“Come, Margils-sama. Please take this seat.”


The place that the Head Chamberlain is smilingly directing me towards is the empty seat beside the Duke of Filsand.


The stunning beauty next to the Duke is also beckoning me over with a sweet smile.


The fact that the Duke called me ‘son-in-law’ means that Elizabel’s and my cover story must have already reached his ears. But it’s really hard for me to deny it now, since we were the ones  who spread it around in the first place.


«So this is the great magician…… no, Great Wizard who made the Carbanera Knight Order and Liuus Alliance submit by calling down rains of meteors, built his castle with an army of giants, and routed a savage tribe with a gigantic dragon…...»


Though the Duke has a friendly smile on his face, it seems that he is thoroughly evaluating me.


«Those eyes of his that lack ambition…… all I can see it a low rank staff member of the Magician’s Guild.»


Not that it’s any of your business. You’re not far off, though.


«But on the other hand, I can’t imagine an underling being so relaxed in front of me and my army.»


“Come, there is no need to be reserved. According to what I’ve heard, you have helped out my daughter quite a bit.”

«I’ve now offered you a seat of equal authority to my own. How will you react?»


“No, I’m afraid I cannot do that at the moment.”


I don’t mind being equal, but I feel that becoming his son-in-law would be too dangerous.


While he is evaluating me right now, I need to get him to understand that I am a rational person who hopes only for peace.


“In regards to your daughter, there is much that I must discuss with you about. I do not yet have the right to sit on that seat.”


“Fumu…… If you say so, then it must be so.”

«He doesn’t want a position equal to mine? Guess he wouldn’t be satisfied if he isn’t at the very top.»


Why did you interpret it that way.


I seriously want to shout “Are your eyes made of glass marbles?!”......


The Duke interprets my experience with the Carbanera Knight Order and the Liuus Alliance as “he used his power to force them to submit.” It is true that I had used a [Meteor] to get the brass at White Sword Castle to believe me. In Lelis, I had spent a large amount of money and pressured the Council Chairman to do what I want, and acted quite audaciously in general.


If someone only looks at those facts, then I suppose I can’t really fault them for coming to the conclusion that I am someone who uses power to force those weaker than me into submission.


I have half a mind to lower my head profusely like when I was a salaryman, but that would ruin the ‘Great Wizard’ brand image that I’ve been working to build up this entire time, so I know I can’t do that.


“...... And so, I will stay here. Let’s talk at this place. It was us who visited all of a sudden, so there is no need to attend to us overly so.”


“No worries, my Castle of Fortitude is always prepared to welcome privileged guests. My apologies for not having been attentive enough.”

«So he’s telling me to welcome him with all I have if I don’t want his mood to go sour? Dammit, I get it already.»


“Head Chamberlain! What are you standing around for! Prepare the feast to welcome Margils-dono and his retainers! Now!”




Then the Duke’s command is carried out swiftly.


Several large tables are carried into the hall, and then innumerable plates of delicacies from both mountain and sea are lined up on top.


Musicians come in and begin playing elegantly, and beautiful women wearing sheer silk dance along.


I end up having to sit next to the Duke at the top of the table. Not as a son-in-law, but as a guest.


On both sides are my companions (with Elizabel looking decidedly uncomfortable at having been assigned the foot of the table) and the Duke’s subordinates. I see a few warriors and thieves in his employ who are Level 10 or even slightly higher, which confirms for me that his army is indeed extremely elite.


I wouldn’t really call it ‘by the way,’ but I also take the opportunity to read the consciousness of his Knight Captain and court magician……


«I can only see a seedy-looking ossan…… does that mean that his true power is so great that I cannot comprehend it?»


«I don’t feel even a thread of magical power from him. However, if the information from the Duke’s intelligence operatives is true, then he is even more of a master than the first generation Magician’s Guild Guildmaster. If I offend him even a little bit, he might turn me into cinders…...»


…… and it is mostly that. Though they have some things right, in general they have been affected by the Duke’s attitude and think of me as a fiendish tyrant.


“Great Wizard-sama, please allow me to refill your cup.”


“...... Ahh.”


A waitress wearing an outfit with so much exposure that she’s almost half naked is about to pour more wine into my cup.


Troubled with where to look, I turn to my side, at which the Duke genially (pretending to) broaches conversation with me.


“Well then, what shall we talk about first? I also have a mountain of things I want to talk with you about, but…… as courtesy dictates, will you tell me your business first?”

«Fun. So he doesn’t care for women. Dark Elf and female magician…… and he’s even laid hands on Elizabel. It’s a certainty that he likes women. I thought he likes big breasts, but…… does this mean that he’s content with what he already has?»


This ESP Medal that enables me to read the other party’s thoughts is without a doubt as useful for negotiations as it is unfair, but…… my heart is also receiving a lot of damage.


“Th-, thank you for your consideration. Very well then, I shall tell you my business. First is a proposal from both Jiiteias Castle and Fablu-dono over there in representation of Senpu Village……”


With Fablu and Irudo providing the occasional supplement, I explain the development project of connecting Lelis, Jiiteias Castle, Senpu Village, and Filsand with a brand new trade route.


Although he should already have a certain amount of information, the Duke still looks surprised.


“Hou. That is a welcome proposal indeed. If goods from Senpu Village and Liuus Alliance reach Filsand, then our ports would flourish that much more.”

«I’ve read the reports, but to think that he can talk about this as well. He understands not only the power of force, but also the power of money. If I have his power, then I really might be able to gain all of Feldi…...»


At this rate, am I going to be swept up into becoming accomplice to a revolt inside Feldi……?


It’s true that I want that trade route, but if it means becoming so deeply involved with his affairs……


“Nn? Oh, sorry.  Is this side show not exciting enough for Margils-dono? Oi, send those musicians away! Bring out the prisoners in the underground jail and the monsters that we captured that time, and have them fight to the death!”


Misunderstanding my slight sigh, the Duke says something completely outrageous.


“NO, no, no, no. I do not wish to see such a sight. Rather than that, the music and dancing just now was splendid. I was only sighing in wonder at how good it was.”


“...... Is that so? Then that’s good. Oi, continue!”

«Speaking of which, this guy can freely summon and control monsters. Guess he got bored of watching that kind of show. Seriously, his blank expression makes him that much more frightening.»




I think I somehow get it now.


It’s not that the Duke is stupid. No, in fact, he is very perceptive, and has a very extensive information network. It’s just that his own beliefs and rationality renders him incapable of imagining someone like me — someone who possesses power but doesn’t use it for personal reasons.


There is still much that he and I will have to talk about.


Even while being welcomed with every courtesy possible, I find myself gently pressing on my stomach.

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