The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 18 - Begin training and Ulysses Klaue

- The next day -

Jean was sitting in a room provided by Elijah reading a book . She didn't sleep for long as she spent the whole night thinking about what the future hold for her .

It was then when Eve materialised in the middle of room .

" Miss Grey Good morning , in the cupboard to your right , there is training clothes . Please wear them and join the exit of the base in 10 minutes ." -Eve

" Okay Eve ."-Jean

Jean did as told and dressed in the clothed provided to her by Elijah which she found extremely comfortable. When she arrived at the exit gate , she found Elijah dressed in a simple black jogging outfit .

Elijah looked back at the incoming Jean and inwardly thought that this is why she was one of the sėxiest and prettiest woman in the Marvel universe , the redheaded woman looked absolutely dashing in the jogging clothes he asked Eve to make for her . Elijah just spared her a small glance them returned back to exit the opening gate while motioning to the young mutant to follow and he started to speak :" Welcome to Inselheim . This is my planet , in here you will have a proper training as an esper combatant . The atmosphere in here is clean but the gravity is bit stronger than that of earth . You will be living here during your training with me ." Spoke Elijah while walking through the woods of Inselheim heading toward a running waterfall. Jean nodded and listened carefully, when they arrived to the waterfall , she was amazed at its beauty . She followed Elijah while feeling the weight of gravity on her body . Elijah instructed Jean to sit crossed legged , the latter as was told , and Elijah approached her and removed the power suppressor he put on her when he kidnapped her .

When it was done Jean felt power rushing out of her in spades , small rocks started floating in her vicinity the phenomenon stopped when she felt a small prick in the place where Elijah tattooed her . She looked toward Elijah as if asking what she should do . Elijah understanding her impatience as she was someone who sought help controlling her power , explained slowly: " you are powerful mutant miss Grey , you base telepathic powers were at the same level of Charles Xavier , your telekinetic powers are also so . You were brought up wrongly thinking that your power is dangerous. Power is dangerous when it isn't controlled . You will be trained the same way i trained my psionic powers added with several physical workout so that your body will handle the stress of the psionic training , most of the time you will be training by yourself , sometimes i will be supervising you to correct you and help you .

While i say controlling your powers , what i mean in the precise term is harmonising with the power you were born with . It is a part of you , you need to accept it ."

Elijah finished his speech with a piercing gaze to Jean's eyes to make her understand the importance of being one with the power given . The 22 years old mutant nodded at the explanation given by Elijah .

Elijah took a beautiful high-tech watch from his pocket and handed it over to Jean :" This is a smart watch , in it you can find you training schedule . If you need something you can ask Eve using this watch . Now let's begin , i will be transferring a meditation technique directly to your mind . Most of your time , you will be meditating."

Elijah sent the technique telepathically. She received the information and committed it to memory .

-1 week later -

Behind the flowing water of a waterfall, A young redheaded young woman could be seen floating crossed legged while controlling a middle sized rock to orbit her while a young man in white hair observed her .

After a week of meditation and physical training, Elijah started Jean on precision training controlling different objects with various size , shape and weight .

A voice interrupted the sound of the flowing water . It was Eve who had important news to report :" Sir King T'chaka has murdered his brother Prince N'Jobu in Oakland , California ."

" Hmmm , any news on Ulysses Klaue ? "- Elijah

" Yes , he's at the salvage yard . He moves from place to place to evade the Wakandans ." Eve

" How much Vibranium he has ? " Elijah

" He took almost a quarter ton of it ." -Eve

"The guy's very resourceful."Elijah

"Indeed ."Eve

" well let's go steal from the thief . And please add Erik stevens , Prince N'Jobu's son to your watchlist . "-Elijah

" acknowledged sir ." -Eve

-Salvage Yard , coast of Africa -

In a ship full of celebrating drunk men , a man was looking like he's on cloud seven , Ulysses Klaue , he was very happy , the stash of Vibranium he stole is worth billions . He was more thrilled at the fact that he got some revenge on Wakandans for killing his great grandfather .

Suddenly his men men began dropping to the ground unconscious one by one . He took his gun to prepare for the upcoming threats but slowly he succumbed to the ground like his men seeing a blurry figure walking toward him .

It was Elijah who arrived at the ship and decided to use a psionic attack to knock all the people present in the ship .

Elijah walked to the stash of Vibranium and started moving it directly to The vibranium processing plant in Inselheim through a portal.

He left some small amount to Klaue as experiment to see what he will do to acquire more .

Elijah looked around the ship one more time looking for something interesting, finding nothing Elijah disappeared in a burst of flame .

Elijah reappeared in his lab in Inselheim and started working on studying the difference between Torfa's and wakandan Vibranium . He started off his experiments , testing kinetic absorption and such rheological tests and such .

He was interrupted from his work by Jean who had just finished her daily Training :" Mr Müller , what are you doing ? "

Elijah glanced at the beautiful woman and said :" Call me Elijah , i am doing experiments on Vibranium ."

" what's Vibranium?" -Jean

"It's a metal from the nation of Wakanda .." Elijah proceeded to explain Vibranium and the history of the advanced nation of Wakanda .

Elijah liked talking to Jean , specially after she regained some confidence, she was a smart woman and very attentive and compassionate.

Elijah asked :" do you have a plan career Jean ?"

" i wanted to be a medical doctor , I started going to medical college but after the debacle with the Phoenix, now I cannot go anymore ." Jean

Elijah hummed and nodded then returned to his experiments while having small talks with Jean .

When Jean returned to her room at night she found Eve waiting for her at the door :" Please follow me ."

Jean followed Eve until they arrived to a big room and Eve said :" This is your new bedroom . Enjoy " then Eve disappeared .

When Jean looked around the room she found a king sized bed , a giant library where all the books are medical ones .

She arrived at the dest in the room to find a computer with holographic screen similar to the ones in Elijah's lab . She found a note on the desk written on it : [ this is your new room , in your free time you can catch up on your studies . In the computer , there is all the medical knowledge i acquired from all my travels .]

Jean was happy for Elijah's care and she jumped on her bed cheerfully looking like a lovestruck teenager .

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