The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 14 - Zanpakutõ upgrade and Thor


A black clothed hooded figure could be seen walking through the back alleys in this outlaw haven .

Suddenly 4 aliens surrounded the former . The leader a pale yellow alien with sharp dirty teeth approached the black clad figure and said :" Yo you look like your new here . You forgot to pay taxes , so give us all your belongings so we can be all friends Hahahaha ."

The black clad figure didn't answer just moved his right hand and the three goons dropped to the ground . The leader got scared and took his gun and started shooting at the figure while the latter blurred from sight , evaded the shots and broke the thugs' leader's neck .

The figure took off his hood showing a young looking tall teenager with pale milky white skin and white hair. This figure is of course Elijah who spent the two years since his fight with Laufey , travelling different planets and discovering different planets and species while he kept training and honing his skills to become a more perfect warrior and sorcerer.

Elijah sighed at the four dead bodies then headed toward the Tivan museum .

After a while , he arrived at the museum and entered. He was greeted by a kylorian slave " Welcome to the Travis Museum , how can i help you ? "

Elijah answered :" Trade with the collector ."

The slave girl nodded and went in the back to call him . After few moments , came a peculiar dressed man : " so what do you need ?"

" came to trade , i want a copy of all the scientific knowledge you have and books on asgardian magic ."Elijah

"Hmm i have both but that will cost you ."-The collector

Elijah nodded and opened a small portal next to him and started taking out 2 casket and a small box and presented them to the collector.

The collector leaned forward in excitement of having new trinket leaned forward to inspect the goods , he opened the two caskets and the box and after a while the collector looked toward Elijah bȧrėly hiding the glee in his eyes and said : " a jotun corpse , an external (En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse) from that backward planet called earth and 1 kg Vibranium. You're really spoiling me .

Wait for me here i'll be back ."

After 10 minutes, the collector came back with stacks of books written in asgardian and a memory bank and 500 million units (intergalactic currency) handed them over to Elijah . Elijah inspected the books and the memory bank then threw them in his dimension which he created last year to store items . He then walked away from the shop . Elijah then went to a back Alley and opened a portal to go to his next destination, Nidavellir.


Elijah arrived at Nidavellir , he walked forward to a dwarf and asked direction to where he could upgrade a sword . The dwarf showed him the way to the blacksmiths place .

Elijah arrived to a blacksmith place and greeted the dwarf present while summoning his zanpakutõ and asking the dwarf if he could upgrade it with Uru . The dwarf took the weapon and inspected it and frowned then asked Elijah to wait while he went to check something . The former waited until that dwarf came back and said : " Please follow me , our king would like to see you ."

Elijah nodded and followed suite while inwardly happy at meeting King Eitri.

They both arrived at a grande blacksmithing place .

In Eitri's office ,

" Hello there young man , I'm King Eitri . Strix here told me that you have a peculiar sword . Can i have a look ?"

Elijah nodded then handed his Zanpakutõ to King Eitri . He inspected for a while and then said : " truly amazing . A soul bound blade . The craftsmanship is well done . I can upgrade it . What metals do you want me to use ?"

" Your finest Uru and this .." said Elijah while handing some Vibranium to Eitri .

The latter's eyes twinkled when he saw the Vibranium and said :" Vibranium seriously you have some ."

Elijah nodded and said : " Now let's discuss payment. How much is gonna cost me your craftsmanship?"

Eitri used this opportunity to be a bit greedy and said :" 20 kgs of Vibranium."

Elijah shook his head and said : " 5"

"15" -Eitri

"10 and beer ." -Elijah

"What's beer? "-Eitri

Elijah gave Eitri two beer bottles to taste . The former knew dwarves liked alcohol. Eitri taste the beer and said :" this is amazing how much are you willing to give me ? "

"10 barrels ." -Elijah

Eitri smiled and said :" Deal , it will take 1 week to complete ."

<1 week later >

During this week , Elijah spent his time as guest of the dwarves . Despite being rude , the dwarves are amazing and diligent blacksmith and craftsman and hard drinker . Elijah had some small talks with Eitri where the latter talked about his race and their history and relationship with Odin and forging Mjølnir.

Eitri handed the newly improved blade to Elijah . The new blade is still black but now is metallic black jagged with blue linings . It simply looked marvellous, the blade has several enchantments .

-Badoon worlds -

Elijah arrived next to small hut by a river in a giant forest . He entered and took his clothes off and went to bathe in the river and then proceeded to sleep to rest .

Later that day , Elijah woke up to the sound of fighting in the distance . He got up and dressed up and went to see what's going on . He arrived to see 5 people fighting a small group of leftovers lowlifes living in the Badoon worlds . The 5 people looked peculiar , one blonde reckless fighter wielding a hammer who fight without care to his teammates, a bearded ace wielding warrior , a rapier wielding dashing young man , a mace wielding vanir and beautiful sword wielding woman.

The fight continued while the 4 warriors had a great harmony if fighting while the blonde hammer wielding warrior fought recklessly and used only his superior fighting skills and strength to overpower enemies .

Elijah got bored of watching and acted when seeing an arrow almost hitting the young beautiful female warrior . Elijah knocked over the arrow and controlled the 30 lowlifes and killed them by breaking their necks. The 5 warriors looked confused when their opponents floated then dropped to the ground dead . They looked right to find a handsome white haired teenager looking bored and a bit annoyed who said stoically :" you woke me up from my rest . Who are you ?"

The blonde one looked toward Elijah and presented himself arrogantly :" I am Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard and these are Sif and the warriors three Volstagg , Fandral and Hogun . And you are ? "

The 4 mentioned warriors nodded their head while keeping their alertness .

" you will know my name if you defeat me in battle Prince of Asgard ." Said Elijah emotionlessly

" you are also a warrior , yes le's battle ." Said the ever battle maniac Thor cheerfully

Elijah then sent a telepathic message to Sif and the warriors three :' don't help him in this battle.'

Elijah summoned his new blade , no better way to taste it then against Mjølnir .

The battle began with several high speed clashes of hammer and sword . Thor being more than 1000 years of battle experience could give Elijah a run for his money . The battle continued to stay at stand still until Thor charged his hammer with lightning and threw the lightning at Elijah at the same time the latter activated his shikai and sent his black lightning powered self created attack 'Dragon's wrath ' , the two attacked clashed and issued resounding boom that shook the foundation of the Badoon world . When the dust settled , Thor looked ahead and saw no trace of Elijah and thought that he had killed him until he felt a blade on his voice and a familiar voice resounding: " for someone more than 1000 years old you sure fight without using your head . Be mindful of your comrades when you fight , the lovely warrior was almost killed due to your mistake and be aware that the universe is vast and there are several beings that could kill you . "

After saying his piece , Elijah took the air and flew away and his voice could be heard in the distance clearly :" and my Name is Elijah Müller we will meet again asgardian Prince ."

Elijah's figure disappeared in the horizon leaving a speechless Thor due to losing and a red faced Sif due to being called lovely ...

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