Chapter 85: The Duke of Filsand


The peninsula that seems to reach out in protection of the bay that Filsand is located next to.


At its tip towers the castle of the Duke of Filsand, [Castle of Fortitude].


The peninsula rises higher in altitude the more one progresses down it, such that the castle commands a spectacular view of the entire city.


It seems true that this city was built by the Shulz several hundred years ago. The scale is greater than that of Lelis, but the city walls and buildings all look quite aged.


However, though the city itself might be old, it is also extremely prosperous. Trade boats are flowing in and out in an endless stream, and there are also large numbers of trade caravans passing through the main gate.


If Jiiteias begins trading with this city, then we will be sure to profit.


“Oh my, look in front of you. In front!”


As I am deep in thought about domain management, which feudal lords are supposed to do, I get poked in the back of my head by Claura.




I reluctantly look forward, then upwards, to see the architecture with an overwhelming presence approaching.


Needless to say, it is Castle of Fortitude.


Unlike the streets of Filsand, this castle is a recent construction. Though I say recent, I mean 20 years old, as it was built after Filsand became occupied by the Duke of Filsand.


“This is quite a splendid architecture, for humans.”


When Fablu — a dwarf — says that, then I’m sure it must be so.


“This castle has been assaulted many times by the Shulz and other military hosts targeting Filsand, but it has managed to repel them all.”


“Keh. How sickening.”


Elizabel adds to that in almost a murmur. She has on a complicated expression, like she hates it, but she’s also proud of it at the same time. Of course Dianu, whose hands are still bound behind her back to maintain her appearance as our prisoner, spits out her words in revulsion.


“Well then.”


We stop in front of the moat that surrounds the walls that in turn surround Castle of Fortitude.


Before our eyes is a small door protected by a defense tower. On the other side of the moat is a drawbridge, but naturally it is currently raised all the way.


There are lookouts in the towers, so I’m sure they’ve already noticed our approach. As I am thinking whether we are supposed to call out first……


“The personage there! Are you the lord of Jiiteias Castle, Gio Margils-sama?!”


“...... Hmm?”


So asks the lookout from the defense tower in a loud voice. His tone doesn’t sound like he’s cross-examining me, and there is plenty of respect in his attitude.


If I remember correctly, Elizabel said previously that “There are a few people in Filsand who knows the name ‘Gio Margils’.” I see, it makes sense that the Duke is among those ‘few’ people.


“It seems that my father has no intention of being hostile to Margils-sama. Though well, I should think it a matter of course if he has done a thorough job of gathering information on Margils-sama.”


“Does that mean that the Duke of Filsand’s information network reaches Senpu Village, Yuule, and even Lelis?”


“I don’t know the full details, but…… judging by the time, I believe there is a high chance that he’s heard of what Margils-sama has been doing in Senpu Village.”


“Depending on the circumstances, perhaps he also knows about the commotion with the Shulz.”


Fumuu. The fact that he proactively gathers information and makes full use of it is similar to Elizabel. It seems that he really isn’t a person who can be dealt with through ordinary means.


“What do you think we should do, Margils-sama?”


“...... There’s no point in us staying quiet and staying here. Give him an answer.”


Claura taught me before to not suddenly address those of lower rank directly, so I nod at Irudo.


“That is indeed so! This personage here is the lord of Jiiteias Castle, the Great Wizard Gio Margils-sama and his entourage! Also present is an emissary from Senpu Village, Fablu-dono of the Rimulon! We ask for an audience with the Duke of Filsand, Damund-sama!”


“Duly acknowledged! Please wait a short while!”


The soldier responds to Irudo’s stately proclamation without any hesitation. The drawbridge immediately begins coming down.


…… It seems that Irudo purposely chose to not raise Elizabel’s name. Though I’m sure the soldiers must have recognized her themselves.


While waiting for the drawbridge that is wide enough to allow 3 horses to proceed abreast to slowly descend, I mentally confirm the defensive spells that I had already cast on Elizabel and Fablu, as well as the other ones that I have charged for today. These will have to do for now.


