The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 19 - Leaving and Hela

-1 year later -

Elijah spent the year relaxing and directing his company's projects while also training Jean .

The latter developed her powers , fully harmonising them . She became more confident and grew close to Elijah and a bit dependent on him .

Now Elijah has decided to have the talk with Jean to see what she wants to do in the future.

-In Elijah's office -

"Jean sit down . " said Elijah

The young mutant did as told and sat down opposite to Elijah who looked at her for a while feeling a bit proud of his disciple , she is a genius , she absorbed anything that Elijah taught her whether it was esper combat or mind abilities Or covert training , she was a prodigy.

" Your Training is over , have you decided on what you're gonna do ? Do you want to go back to Charles' school? Or do you have something decided ." Asked Elijah

Jean looked thoughtful for a bit and said hopefully :" I don't wanna go back to Charles' school , i would like to stay with you and study medicine if possible ."

Elijah put his hand on his chin and thought for a while then said : " hmm are you sure about your decision?"

The redhead nodded hurriedly.

Elijah then said :" you can stay with me but first you gonna go back to college to be a doctor ."

" i can't go back , i'm on a wanted list ." Jean

" Yes you are , the military are looking to kill you or capture you . SHIELD put you on their watch list , and the X-men still have some issues with you . It is your job to tie your loose ends by yourself . You are a smart girl and i taught all there is to know to protect yourself. "

Jean nodded and said :" Yes after your training, my powers flow smoothly and my emotions are balanced . I don't know how i managed to live all my life like that ."

Elijah hummed and motioned to Jean to follow him . Elijah took her hand and both disappeared in a burst of flames .

-Haven Industries-

Linda was dealing with all the paperwork of her son's company when she saw him entering her office followed by a beautiful young woman .

She was surprised as her son never brought a girl to meet her .

She hugged her son lovingly and asked teasingly:" who is this young woman , Elijah ? Is she your girlfriend?"

Jean blushed at the question while Elijah looked unfazed with the teasing just smiled and answered:"Mom , this miss Jean Grey , she is my disciple. Jean this is my mother , Linda Müller ."

Jean was excited at meeting Linda as the latter was one of the most successful women in the history. She shook her hand and said :" It's an honour to meet you Mrs. Müller . You are my role model ."

Linda just shook her hands and smiled brightly.

Elijah decided to tell his mother Jean's story , she really sympathised with her and her struggles. Then she asked :" Is there anything i can do to help ?"

" Yes mother , i'm planing on travelling and Jean here has a mission to execute . When her mission is over , i need you to get dad to help her return to medical college , she is very bright and is a medical prodigy. All of her expenses will be covered by me ." -Elijah

Elijah hugged his mother and said goodbye to her and left her office . Jean followed him and asked curiously:" Where are you gonna go ? "

"Niflheim "Elijah

" is it that place in the nine realms where there is cold and mist ? What 's in there ? " asked Jean as she was aware of planets in the universe , it was an essential part of her training to study different and know different places .

"A strong opponent ." Elijah

Elijah was suddenly enveloped by a hug from the back , it was Jean's voice that said : " Please come back safely Please ."

Elijah turned around and hugged the young girl , kissed her in her forehead and ȧssured :" i'll come back for sure . Don't worry ."


Cold , darkness and mist shrouded the icy lands of Niflheim. No soul could be seen in the distance only ancient remains of battle. In this bleak atmosphere, a figure clad in a black Shihakusho with a sheathed Katana is seen walking through this realm of the dead . The figure's long white hair illuminated his presence.

Elijah has arrived in Niflheim and he had been walking for two years , exploring the realm on his way to his destination , Hel . Elijah met on his way several stray dead souls that escaped from Hel . Seeing several dead souls and being in a place of death has helped him understand more of Death Law .

Elijah approached Hel gates and he could see around him remnant of the epic battle between the Queen of death and the Valkyrie , several bones , remains of the Valkyrie Steed could be seen covering the ground .

Elijah approached the gates and saw the body of a giant Hellhound , who Elijah guesses to be Garm , the guardian of the entrance

The latter the approach of someone opened his eyes and seeing Elijah , pounced to try to stop him from passing through . Elijah seeing the advance of the hellhound , put his palm of the icy ground and several chains pounced from underground circling the Hellhound slowly and steadily binding him and hindering his movements. Elijah ignored the struggling Garm and passed through the gate .

Elijah arrived at a grand glum looking castle , he entered and walked its halls when a creepy voice rang in :" well well look at what we have here , it seems my father is spoiling me sending me toys to play with . "

Elijah looked ahead the great hall similar to the one in Odin's palace to see a throne where a young woman clad in black and green clothes with black smooth long hair that flows on her back and some hiding her right side of the face . Elijah thought inwardly:' How emo ' .

Elijah walked forward with steady pace facing the Queen of death , the strongest asgardian beside Odin and the one responsible for Asgard being it what it is today , Hela , the Goddess of death .

"Oh your father didn't send me ." -Elijah

"And pray tell who did send you ?" Smirked Hela in sarcasm.

" i'm not here for your daddy issues , you can tend to them when you get out if you ever get out of here before he's dead ." Said Elijah stoically.

Hela's face turned red in anger after Elijah's comment prompting her to leave her throne and send a Summoned Necrosword at Elijah , the latter just shrugged and moved his right hand then the Necrosword approaching him stopped in its tracks and disintegrated. He looked toward the angry Hela chuckled and said :" it seems being locked up in here made you lose your touch ."

A pin drop silence echoed in the castle , Elijah put his hand on his katana with his thumb supporting the cross-guard. Hela in her anger bursted in speed toward Elijah summoning a Necrosword in her hand and attacking Elijah . He countered it and blocked the slash . She continued to slash at him . He deflected all the attacks and began to respond with his attacks too . Two blurry figures could be seen and sword clacking could be heard . Elijah enjoyed the battle , it was hard to find an opponent with her caliber , millions of years of experience and reuniting the nine realms made Hela the perfect combatant . Hela started using her death mist in her attacks to try and hurt Elijah . The latter countered by flaming himself protecting himself completely from her Death mist . Slash after slash , the battle raged and the collateral damage showed in destruction of several places in the castle . Elijah evaded a sword thrust and moved his right hand from his zanpakutõ and put it on Hela eyes then sent a powerful psychic illusion. Hela halted on her place . Inside her mind , she could see the creation of the universe, the six singularities , the celestials , how she is a speck of dust in this universe , she saw pst events billions of year flowed in her vision in mere seconds until she saw a vision where she was impaled by Muspelheim's sword but not when and where . Hela opened her eyes and exhaled deeply at the experience when she looked around , the man that fought her is nowhere to be seen ...

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