The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 27 - Meeting

In a Stark's garage, Pepper Potts was arguing with Tony about the state of his company. Tony decided to promote Pepper as a CEO.

"I'm trying to make you a CEO why won't you let me?"-Tony

"Because you can't, you need the approval of the board of directors."- Pepper

"But you told me that after Stane debacle all shareholder sold their stocks."-Tony

"Yes they did but they didn't sell them to you ."-Pepper

"To whom did they sell?"-Tony

" I don't know, I only dealt with a lawyer that represents the buyer or buyers."-Pepper

"Well call the lawyer and arrange a meeting."-Tony

Pepper called the lawyer in question and after a while, she turned to Stark.

"We have a meeting with the shareholder tomorrow at ten, please be presentable and sober. The lawyer insisted on your behavior to be at least acceptable."-Pepper

"Okay, we'll see."- Tony

The day after in the morning.

Pepper was dressed properly. She is a bit nervous about meeting this mysterious shareholder. For once, she nagged Tony until he woke up in time and helped him prepare and be proper. Tony was looking a bit haggard, he is sick. The palladium poisoning is spreading further in his body and he still can't find a solution to his health problem.

After a while, a car stopped in front of his Malibu's mansion. A professional-looking man exited the driving seat door. The man announced his arrival to Happy Hogan who went and called Pepper and Tony. The two got out and Pepper greeted the man.

"Mr.Lance it's good to see you."-Pepper

"Miss Pepper, Mr. Stark. It's good to see both of you. Please get in the car. I will your escort for the day ." -Mr.Lance

The three people, Tony, Pepper, and Happy got in the lawyer's car. And the latter drove through Malibu.

Inside the car, Tony was pounding the lawyer with questions in hopes of getting some clue on the lawyer's client's identity but the lawyer didn't budge. After a short drive, the car arrived at a plane hangar.

"So why are we in a hangar ?"-Tony

"we're taking a plane ."-the Lawyer

"you should've told me. I have my private jet." boasted Tony

"Good for you ." said the lawyer sarcastically.

They entered one of the plane hangars to find masked armored people standing guard. This made the rest three a bit anxious and nervous. The lawyer ignored them and said to one of the guards:" Transportation of Mr.Stark to Headquarters."

The guard looked in the car for a bit and nodded then showed them the way.

The lawyer and his three companions arrived at the forenamed place to find a futuristic-looking black jet with silver linings.

The lawyer approached the doors and walked inside not before motioning to his escorts to follow. Happy and Pepper were amazed at the inside of the plane while Stark tried to stay neutral but a bit of envy was present as he didn't have the same jet.

"Please take a seat. The flight won't be long ." -Mr.Lance

"Please take a seat and enjoy your ride. We will be arriving shortly in New York." The pilot informed before continuing to float until the roof of the hangar opened automatically."Deploying Stealth Shield." said the pilot in his comms before the plane flew at high speed in the air.

Tony got curious and asked the lawyer:" Do you work for S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

The lawyer chuckled a bit and said:" No. S.H.I.E.L.D. Don't have this level of technology."

After an uneventful one-hour high-speed flight. They arrived in New York which is weird since a normal flight will take 5h30 minutes. The aircraft hovered on top of a giant mansion before landing on the marked ground for landing. The lawyer walked and guided the guest to the mansion, after approaching they were received by the holographic representation of Eve who said curtly:" Welcome to the Müller mansion Mr.Stark, Miss Popps, and Mr.Hogan. Please follow me Mr.Müller is waiting for you. "

The three people were absorbed in their shock since no one could guess that Elijah was the one that bought all the shares. Tony was a bit jealous since he can't surpass Elijah in genius or in fame since one outing of Elijah can flip the world upside down. He started having a bit of doubt that the woman that beat him up in Gulmira was sent by him.

The people followed the holographic Eve until they arrived at the home office.

Entering the office. They were greeted by the sight of Elijah in his casual Black jeans and black T-shirt with the necrossword necklace hanging from his neck with his white long hair flowing on his chair. Next to him was seated Dr.Jean Grey in her usual charming smile with her beautiful red hair.

Dr. Grey approached the guest and welcomed them:" Welcome Mr.stark, Miss Potts, and Mr.Hogan. Please be seated ."

When everyone was seated. Pepper kept taking small peeks at Elijah. She was amazed as the man didn't age despite being more than 30.

Dr.Grey noticed the woman and just chuckled before directing her attention to Tony:" Gad to speak to you when you're sober. Please could you enlighten me of the reason for the visit request?"

Tony was feeling a bit nervous. The apathetic faces of both Elijah and Jean were intimidating.

Tony spoke hurriedly in his usual relaxed style to try to lessen the awkwardness he was feeling:" Yeah, I wanted to appoint Pepper Potts as a CEO. I need the approval of the board of directors which is you ."

Elijah nodded in understanding and Eve followed by handing Elijah a full detailed profile on Pepper Potts. He read the file and after a while rested his gaze on Pepper:" After getting out of the weapons business. What your prospects for the future of Stark's business?"

Pepper Potts was sweating buckets as the tone of Elijah and his eyes were mesmerizing. She gathered all her courage and explained her comprehensive plan for the development of the business.

Elijah listened attentively to her until she finished and said:" you're hereby the new CEO of Stark industries. From my side, they will be no meddling in your company management as long as it stayed what Howard Stark wanted his company to be ." he directed this at both Pepper and Tony and them signed her promotion.

"Eve could you please escort Miss Potts and Mr.Hogan outside. I need to speak to Mr.Stark"-Elijah

Both mentioned people gave Stark an inquiring gaze after which he nodded signaling for them to exit the office.

After the two people went outside, Tony jumped to ask: " why did you buy shares from my company? You were the one that sent the woman to beat me and gave me the evidence on Stane ."

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for your late father. He's a man I respected a lot and worked with in shared projects... How much time do you have left ?"-Elijah

Tony frowned and asked:" what do you mean? "

"How much do you have left to live ?"-Elijah

"You know ?"-Tony

Elijah nodded and Tony said:" not much."

Elijah looked toward Jean and said:" Give him a shot of lithium ."

Dr.Grey took a syringe and approached Stark quickly and gave him the shot in his neck.

Tony felt better after the lithium entered his body.

He looked toward Elijah in confusion and the latter said flatly:" that does of lithium will slow the palladium poisoning come to me when you don't find a cure and I will cure you and take that shrapnel from your ċhėst. That arc reactor in your ċhėst is just a catastrophe waiting to happen. "

Tony nodded numbly and he can't deny the fact that having an arc reactor in his ċhėst is dangerous.

After that, he left with his companions.

Jean looked at Elijah and asked:" will he come back for a cure? "

"who cares?" Elijah said with a raised eyebrow.

Jean just laughed and sat down in Elijah ŀȧp and kissed him.

-2 weeks later -

After the news and the public fight between Tony Stark and Ivan Vanko and the discovery that someone else knows how to create the arc reactor. The media and especially the United States armed forces, put more pressure on Stark. This pressure has worsened his health and made him act more reckless. Now Tony was in his mansion drinking after he fought with Rhodes and the latter took his suit to be handed to the army.

"J.A.R.V.I.S no solution?" asked Tony

" No Sir, It is advised for you to take MrMüller invitation. He's the best solution."-J.A.R.V.I.S

Tony drank more and thought for a while before taking the air toward Elijah's mansion.

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