The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 17 - New powers and Jean

Elijah exited his mind scape after establishing a mental link where he can always remain in contact with the Phoenix. He then walked to the body of the shapeshifter and absorbed the small amount of Phoenix force she absorbed , after that he signalled to one of his androids to take the alien body to storage for later experiments .

Elijah turned his gaze toward the sleeping form of Jean Grey and asked his avian companion mentally : " is she gonna die ?"

"No , i left small portion of the force in her but she is mentally scarred , she needs healing ." -The Phoenix

Elijah decided to save her as she could be a powerful ally if her abilities are trained properly , so he asked :" is it possible for me to heal her ?"

The Phoenix ȧssured him : " Yes you can , you just need to manipulate the force inside her to heal her mind ."

Elijah approached the sleeping form of The redheaded mutant and instructed Eve to keep her sedated . He then concentrated on her mind until he could feel a familiar force lingering in her . He then directed the force to heal her mind , he could see with his perception the force flowing through her and nourishing her neurones and brain , hoping that this healing would making her more stable when she wakes up .

When he was done Elijah instructed Eve :" keep her sedated for a week but put her in a rejuvenation chamber . I will go to the mountains to harmonise with my new acquired power but call me when she wakes up . "

" Acknowledged sir ."-Eve

It took more than two weeks for Elijah to synch with the power of the Phoenix Force . It is very powerful and unmeasurable . He also discovered new powers he acquired from his new friend mainly increase of all his bodily attributes, his strength exceeded the 100 tons mark , his speed is nearing warp speed and he became virtually indestructible can only be destroyed by one of the singularities. Since the Phoenix is a psionic Nexus , the mind of Elijah had transcended its limits , his psychokinesis is nearing perfection in control and power while he also gained The ability to control molecules to disintegrate something completely or creating it coupled with the amazing ability of transmutation as he did some experiment and find himself able to change wood to gold or one metal to another due to the power of sub-atomic manipulation .

This led Elijah to begin to scratch the surface on the laws of creation and destruction . He now could teleport to any place in the universe without needing a portal .

After a conversation with the Phoenix, he understood that he could now control his immense life force to take life from something or give life to something. He used this power on animals and found it extremely powerful but he needs more understanding on Life and Death laws to perform it perfectly.

Before acquiring the Phoenix force and being immortal, Elijah used to practice both chi and magic , but now both those energies became his life force and now he can use his immense and unmeasurable life force to perform magic the same way Odin uses his life force to perform magic or augment his strength .

In between powers discovery and training , Elijah meditated a lot and used the Phoenix flames nourish the atmosphere of Inselheim purifying from any toxicity left by the Vibranium and nourishing the plants and trees until Inselheim became a sort of paradise, its beauty nearing the beauty of Asgard . The water in Inselheim became healing rejuvenation solution , the air became saturated with several energies .

Elijah welcomed becoming a true superpower in the universe with a huge relief as now he can be more able to protect himself and his parents, knowing future events isn't enough to remain safe , nothing can stand in front of absolute power not even knowing the future .

Elijah mused over his thoughts while sitting cross legged surrounded by several animals that basked in his aura . Elijah also found himself feeling connected to these animals . It was then when Eve's voice rang out :" Sir miss Grey is awake ."

Elijah breathed in and out then disappeared from his mountain abode in a burst of flames.

- 30 minutes before in Inselheim's base recovery room-

A redheaded beautiful girl could be seen lying on a floating high-tech thin medical gurney, suddenly her finger twitched and the holographic screen on top of her head showing her vitals rang lightly alerting Eve that the patient has woken up .

