The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 20 - Love and Vers

Elijah stood on top of a mountain in Niflheim looking at the castle in the distance. He thought :'first round for me , let's see how she does when she's enlightened. Hmm nothing but time to kill . Back to meditating.'

Elijah went back to meditate and continue to deepen his understanding of this Universe's laws .

After some time , Elijah opened his orbs showing the red sclera (Phoenix effect) and blue sapphire eyes .

-Hela ´s castle -

Hela stood in her room looking from her window, the eerie atmosphere of Hel didn't bother her anymore not after millions of years of imprisonment. She was deep in thought . As a goddess of death and an immortal, seeing her death has impacted her , she still has designs on reclaiming her throne in Asgard , she is the rightful heir , she is sure that her father has other children but she is the eldest . She was deeply intrigued by the man who fought her , he didn't feel like an asgardian, and he had a strong connection to death like her . She wanted to meet him one more time . A smooth apathetic voice interrupted her from her thoughts : " Beautiful isn't it ? Despite being a realm of the dead . "

She looked back to see Elijah a few feet behind her also observing the small lighting show that interrupt the darkness that cover Niflheim. Elijah could see wisdom emanating from her eyes different from the angry and mindless that he fought earlier .

"Why did you put me in that illusion." Asked Hela with a serene face .

" Pity . I pitied you , You were a victim of misguided ambition an betrayal. You ȧssumed that you are the strongest. You father knew better , he may betrayed you but he was wise and knew ruling through conquest will end up with him in ruins . So he became the wise and benevolent King . "-Elijah

" But i made Asgard , i conquered the nine realms . It was my right to rule Asgard ." - screamed Hela in indignation

"Yes indeed . But you were too ruthless , it wasn't your fault as your father made you a killing machine , it was your purpose and you had none of it when the conquest was over . That's why no one remembers you ." Elijah

" What do you mean by no one remembers me ? "- Hela in confusion

" You were erased from the history of Asgard . The only people that know of your existence are me , your Father and The leader of the Valkyrie the one you didn't kill."-Elijah

Elijah was surprised when Hela remained silent, in her shock , a tear escaped her eyes . Elijah stayed silent next to her .

"So why you came if my father didn't send you ?"-Hela

"You are strong and you have a tons of experience . I was bored and needed a fight so here i am ."- Elijah

"Were you satisfied ? " smirked Hela and said .

Elijah approached Hela and stood in front of her put his hand on her waist and said :" you have no idea ." Then kissed her passionately..

The next day , Elijah woke up with Hela in his arms and ċȧrėssed her flawless skin . They both spent a night of passion, the room oozed with the smell of sėx .

Elijah got up and cleaned up using a cleaning spell then opened a portal to Inselheim and went to prepare breakfast.

After a while , Hela woke up groggily, she looked around for Elijah and didn't find him , she was sad but her sadness turner cheerfulness when Elijah appeared through a portal followed by a big trays of different foods and drinks . Elijah looked at the goddess with whom he share his first time and smiled :" Good morning , i've brought breakfast ."

They both sat down in bed and ate the food prepared by Elijah while having small talk .

-1,5 year later -

Elijah spent time with Hela , sparring with her everyday and learning asgardian magic from her . Without her anger she is a formidable warrior and an excellent teacher despite her homicidal quirks . He leaned why the woman could snap Mjølnir to smithereens , she is strong and knows all forms of combat . Relationship wise , they grew both closer to each other . They destroyed most of the castle with their passionate sėx . Elijah brought several forms of entertainment like books and tv to Hela's castle so she can escape boredom.

The couple could be seen sitting on their bed cuddling .

"Are you gonna leave ?"-Hela

"Yes some pests from the Kree empire and Skrulls are causing trouble in Midgard . I need to deal with them ." - Elijah

"Are you gonna come back ?" -Hela

"Of course i will my dear , and don't worry you will be free soon . Your father is nearing his end ." -Elijah

"I'm gonna miss you Honey ."-said Hela

Elijah smiled and cupped his hand and summoned a beautiful necklace in his hand : " this is for you so you can remember me with it ." Elijah put the necklace in her neck and kissed her .

Hela mirrored his actions and created a black necklace with a miniature Necrosword for him .

Elijah accepted her gift lovingly . Hela smirked then jumped on Elijah reigniting their battle under the sheets .

-Planet of Hala , capitol of Kree Empire -

A blonde could be seen shivering in her sleep sign of having nightmares . She woke up out of breath .

She sat down on her bed then walked to the window looking over the bustling planet of Hala . The blonde woman named Vers went and visited her mentor Yon-Rogg . The couple of mentor and disciple went to have a spar where Yon-Rogg won . The latter advised his disciple to let go of her past and move on and keep her emotions in check. Yon-Rogg , the leader of Starforce a Kree elite military team , took Vers to meet with the supreme intelligence, the artificial intelligence that rules the kree.

The A.I appears to everyone as different entity . For Vers , it appeared in the form of the woman from her dreams . The A.I informed Vers that the latter was a victim of Skrulls expansion and that she was saved by the supreme intelligence. She ȧssured her that her amnesia may be a mercy ...

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