MayoJou chapter 102

The diplomat

[head patting intensifies]

Additional note for anyone interested: Elizabel speaks in a very formal tone, while Diane speaks in rather rude and crass way, in other words, the former is a young lady while the later is tomboy. But we already knew that huh? 


The Schultz tribe completed their first step into a new future.

They will also be living safely for the time being.

I would like see how they are doing, but all this chaos wouldn’t allow me.

Let’s think about that when things are calmer, first I need to make sure things are going well.


[Margils-Sama... Would you spare a few moments?]


As I think some of my burdens were relieved, someone called me.

It was the daughter of the duke of Fillsand, Elisabel.

Thinking about it, the cause for all this uproar was rescuing her from her brother's assassination attempt. Had I visited Fortitude castle as a simple guest, my relationship with the duke and the others would have been so much easier.


[Yeah, I also wanted to talk to you]


I wanted to take some time off, but I think it’s better to just hop on into action.

We talked in my room at the castle (I’m not renting it, the duke assigned me one room for my lodging).


[Please come in]


Elisabel graciously prepared some herbal tea, and then sat next to me.

I remembered a scene with hot tea lined with some cakes.


[Is this Ruth’s fruit?]


The Schultz tribe eat plenty of this fruit, dried and preserved in sugar. The sweetness is plenty strong, but it matches quite nicely with the bitterness of the herbal teal.


[Yes, I shared it with the others]


This girl is working as a representative for Fillsand, she’s the one who carried the negotiations with the Schultz tribe, furthermore, she listens to the complains and requests of the commoners, and also serves as an intermediary between the citizens.

She gained the goodwill from many among those people.


[I see... Wasn’t hard being rejected by them?]

[Certainly it was, at first they even threw rocks at me]


Elisabel told me so as if it wasn’t a big deal


[Sounds terrible, is everything fine now?]

[Yes, a bit better]


So far, she’s been working really hard as diplomat for Fillsand, and yet, her mother, a princess of the Schultz tribe, and her father the tyrant that tormented them.

It was impossible to build any trusting relationship in that setting.


[I see, you really did your best right?]

[I... The only thing I’m good at is talking to people]


She is an outstanding diplomat, but more than that, she could hold a fair dialogue no matter the person, that left a deep impression on me.

I unintentionally patted her blonde head.

I don’t think she likes it, but she was shyly smiling.


[Last night... I I finally spoke to my father]


You could say our chat until now was a kind of greeting.

I prepared two cups of herbal tea, she was ready to talk about the real issue now.


[I see, how was it?]

[I think it’s as you already hear, to my father... I’m nothing more than an useful person who’s only good at one thing]


That bastard! Even if those were his real feelings, he should be more considerate to his own daughter.


[But, that was the first time I heard my father being sincere]

Elisabel was still smiling.

However her smile was a bit dark.

It was the same as that night she was told it was a sin for her to be born.

Just like Diane, my wizardly is useless for these girls who can only laugh in this situation.


[What are you going to do from now on?...]

[I already thought about something, and also got permission from my father]



That night the light was different, I was motionless and she was gazing at me with red eyes.


[Wouldn’t you allow me to help you in your work? You’ll eventually need someone working as a diplomat right?... I can also work as a civil servant]

[hmm...  Are you saying you are leaving your home to come serve under me?]

[Correct, I still love to work as a diplomat. Besides, in order to fight against the dark beasts you’ll need to form new alliances, thus there is no other job better suited for the task right?, In this way there’s going to be more than commerce and plotting with my father, by far it would be more enjoyable]


This girl, before she was semi convinced the duke would toss her aside, while also being scared. But now, she on her own accord is planning to cast aside the duke.


Previously, I’ve told the duke to better his relationship with his children, making it solid.

From Elisabel words, I really don’t think their relationship is “better”, well they can at least “cooperate”, I think.


Diplomat huh?... All this time I’ve been leaving all the internal affairs and diplomacy to Irudo.


[Of course, taking me as your wife would make me very happy]

[T-that’s... Sorry I’ll have to decline]

[Oh my, how disappointing]


Suddenly, she showed me a mischievous yet cute smile.

At first I thought she was planning to use me so she could escape from her father and from Fillsand.

But now...


[I better ask, With your abilities and connections, you could have choose anyone else to work with right? Then why choose me?]


That might have been a bit tactless, nonetheless I asked the real reasons.

It is not reckless to firmly express myself in front of a veteran diplomat. Besides I want to hear what she thinks of me.




Unexpectedly, she blinked.


[Aren’t you underestimating my own influence? You are trying to make Jiiteas castle into the most important key point on the whole continent, I want that to also become my dream]


Lastly, she said while smiling weirdly


[Besides, I hate the dark beasts]

[I understand...]


She decided on her own how to live her life.

Just like Diane, she is trying to fill the gaps on her heart by working for me... Well at least that’s not the main issue...


So that’s her dream huh? That’s heavy...


[I welcome you, miss diplomat]

[It’s an honor my lord]


She expressed her gratitude making a reverence.

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