Jean woke up from her coma , her muscles felt atrophied but she felt better than she ever felt , her mind worked perfectly, she could feel confidence in her self . She tried to recall what happened until memories flowed into her mind . The accident when she was 8 , the mental block put on her by Xavier , the X-men and on .. a tear escaped her eye as she remembered all her life . And the last thing she remembered is the terrifying existence that wiped out Apocalypse knocking her out before she could fight the X-men and Magneto . She remembered that he said to Apocalypse that he was commissioned to protect the earth . She deduced that if she was a threat he will surely wipe her out . Jean shuddered at the thought and tried to sit right after a while she regained mobility an could sit . She looked around and found floating gurneys similar to the ones she was sleeping on , the room was all transparent and only violet holographic screen could be noticed , at her back a glass transparent wall separated her room and the outside world . When she looked outside she saw forests with multicoloured plants , the scenery resembled a paradise. When she tried to use her power , she couldn't it was as if something blocking her . She was knocked out from her thoughts by a a cough when she turned around she was greeted with the holographic image of a young woman clad in a professional looking business suit .

The young woman looked emotionless and her gaze looked dignified, said :" it seems you are awake Miss Grey ."

"Who are you ?"-jean

" EVE i'm an Artificial intelligence in service of the individual that brought you here ."-Eve

" you mean the guy that kidnapped me and killed Apocalypse in the past ?"-Jean

"Yes you were a threat to the universe , you have acquired something that you shouldn't have brought to earth Miss Grey ." Eve

" you mean the Phoenix thing that the alien woman talked about ?"-Jean

"Yes ."Eve

" Now what's gonna happen to me ? Is he gonna kill me ?" Jean

" i don't know but I don't think he will kill you after he used his precious time and me to heal you . Excuse i need to inform the sir ." Eve said then connected Elijah's communication device and said :" Sir miss Grey is awake ."

Jean got ready to meet the mysterious man that kidnapped her feeling nervous about her future . It was then when flames burst next the holographic form of Eve and the flames the frame of a handsome tall young man with white long hair and perfect skin . Jean kept looking at the embodiment of perfection in front of her gaping at the handsomeness of her captor immediately recognising him . She couldn't speak until the young man approached her and materialised a holographic screen that showed her medical history and vitals . The young man ignored her and kept looking at the screen and then said nonchalantly: "it seems you are okay ."

Jean was knocked back to reality by his voice which was foreign as a famous person few people managed to hear his voice . She stammered and said :" You're Youu'rrre Elijah Müller , they say that you're the smartest and youngest genius alive . "

Elijah looked unbothered and replied :" Yes that's me ."

Jean remembered that the young man in front her is her captor and said fearfully:" what is gonna happen to me now ? Are you gonna kill me ? "

Elijah looked weirdly at her with a raised eyebrow and then ignored her and looked back at Eve and asked :" How is the state of her mutant powers."

Eve replied immediately: " Her powers now are at the same level when you were 15 sir . They got upgraded specially after you healed her mind . But they are uncontrolled and if you remove the power suppressor and let her go back to the world she could cause disasters unintentionally Sir ."

Elijah nodded and looked back at Jean and thought for a while then said : " you're gonna stay in here , i will be training you until you control all you power perfectly then you get to decide what future you want ."

Jean surprised and happy that she gets to live nodded numbly in affirmation .

Elijah sighed at the added responsibility and instructed Eve :" Please bring me the inscription tattoo kit ."

After a while and android came holding a box in it a hand held tattoo machine . Elijah gripped the machine while Eve instructed Jean :" please take of your shirt and lay on your stomach."

Jean turned red at the concept of stripping in front of Elijah while the latter looked unbothered and put a face mask . Eve urged Jean to follow instructions and Jean did as told .

Elijah gloved and masked asked Jean :" i'm gonna put an important tattoo on your body . Is there any motif you would like to have ? ."

Jean thought and answered shyly :" A Phoenix please ."

Elijah nodded and started inscribing on jean shoulder while speaking :" the tattoo is a limiter to you power , at first instance it will help you control your power , the more you control the more the tattoo remove its restrictions. When you have full control of your power the tattoo will act as a personal power limiter that you can control ."

This tattoo is a result of Elijah study of asgardian runes magic coupled with the property of the energy absorbent Vibranium which is a component in the ink .

After a while the form of a beautiful Phoenix took shape in Jean's shoulder . Elijah finished inscribed and said : " Now rest your training begins tomorrow."

Jean didn't know at this time why she felt shiver crawl in her spine .

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