The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 10 - Artefact and mission from the sorcerer supreme

The ancient one looked at Elijah and said abruptly: " I taught you all there is to teach , now you need life and death battle experience to be more proficient with the mystic arts . But first come with me " The ancient one dispersed the mirror dimension in which they sparred and walked in the ancient halls of Kamar-Taj until they arrived to a steel enchanted door . The ancient one opened the gate and Elijah could see numerous magical artefacts cased in different shelves . She motioned him to follow while explaining:" this is the treasury , not as impressive as Odin's vault but will do . We're here to get your artefact . Just concentrate and feel the artefact which you have the most connection with . "

Elijah did as she said and closed his eyes and he could feel magical energy coming from all the artefacts , he concentrated more and he felt a sudden pull and followed it then opened his eyes to see a normal standard katana with a black wooden hilt . He turned toward his grandmother figure questionably . As if feeling his confusion, she steadily explained :" This is a soul bound weapon . It is blank . Its abilities depend on the user ."

Elijah was surprised as he could draw similarities between this katana and a Zanpakutõ , he couldn't help but feel excited at the concept of having one . He took the katana by the hilt and swung it around getting feel for it . He turned to his teacher and requested: " I need to enter seclusion Teacher ."

After taking permission , Elijah retreated to a small cave in the himalayas mountains . He had found this cave one day while touring the sky . He sat down cross legged and put the katana on his ŀȧp and entered Jinzen . When he opened his eyes , he entered a vast field where lay endless swords . He looked forward to gaze upon a pale woman with white hair resembling his own standing elegantly on the hilt of a sword . A staring contest issued between the two and as if communicating with their silence , they ran toward each other each holding a sword .

- A week later in the outside-

Sounds of sword clacking could be heard and two figures could be seen engaged in a sword battle .

Despite only a week passed , inside his inner world more time has relatively passed .

Elijah has solidified his connection with his Zanpakutō spirit and after long drawn battles , in which he mostly lost , he learned his Zanpakutō's name and even with small verbal communication between

The two he forged a strong connection with her surely making her a valuable ȧsset to have in battle .

The battle ended and the female Zanpakutō spirit smile lightly for the first time :" it 's enough . You have improved a lot . You should exit meditation but before you go . The Asauchi has changed shape , you will see it when you go . And lastly the Zanpakutō can be hidden in your soul and you'll get it once you think about summoning it forth ."

Elijah nodded earnestly and smiled back at her then exited his meditation. Looking at his Zanpakutō which changed , now all black with the hilt having a coiling eastern dragon and square light cross guard . Elijah was amazed at the beauty of the blade , thinking about hiding it , the katana shone lightly and dispersed signifying its existence by a tattoo of dragon coiling on a blade in his arm .

Elijah exited his seclusion and opened a portal to Kamar-Taj. He looked for his teacher and finally found her in her hall looking a bit distressed, he can guess that something had popped up while he's away .

Elijah straightened himself and inquired:" Master is everything alright?"

The ancient one answered immediately:" No . A threat has awakened. En Sabah-Nur has awakened and he's running amok . I have a mission for you . The target is him ." She said while showing a projection of En Sabah-Nur/Apocalypse feet recorded in the long history.

Elijah realises the gravity of the situation and the danger that Apocalypse pose specially with his four horsemen which he can guess are now ( Ororo Monroe , Angel , Psylocke and Magneto ) .

He accepted the mission and retreated to his room to change . He opened a small suitcase and took a necklace after putting it a black futuristic tactical suit materialised itself . This is the fruit of incorporating magic and technology: Magi-tech . The suit made from the rest of his vibranium stash and some Uru metal given to him by his master. It has several enchantments and technology that amplify the power of spells and reduce physical damage . Elijah put on a clack cloak taken from his suitcase and walked toward the hall to open a portal to New York . After opening the portal , he heard a voice from behind :" Be safe and make sure to come back ." Said the ancient one wishing him good luck like a caring parent .

Elijah smiled and said :" i'll be sure to comeback teacher ." And walked through the portal .

Xavier's school for the gifted , 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center.

A portal is seen opening in the air above the X mansion and a figure clad in black walked from it . Elijah scanned his surroundings and looked toward the Xaviers' former estate to find some of it destroyed . Elijah can guess that Charles Xavier is already kidnapped and his body will host Sabah Nur so he can use his telepathic mind to control the world's population. Elijah scanned the area to see if all the young mutants are okay then opened another portal directly to Cairo.