This time, I have the ESP Medal already hanging from my neck. Though it is an item that I generally am reluctant to use on people not hostile to me, this situation is one where I need any bit of information that I can gather.


With a heavy sound, the drawbridge falls into place. The castle gate beyond has also been opened, of course.


“...... Let’s get going then.” (Gio)


“Understood.” (Irudo)


“All preparations are ready.” (Claura)


“As you wish.” (Leiha)


Standing at the head is Irudo, who is second to me according to the hierarchy of Jiiteias Castle.


Claura and Leiha are positioned protectively behind my back.


Leid is behind them. He’s more or less keeping an eye on Dianu, our captured Shulz princess.


Fablu brings up the rear, protected by Ted and our three newcomer soldiers.


“Even I do not know what my father is truly thinking. Please be on your guard.”


Elizabel whispers to me from her position next to me.


To be honest, up to now I don’t even know what she’s thinking. So far, no one’s mentioned her presence, but depending on how the situation unfolds, there is a possibility that the matter of our ‘engagement’ might come up again.




“Welcome to Filsand. I am Damund, the lord of Filsand.”


Damund Feldi Filsand.


The lord of the Filsand territory of the Kingdom of Feldi. Also a Duke of said kingdom.


He is welcoming us in the audience hall of this castle of his which is surrounded by four huge defense towers.


“ “To the Great Wizard Gio Margils-sama, salute!” ”


The two rows of knights thrust their swords into the ground in unison. With their pure black full plate armor, they honestly look like bad guys.


My [Sense of Adept]-activated eyes tell me that they are mostly around Level 4. Considering how normal soldiers are Level 1, these must indeed be elite.


I then turn my eyes to the man looking down at us from his seat two dais above us.


His age seems to be similar to mine.


Black hair with streaks of white. His hair has been grown out, and is in a very formal-looking style. Solidly built physique, armor several degrees more magnificent than that of the knights, and a longsword resting on his knees.


His eyes are shining brightly. He is not looking at us like we are below him, and there is no hatred either. In actual fact, [Detect Enemy] is showing no reaction.


The strength in his eyes is most likely a reflection of his own strong will and ambition.


Anyways, he is turning out to be someone contrary to various expectations that I had held. Due to that, I was late in noticing the beautiful lady wearing a slightly high exposure dress standing beside him.


The empty seat next to the Duke’s is most likely hers.


What I had expected was a greasy-looking noble with bulging fat, but…… I guess such a cliched villain character was too much to hope for.


When I take a closer look with [Sense of Adept], [Human / Male / 43 Years Old / Level 15 Warrior] appears above the Duke’s head. His level is even higher than War General Kanbelis’...... The lady next to him is [Human / Female / 37 Years Old / Level 7 Wizard].




As I inadvertently stare intently at them, Claura surreptitiously pokes me in the back. Oh right, thank you for the reminder.


Because the master of this place, the Duke, had named himself first, then I’m supposed to address him myself.


“I am the lord of Jiiteias Castle, the Wizard Gio Margils. We are truly grateful for having been granted the honor of this audience.”


I look up at the Duke, and nod slightly in way of salutation. Originally, this greeting is only acceptable between nobles of equal ranks.


“Oh, no, the honor is all ours. After all, our family will be welcoming the great hero who possesses an enormous amount of magical power as my son-in-law.”




The Duke’s unexpectedly intimate tone causes several auras behind me to become discomposed.


We did not expect the Duke to be the one to first broach this subject. However, we did give some thought to the various possible ways for the Duke to react, and we understand that the safest option for him is to first take Elizabel’s brag at face value and take me in.


“And so, since you are pretty much already family, this positioning is not appropriate, don’t you agree?”


“Come, Margils-sama. Please take this seat.”


The Head Chamberlain is indicating towards the seat placed next to the Duke’s.


“What is the matter? There is no need to hesitate. With your magical power and my brilliance in mind, let’s have a talk about changing the world map a little, shall we?”


After reading a few of his thoughts with my ESP Medal……


…… It seems that this Duke apparently thinks I’m the same kind of person he is.

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