The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 16 - Phoenix

Jean Grey was very angry . Last week she was hurt during a mission with the X-men in space , she was hit by solar flare like energy ever since then she felt more confident more in tune with her mind and more powerful. But everything went downhill when she accidentally unleashed her powers and her fellow mutants in Xavier's school . During thus event the mental block on her mind was lifted and she learned that she was responsible for her mother's death and that her father is still alive .

After meeting her father , she discovered that he is resentful toward her for killing her mother . Angered by this development, she tried to leave when she was confronted by her fellow X-men where she fought them and almost killed Raven . After leaving , she sought Erik Lehnsherr to help her control her power but she was turned down . She then an alien woman who helped her understand what's going on with her . It seems that she is now the host of a primal and destructive force called the Phoenix force .

Now she is angry while looking at most of the X-men confronting her and Hank McCoy who allied himself with Erik to kill her .

While in her anger she didn't noticed a portal open behind her until she felt light-headed and the last thing she saw was the same guy she saw fight and kill Apocalypse .

The guy is of course Elijah who found Jean Grey's location and headed there while thinking about ways he could deal with the tremendous power of the Phoenix force . Elijah decided that first taking care of loose ends is in order and to do that Jean Grey needs to be knocked out . So he opened a portal directly behind her and put a power disabling obedience disk he bought from his space travel similar to the the ones used on gladiators on Sakaar then put several magical seals to block the power of Jean halting the merger between her and the force .

Elijah then opened a portal and from it came out a floating medical stretcher , Elijah quickly put the knocked out Jean on the gurney and sent her through the portal . All this happened within seconds , before the X-men could register what happened , jean has already disappeared. Elijah relaxed after taking care of the issue and looked toward the bald middle aged man in the wheelchair and said : " we meet again mind rȧpėr , it seems I always have to deal with your shenanigans."

Before Xavier could answer the young lovestruck Alex Summers stepped forward : " where is she ? Where is Jean ? Bring her back . "


Alex Summers blasted a laser beam at Elijah while the latter just shrugged and conjured a reflective panel deflecting the attack . At the same time Nightcrawler tried to sneak up on Elijah but in vain as he was slapped with a power disabling collar . Elijah looked toward Xavier and warned : " hold your dogs or you gonna lose more of them ."

Elijah said sternly while leaking his immense soul pressure making it harder to breathe for the present mutants . Elijah got to work when he noticed the upcoming U.S troops coming to arrest Jean and subdue All the mutants present . Elijah wanting to be low key , used one of his new magics and cast a powerful illusion on the troops making them deviate their trajectory and head somewhere else far away .

Elijah turned back to the bald headed Xavier and Magneto and said :" there is an alien force coming here , deal with the soldiers and leave the leader for me . And you this is to heal your girlfriend , a one time deal and don't try to replicate it . The serum will collapse if tampered with . " while he threw a vial of healing serum he had made using the new flora of Inselheim to the disillusioned Hank McCoy.

The two factions leaders nodded numbly at his order while Hank McCoy left hurriedly to try and save his beloved . When the D'bari forces arrived led by Vuk , the one seeking the power of the Phoenix for herself . Elijah singled her away from her forces and subdued her quickly before she could use the small amount of Phoenix force she absorbed secretly and discretely from Jean .

Elijah lifted the subdued Vuk and left the scene leaving the rag tag group of mutants to handle the fallout .

-Inselheim , Secure lab -

Elijah arrived where he had sent the knocked out Jean , he put the alien shapeshifter in another gurney .

Elijah got ready and ordered Eve to activate several security protocols , he then went and put his hand over Jean's forehead and entered her mind scape . When he accessed her mind scape , he was surprised to see how bleak it is . It seems that Jean psychological issues ran too deep and the mental block Xavier out on her had hurt her mind . Elijah walked until he found the sitting form of Jean holding her knees and looking afraid , he could see the representation of the seals he put . But the peculiar thing was that jean was connected by a thing line . He followed the line until he found himself face to face with the raging destructive manifestation of power in the form of a blazing Phoenix . He could feel primal power emanating from the mythical Phoenix while the latter bore his eyes at Elijah . It was as if it was testing him , inspecting him . The ancient being of power felt the power Elijah's mind and tried to change host . Elijah was surprised at the development and resisted the intrusion, he knew that he can't resist for so long , so he kept thinking of ways to get of his current predicament, Elijah looked one more at the blazing Phoenix and he suddenly had an epiphany as he found with his perception darkness that didn't seem to match with Phoenix power , it looked fairly familiar to Elijah until he remembered his illusions knowledge, The darkness ensnared the Phoenix . Elijah on the verge of collapse summoned all the magical power he can get his hands on and casted an illusion break spell followed with a cleansing spell at the Phoenix. Both the spell landed successfully and disoriented the majestic bird . The giant bird looked like he was fighting himself as he was fighting to restore his sanity from the illusion. The Phoenix blazed himself strongly and regained control of himself and flapped his flaming wings looking changed as if it was reborn again . The Phoenix looked around feeling refreshed then cast a grateful glance at the kneeling Elijah , who lost balance after casting the two spells , and screeched almost happily then used his wing to approach Elijah . The latter feeling no malice from the majestic creature used his hands to touch the approaching wing . When both limbs touched Elijah lost conciseness while his astral form returned to his body along with the Phoenix .

In the outside , Elijah could be seen on flames , limbs disappeared and regrew themselves from the flames . Elijah's white hair which was almost at his shoulders disappeared and regrew itself until it was reaching his bottom , his skin looked flawless and his muscles looked more compact .

The transformation lasted several hours until Elijah's nȧkėd body could be seen on the ground , after a while he started regaining conciseness , he opened his eyes and looked around finding himself on the ground of his lab , he felt weird , he could infer that he is more powerful, his mind is more clear and faster , his senses are improved beyond what he could remember, he could see small details.

He deduced that he is the new host of the Phoenix force .

Elijah decided to enter his mind scape to investigate the situation.

When he entered, he found himself in a virtual world . Due to practicing his meditation technique, his mind scape evolved to represent a world where Elijah stored all his knowledge and esper power . Now he could feel that his inner world has increased in size , looking around for the culprit , he found the Phoenix sitting majestically on a mountain cave entrance . Elijah approached the bird and floated to be on eye level . The bird looked at Elijah and screeched , the latter was surprised when he could understand the screeching that meant :" Thank you for breaking me from the illusion , my former host felt to an illusion and as i always bond in the mind of hosts , it affected me too ."

" I understand, you're welcome . It was the only way i had left to stop you from taking me over. So am i you new host ? "Elijah

" more and less . I merged with you , you will have access to all my powers but gradually depends on your hard work and understanding. You are strong and bonding with you is the best choice . You're now immortal like me so we are now companions for life "-the Phoenix

Elijah was surprised at the information and specially that now he has the longevity that can put asgardians to shame . Elijah looked toward the majestic bird and said emotionlessly :" I guess you're now my new friend ."

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