The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 11 - Celestial tech and P.E.G.A.S.U.S

Elijah left the scene then headed toward the pyramid like dungeon where Apocalypse's base and former prison lay . Before entering he called the ancient one confirming the completion of the mission.

He entered the dungeon and walked in the hallways leading up to a pyramid structure littered with some gold schematics . He then walked to the walls and looked for a secret entrance . Touching some bricks , the wall separated itself and he was greeted by a a big Warehouse. Looking over its contents, Elijah found a celestial-tech based ship , several chambers that he could guess are rejuvenation chamber , an Armoury of various celestial-tech weapons . He walked to a giant desktop resembling a big futuristic computer . Turning it on , he found it the screen displaying several foreign characters lucky for him that he read a book about celestial language in Kamar-Taj. Deciding to let Eve (the A.I) sort through all the information in the data bank , Elijah opened a portal to one of his empty bases walked through it and activating several Helper/builder Androids, that he created , to transfer all the contents of the celestial tech to his base . After several hours of moving , Elijah and his androids returned to the base and Elijah closed the portal after emptying and destroying Apocalypse's former base . Elijah returned to his mansion in New York , took a shower and rested for a bit before teleporting ( using a portal) to his base and started on deciphering and ȧssimilating all the more than millennia knowledge of the celestial race .

-2 week later -

Elijah spent two gruelling weeks without enough sleep and using several memory partitions in his mind to learn all the knowledge he collected from Cairo . He found several uses for the rejuvenation chamber after dismantling it and understanding it , he created a new one that can heal any wounds given a small period . He also started dismantling all the technology that can manipulate the x genes giving new abilities to the mutants or augmenting them . The most fascinating thing that he found was the teleportation devices that Sabah Nur used to take as a method of transportation. He started working on integrating the teleportation device technology with the sling ring spell of dimensional portal .

Elijah mused over his future projects and what product can he create to sell in his company and what product to keep for himself , when Eve suddenly interrupted his thoughts: " Excuse me Sir , You mother is calling ."

Elijah answered the call : " Hello Mom , how are you ? "

"I'm fine honey , where are you ?"-Linda

"I'm working on some new projects mother ." -Elijah

"There is here some people from That S.H.I.E.L.D organisations that you told us about , some U.S Airforce scientist and the director of NASA. Could you come quickly to see what they want , they said they need to speak with you personally."-Linda

" Hmm Okay Mother . I'll be there in 15 min ."-Elijah

-15 min later , Haven industries CEO office -

Elijah opened his mother's office door and greeted his mother , she then presented the people present in her office :" This is Alexander Pierce , the director of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Dr Wendy Lawson

, she's a scientist working the us airforce and this the director of NASA " -Linda

Elijah shook hands with the guests present and introduced himself : " I'm Elijah Müller . The owner and chief scientist in Haven industries ."

Alexander pierce earnestly Answered: "Nice to meet you Mr.Müller , can we talk in Private ?"

" Sure . Follow me ."said Elijah bidding farewell to his mother and motioning to the three guests to follow him . Elijah walked his private office and opened it using his biometrics . He then sat down in hi office chair and motioning to the guest to sit in front of him . The guests were bit unnerved with Elijah's lack of communication and His emotionless face specially Pierce who despite running a spy agency never managed to acquire valuable information on Elijah due to him being rarely in the public eye and lack of interview or friends . Elijah gave his three guests a inquiring gaze as if asking them what do they want .

Dr. Wendy Lawson understanding the look said smilingly: " We have created a joint research project between the three agencies and we have invited several brilliant scientists and we would like to invite you to participate."

Elijah inwardly understood what they want , they want him to participate in the Light-speed engine using the tesseract . Elijah feigning ignorance asked :" What project?"

"Well it's classified , we can't tell you until you agree and sign a non disclosure agreement." -Alexander Pierce

"No . "-Elijah

" what do you mean No? "-NASA Director asked while the two others looked confused too .

" i won't agree to work on a project which i know nothing about . I don't have time for that . I have a company to run ." -Elijah said emotionlessly

The three were surprised at his refusal as several scientists would jump at the chance to work on this sort of project.

The three discussed between themselves for a while in whisper , then taking a chance Dr wendy Lawson handed him a file . Elijah took it , it had the logo of the three contributing agencies and titled Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. , he took his time reading the whole file while inwardly impressed with the level of genius that is the Undercover Kree ( Dr Lawson ) and the level of scientific development that the kree empire held . Despite that Elijah found several problems and flaws in the design of the engine specially since he came in contact with celestial technology . Elijah thought for a while and decided it's okay to work with them he can monitor Dr Lawson as his mission from the A.O to protect the earth and to make a connection with Carol Danvers whom he ȧssumed is transferred to the project as a pilot and the main reason to work with them is to come in contact with the tesseract to understand more about space to speed up his personal projects .

Elijah looked toward the three and said specially to Dr Lawson : " 1 month . You will have me for 1 month . Your design has some flaws , but it's ingenious."

After 1 hour of negotiation in which Elijah managed to milk some resources from S.H.I.E.L.D. without hinting that he knew too much about them . Elijah agreed to work on the project .

-1 month later -

During this month Elijah worked hand in hand with Lawson and they both held respect for each other genius specially Dr.Lawson when she found out how efficient and smart Elijah was .

He had met with both Carol Danvers and Maria Rombeau and talked with them for a bit . Danvers was a strong independent woman who has some tomboyish quirks and a bit sassy since she specially used mull over how handsome Elijah was .

In his work concerning the project Elijah solved several problems to Dr. Lawson's speeding up the light-speed engine construction.

As for the Tesseract , Elijah managed covertly to perform different scans on it with the help of Eve deepening his understanding over space Energy which he's sure will make his projects progress by leaps and bounds.

Today is the last day of Elijah's stay in joint dark energy ( where project P.E.G.A.S.U.S is ) and he's now sitting in Lawson's office .

"Thank you for your help in the project Mr. Müller ."-Lawson

" No Problem . "-Elijah

" is there something you need ?"-Lawson

"Yes, when you finish the engine leave the earth Miss Mar Vell "-Elijah

A deafening silence ensued while Dr Lawson's eyes bugged out of their sockets .

She stuttered :" Howw d-do you know about me ? W-w-ho are you ?"

"Who i am isn't important, what's important is for you to leave when you're done . The earth doesn't need to be a battlefield for the kree-skrull war . Am i understood Kree ?"said Elijah boring his gaze on her .

She nodded numbly in understanding while Elijah turned and exited her office leaving her baffled and alert and a bit afraid specially since Elijah leaked a bit of bloodlust while addressing her .

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