He arrived to see En Sabah Nur giving a speech to his horseman while instructing Erik Leschner/Magneto to use his magnetic control to cause destruction across the planet .

Erik in his red suit and helmet took the air to start the process under the watch of Apocalypse and the rest of his horsemen . It was then when a sudden pressure engulfed the place alerting Apocalypse first then the rest of his men but it was too late as Elijah descended on Magneto crashing him on the ground and knocking him out .

The rest horsemen and their master were surprised when a black armoured figure descended and crashing Erik 's body , specially since they expect Apocalypse couldn't move due an invisible pressure.

En Sabah-Nur looked pissed at the sudden interruption and looked toward Elijah questionably and asked :" Who are you ? Why are you interfering with my plans ?"

Elijah stayed silent and answered by lifting Magneto's body telekinetically and took of the helmet protecting erik's mind then sent a psychic attack immersing him in deep sleep .

This sudden action brought alertness to Apocalypse who smiled a bit and said : " it seem you have skills . Come join me . Worship me as a God and i'll make you stronger ."

The attempt a temptation was answered by Elijah who disappeared and reappeared in front of the ancient former god of Egypt and took him hand around the face and flew to the sky then plummeted in high speed throwing Apocalypse's body to the ground while also conjuring spikes that come out the ground . Apocalypse crashed fiercely on the ground covered with conjured spikes that penetrated his body . He looked quite pained with the sudden injury.

Elijah used this time to materialise chains to bind Angel who unruffled his wings , Psylocke who unsheathed her energy blade and Ororo who summoned forth her lightning . He then cast a paralysis spell on then so they won't interfere with his epic battle .

Apocalypse used his power to disintegrate the spikes and regenerated healing his injury . Elijah knew that the first mutant is able to regenerate but he wanted to observe the process and analysing his regeneration , he found it to be a side effect of molecule manipulation. Apocalypse responded by sending several energy wave blasts at The recent master of mystic arts . Elijah used this chance to test his suit and flew through the energy blast activating his suit kinetic energy absorption . Elijah was inwardly happy that it worked , he then directed all the absorbed energy to his fist sending a punch to Apocalypse face disorienting him , he them began to attack him using superior speed to hinder him from draw power from outside sources as Apocalypse is known to do . The ancient mutant only responded by sending projectile or manipulating the molecules around him which Elijah found counter to using mystic arts . Elijah is now that his apprenticeship and learning Sorcery is a wise decision. After a long battle of attrition , Elijah found that destroying Apocalypse body isn't enough to send him to kingdom come. The only option is destroying his soul . Feeling it's time to end the battle, Elijah summoned his Zanpakutō from his tattoo and called slowly : " Destroy with your wrath . Kuroi Inazuma "

After calling the name of his Zanpakutō a burst of energy flowed symbiotically between Elijah and his blade . The immense power up made Elijah glow with a blue hue with black lightning crackling on him . He then took a stance and sent consecutive lightning attacks toward Apocalypse . The mutant tried to used his power to deflect and dodge the attacks but it went through all the shields and he was hit with one attack that shook his soul and he could feel loosing grasp over his power . The attack that Elijah used was a soul attack that he created based on Kuroi's ( Zanpakutō spirit) lightning affinity , he named the attack Dragon's wrath .

Apocalypse started losing footing and knelt while looking toward his ever silent attacker while asking : " who are you ?"

Elijah walked toward his fallen enemy and answered almost mechanically :" i'm just a guy commissioned to protect the earth for 400 years ." He then used his blade to decapitate him speeding Apocalypse's destruction under the baffled eyes of the paralysed three awoke horsemen and the newly arrived X-men who have already rescued charles Xavier from the dungeon where the ritual should've happened. Elijah noticing the recent arrival , gazed upon them while his face hidden with the black mask . Elijah suddenly could feel a psychic attack on his mind and he could guess the culprit being the ever curious Charles Xavier . Elijah responded by nullifying the attack and sending his own mental attack probing the young professor's mind and showing him how it's done .

The young professor's eyes rolled as he heard the calm voice say : " don't probe people minds carelessly specially someone who can kill you without lifting a finger ."

Elijah exclaimed while he started to walk away from the scene clicking his fingers one last time freeing the three bound horsemen leaving stunned and confused X-men and an anxious Xavier who was checking on his unconscious Frenemy ( Magneto) .

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