MayoJou chapter 103


Elisabel and Diane joined as my new staff members. The next day I was drinking with Damond, the duke of Fillsand


We were in his own private room.

The liquor was high quality, but that didn’t prevent the tension between the two of us.

As far as I’m concerned, I want an answer regarding the alliance with Fillsand. Naturally, I’m not going to let the Duke involve me with his invasion of the Felde kingdom.

On the other hand, the duke wants to win me over and take over the territory of the Felde kingdom together.


On our last reunion,  as a prerequisite to form the alliance I imposed him some conditions.

The first was, to quell the disputes between his children in order to consolidate his own power.

There are other conditions, but I’m reserving them for the time being.


[... Elisabel is going with you, right? Well, please take care of her]

[Now, I’m the one that’s grateful, still is it fine to let her go?]

[It’s not a problem]


Strictly speaking, this was contrary to the condition of “Having the duke cooperate to mend the relationship of his three children”.

But I intend to let it pass.

In the first place, it was a condition for protecting Elisabel, so he should be aware of that.


[If she’s useful to you, she’s useful to me, besides having her at hand, would put us on good terms indefinitely]

[I see...]


The duke seemed relieved.

He’s not the kind of evil person to take pleasure in hurting others, but having said that, as a father his love for his daughter is appalling. 


Elisabel clearly understands that, so she herself chose to come to Jiiteas.


He’s the same age as me, still I said such arrogant things despite not having children of my own.  It’s depressing but I’ll have to make do with it.


[How are Balzade and Agbeil doing?]


The duke poured more wine on my empty cup, he’s timing was like we are already used to each other.


[I already proclaimed Balzade as my official successor. He’s always been an uninteresting guy, but he’ll do fine. For some reason he’s quite capable when it comes to the Felde kingdom and the Schultz.]

[That’s good to hear, I also think he’s quite capable]


It’s a shame he didn’t go into much detail about his two sons.  

Still, Balzade manage to win the trust of the Schultz tribe, so I know what kind of man he is. The duke really doesn’t seem to think much about his sons.


There’s a limit to how generous he can be as a ruler.


[Agbeil also seems to be more relaxed around his brother. I also don’t intend to do anything more than deciding the order of succession]

[Is that so, I think he seems promising too]


Contrary to his brother, Agbeil resembles his father, he’s calculating and cunning. And can also think from the perspective of the weak.

He has already acknowledge his brother as the ruler, if they cover each other’s weaknesses ruling over Fillsand will go smoothly.


Incidentally, he said...


[That reminds me, didn’t Agbeil told you something?]


The duke was pouring more wine on my cup while smiling. Be damned this father and son.

Certainly, Agbeil has been secretly reporting to me.


[Ah yes, it was something like: “In the future, if my father wants to betray you, I’ll let you know in advance”]

[Grrr, that’s so like him. It’s because he’s like that I didn’t say anything to him, please don’t think I want to betray you]


[Will do, let me say this just in case... don’t lay your hands on them]

[These brats have been prowling at my feet, don’t worry about it]


Well, for the duke and his children, that much is fine I guess.

More than anything he wanted it to be over, I also couldn’t do anything for their mother, the duchess.

It’s time now.


[So... For the father that somehow managed to bring his family together, what kind of reward awaits him, lord wizard?]


In a plain manner the duke got down to business. The flame of ambition was burning inside his eyes.


[Ah yes, about the other day’s proposal, Fillsand need new lands for expansion, right? In that case I have the perfect region to use]


As I said that, I pointed at a region in the map hanging in the wall.

A vast open piece of land at the northern region of Fillsand, the “Plains of Twilight”.


[... That place is infested with undead... you are aware how preposterous is that?

Are you planning to use your sorceries to deal with it?]


The duke was staring at the map intently.

He interrupted me but didn’t denied my proposal, more than keeping his composure he didn’t know the extend of the power of my sorceries.


Of I don’t know a spell that can eliminate a seemingly endless number of undead from a vast extension on land. However during my stay in Fillsand I visited the library and the sages to gather information about the Plains if Twilight, so I’m not completely aimless.  


[The outbreak of undead 120 years ago, came to be known as the “storm of the dead”, there’s probably a source for the outbreak, and I’m planning on eliminating it]

[That’s extremely dangerous... Is that not the case for wizards?]

[Well more or less]


Truth is, there’s only incomplete information about the “Storm of the dead”. There’s something causing it, so I need to eliminate that something, or that’s my partial conjecture.

That said, If I could have the dwarves help me mass produce golems, claiming that land by sheer numbers wouldn’t be impossible.

If I haven't prepared this amount of bait, I would never have been able to satisfy the duke’s lust for conquest.


[What do you think? I’ll need to prepare... so in one or two years I promise to restore the “Plains of Twilight” into the former “Plains of Dawn”, until then I will like to assist in the restoration of your territory and improve the commerce between Jiiteas]



The duke is deep in thought.


Given the situation, I’m glad I’m showed off the power of wizardly when I eliminated the dark beast legion.

If not for that my proposal would have been laughed off.


[Very well, anyway the arable land and villages on the path of the dark beast legion were damaged, it’ll take time to repair those and also reinforce the army. I’ll wait for 2 years]


[If we reclaim the Plains of Twilight, within 20 years we can construct one or two prominent districts, with ten years remaining to overthrow Felde.]

[I hope so...]


I’m sorry for him, but in 20 years I won’t be helping him with the invasion.

In a way, I feel guilty for deceiving him but...


[By the way Margils-dono]


[When the dark beast legion attacked, at first I thought that would be the end of Fortitude castle. But when you completely destroyed them... I was relieved]


[Somewhere inside me, even if a little I thought about how important are the castle, my subordinates, the town,  the population... I wonder if I’m getting old...]



The “evil me”, the duke of Fillsand who misused his mighty power.  

Meeting with him was extremely meaningful for me.


At the very least I haven’t made any mistake that could make me resemble the duke.

And while that might be true.

The things I have done, and the things I have to do, no one can guarantee that they would be “right”.


Even in modern Japan, finding what’s “right” it’s next to impossible.

I wonder if the “right” thing exists in this world?

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