit!]


She waved her hand and with an empty smile she returned to her tribe


I fought the dark beast legion and destroyed their nest, while also negotiated with Irudo (Ild?) the patriarch and the vassal of Fillsand.

Based on that, the remaining members of the Schultz tribe discussed what to do, and now have an answer.


First, there’s about 1200 people of the tribe gathered at Fillsand, roughly 1000 of those decided to follow the lead of the patriarch, and return to God’s Garden. Also, the army of Fillsand was prohibited from attacking the tribe in any form, on the contrary, they’ve been tasked with maintaining order in the vicinity for the time being.

The remaining 200 people, are being lead by Diane and the former patriarch to Jiiteas Castle.

Among those 200 people, 50 were warriors while the rest were their family members.

As for me, I’m basically planning to have them clear the forest at the western part of Jiiteas Castle, build a new village. Of course, I’ll hire some of the warriors as soldiers in the castle.


In the end, the only thing I probably did was to divide the tribe in two.

I know for sure this can become a source of conflict in the future but...


[I can only hope it doesn't become like that]


I’m always lacking confidence, so I need to keep pushing forward.

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