The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 13 - Muspelheim and Progress

Sulfur smell permeated the atmosphere . Only lava and fire could be seen in the horizon . The gravity in this place are several times higher than that of Midgard . This is the land of Muspelheim , the realm of fire , where Surtur lays in wait to reign fire and destruction on Asgard .

Severals screeching and animalistic noises could be heard , a small hoard of fire demons, sons of Surtur, fierce and primitive soldiers , one if them could make Captain America look like a canon fodder; this hoard could be seen running in group towards a lone simple black clothed , white haired target . The target is of course Elijah who after hitting roadblock in practicing the Asura body training manual , decided to go on an adventure to experience battle and upgrade his strength and gain more experience in using magic in a fight .

Elijah took a small enchanted chokuto and got ready to face the upcoming horde . It's been a week since he came here and he repeated the same thing everyday engaging hordes of fire demons and he could feel his strength growing and his battle proficiency progressing , also his body adapted itself to the environment of Muspelheim and he developed fire immunity, this development made him happy and amazed at the wondrous body he received from God that can adapt and evolve without shackles.

Elijah stopped mulling over his thoughts and attacked the closest demon cutting his head , he then started using his chokuto in his right hand and firing spells with his left , cutting and blasting . He discovered that fighting many enemies at the same time birthed in him instinctive spatial awareness and small precognition ability, detecting presence in his vicinity and preconceiving attacks before they happened .

Elijah finished cutting the last fire demons , breathed in and out then sped looking for other hoards to fight .

After getting tired for the day , he returned to a small cave he found where he rested .

After repeating the same routine for several weeks . He got ready to leave Muspelheim , he opened a portal looked toward the crown of Surtur in the distance and remembered the encounter he had with the fire giant and walked through the portal.

<Flashback 4 days ago >

Elijah was doing his extermination of the fire demons when suddenly he heard a powerful voice penetrated the air :" So you're the pest that is killing my sons ."

Elijah turned around to face the giant body of the fire giant Surtur , the bringer of Ragnarök. He could feel the temperature reach it highest in the vicinity while he inwardly thought :' Shit now i have to fight this giant sack of bones . Thank God he doesn't have the eternal flame otherwise i would be already dead.'

Elijah didn't have the chance to gather his thoughts as a giant sword came swinging down on him . In a burst of speed he retreated several meters back and got ready the face the future destroyer of Asgard . Elijah took the air but got interrupted by Surtur sending a big stream fire , Elijah could feel that the attack has more than normal fire and it can harm him if it touches him despite his newly gained fire immunity. So he conjured a big conned rotating shield that deflected most of the attack but still injured him in him arm , so he quickly summoned his Zanpakutõ and as soon as the attack ended , Elijah used his speed to land a hit on Surtur body , disorienting him . He kept using his increased speed and attacked Surtur without giving him a chance to regain balance . Elijah was amazed at the durability of Surtur and knew the only way to kill him is to take his power source , the crown ; but he couldn't take it as it will be essential in someone's quest to fight Surtur . So the only way is to leave him alive . Elijah controlled some chains laying in the ground which Surtur use to chain his dragon and moved them bind Surtur's body from all his limbs and head . Elijah then quickly retreated to his cave to heal and rest .

<End of Flashback>

A portal could be seen opening in the cold wintery weather of Jotunheim. Elijah decided to come to Jotunheim to fight some frost giants . Elijah landed at the border of Laufey's kingdom . He thought about how to engage in battle with the best of the Jotuns warriors . Elijah looked around and found a squadron of jotuns sentries and thought : ' the best way to make that old manipulative bastard is to declare war hmm. This could be fun '

Elijah proceeded to kill the sentries leaving only one that he stuck on the wall using his spear (the sentry's spear) he then looked toward the frightened sentry and said : " Tell your king that i declare war on him , he has 1 day to come meet me in battle or i'll start wiping out his people ."

He then proceeded to throw the sentry telekinetically towards the center of Jotunheim.

The day after , Elijah is seen sitting down cross legged on small rock hill waiting to see if Laufey will take his invitation. He waited for 2 more hours before he could see several frost giants in the distance circling a dignified middle aged looking giant who Elijah guessed is the King Laufey . Elijah got up and put his zanpakutõ in his hilt and waited for the other party to come .

Laufey proceeded to look at Elijah up and down confirming that this the guy from the description given by the Sentry .

"Who are you ? You don't look like that man's spawn ."-Laufey

Elijah chuckled a bit and answered : " you mean Odin ? No i'm not even asgardian."

"Then who are you and what do you want ?"-Laufey

" I just want a fight "-Elijah

"Why would i fight you ? You're only one man . My army can get rid of you " smiled Laufey slyly and said motioning to his accompanying squad of soldier to get rid of him .

Elijah waited for the upcoming squadron and put his hands on the hilt of katana an waited until the squadron is at 3 meters distance and proceeded to blurred through them and sheathing his katana , with a clicking sound the small squadron of soldiers got shredded to pieces .

Laufey looked amazed at his skill but kept the fox-like he's known for while Elijah thought:'it seem he needs a better incentive.'

Elijah used his esper power to locate a close by meteorite and pulled it toward Jotunheim it crashed at the outskirts of populated areas while he looked directly at Laufey :" Either you fight or the next one will be bigger and will crash directly on your people."

Laufey frowned at the display of power and knew that he should fight but if he lost he will die without having revenge on Odin and Asgard . He took of his cloak and stepped forward to fight .

Elijah was relieved to see Laufey agreeing to fight cause despite his threats, he doesn't wanna eradicate the Jotuns . Fire demons may be mindless zombie like beast that could always repopulate but jotuns are aware and sentient and he's not one

for race extermination.

A battle began between, and Elijah knew why Laufey could go toe to toe with Odin before being slowly overwhelmed. The frosty king is very proficient in combat and his manipulation of the element of ice is deadly and accurate , if Elijah didn't have his perfect combat techniques he's sure he wouldn't have lasted 3 minutes in this fight despite his immense strength.

Clashes and slashes could be seen blurring in high speed between Elijah's katana and Laufey's spear . Laufey sent several ice spear trying to pin Elijah down to hinder mobility. Elijah rotated his katana quickly and deflected all the projectiles . Elijah then used his legs to kick Laufey in the carpals making him lose his spear . Elijah then quickly moved his hands throwing the spear far from Laufey grip to the surprise of Laufe's subordinates Hailstrum , Grundroth and Raze .

He quickly sheathed his katana and went to engage Laufy in hand to hand combat , nothing better than fighting a master hand to hand combatant to further his battle efficiency.

Punches , kicks and swipes were exchanged. Laufey's way of ice fighting is really deadly and really war-oriented . The battle went on for so long while Elijah used his chi to protect himself from the harmful ice attacks . Laufey threw a forward kick toward The young master sorcerer while the latter jumped and rolled mid air and delivered a powerful chi powered punch to the right pelvis of Laufey while he followed with a volley kick to the other pelvis . A powerful combo that rendered Laufey's shoulder momentarily paralysed . Elijah the used his katana to cut through The ice king thɨġhs making him lose balance and kneel , he then put the blade on Laufey's neck while waving a No sign to Laufey's subordinates who were preparing to attack him . Elijah looked at the Jotun king's red eyes and said :" you lose."

The king showed his usual smirk hiding the pain in his leg and shoulders and said :" so you're gonna kill me ?"

Elijah chuckled a bit and said mysteriously :" No you're gonna receive a disgraceful ending by someone close to you ."

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