The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 28 - Surgery

Elijah was sitting in his office while looking through some of his paperwork for the day.

Even interrupted his work:" Sir Tony Stark is heading this way ."

Elijah nodded and said:" Tell Eliana to intercept him and take him to the private wing in the Haven Hospital. "

In the air, Eliana flew fast heading toward Stark. The latter was surprised by the approaching missile-like person. He stepped a bit forward and said:" I came to see Elijah ."

Eliana nodded and flew in front of him while motioning for him to follow. After a short flight, They approached the Haven's Hospital's roof.

Eliana's suit retracted itself revealing that suit is nanotechnology-based.

"Take your suit and leave it in there ." said Eliana to Tony while showing him a place where he can leave his suit.

After disarming, the walked to the private wing in the hospital and entered an office when Jean was sitting.

Stark said a bit drunkly : " I want the cure please."

Jean stayed silent for a bit before she called a nurse and ordered her :" please purge Alcohol from Mr

Stark's system. " before saying to Tony "You need to be sober to discuss your operation."

Tony followed the nurse and after half an hour of detoxification, he regained a bit of clarity and was allowed to go back to Jean's office. He was surprised to see someone very familiar talking to both Elijah and Dr Jean his former comrade in capture in Afghanistan, Dr Yinsen.

"Yinsen what are you doing here? "-Tony

Yinsen just smiled lightly and the said:" I work here Tony since I was rescued. I am proud of what you did after coming back to the states ." said Yinsen referring to Stark's exit from the weapons industry.

After a short reunion between the two. Dr.Yinsen asked seriously:" You are dying Tony. After finding out, I talked with Dr.Müller to invite you to get treated. He agreed to my request and forwarded the invitation. Now Do you want to take out the leftover shrapnels in your ċhėst ."

Tony thought for a while and asked:" is it safe? And what about the palladium poisoning?"

Elijah answered this time:" the operation will be performed by the three of us. We will be using a new product to cure the palladium poisoning and healing your ċhėst. The procedure is completely safe ."

Tony thought for a while and agreed to a full-on surgery to remove the arc reactor and the shrapnels from his ċhėst. After finalizing the presurgery discussion. Tony was taken to a high-end surgery room fitted with several robotic high precision surgery machines.

The three doctors arrived and after Tony was anesthetized, the operation began. Tony's ċhėst was opened and the arc reactor was taken out. A machine held the shrapnels magnetically in place before they could pierce the heart. The operation went on smoothly after the shrapnels we're taken out, Elijah began purging poisoned blood using his telekinesis while also injecting the new serum derived from Extremis to heal tissue and close the inside wounds. After Tony's vital returned to normal state. They closed the incision using the Extremis product instead of suturing. The operation ended in success. It was the first official operation they did using Extremis. The Extremis in the beginning was able to heal but it was unstable and even after taking care of the self-evident exploding problem. In the long Extremis took a great toll on the body. So from it were derived several serums to recover limbs, to help in surgeries, to shorten the recovery period or to prolonge the natural life span of humans. Most of the work was done by Elijah and Jean since Elijah had already created several serums that could he instantly or make someone immortal but left those to his close family and friends and worked to redesign Extremis as a public project. Dr.Hansen was knocked down a peg or two when Jean informed that Elijah has already created the aforementioned serums when he was 13 and that Elijah only recruited her for her genius in discovering Extremis not wanting Extremis itself.

She was a bit confused as to why Elijah never sold his serum products but she knew people in the world fight for the smallest thing such as race or religion or territory. They will be a third world war if a serum for immortality was discovered.

The three doctors left the operation theater leaving a healed Stark to the nurses to take him to rest in a room.

The next morning, Tony woke up refreshed. He felt better than any time in his life. He moved his hands and touched his ċhėst. He was confused when he felt skin in the place of the arc reactor. He looked at his ċhėst to find himself healed as if he never had been hurt. He took the iv drip from his arm and looked around. A nurse came running to his room. She looked relieved to see him awake and said:" are you okay Mr.Stark ?"

"Yes, I'm fine ." -Stark

Dr. Yinsen followed suit after seconds:" Tony you are awake. How are you feeling ?"

" Better than ever Yinsen. Why am I healed completely? Shouldn't be a suture or something ?"-Tony

Yinsen just smiled and said:" we didn't suture the wound. You were healed using the new serum we mentioned."

"This is amazing and groundbreaking," said Tony

"yes it is," said Yinsen while he began performing tests on Tony, after giving him a clean bill of health. He told Tony to follow the nurse to Elijah's office.

"Tony, sit down ."-Elijah

"Thanks for this man. You helped me a lot." said Tony while sitting down opposite Elijah.

Elijah just nodded and said:" Rhodes took your suit and gave it to Hammer ."

Tony looked a bit crestfallen since his best friend chose his duty over him.

"He did his duty to his country ." said Tony

"what are you gonna do after you do back ?" Elijah

"create a better armor I guess " Tony

"using palladium?"Elijah

"Yes, it's the only existing element suitable for powering the arc reactor."Tony

"Who told you to use existing elements?" aked Elijah

"you mean to create a new Element?" -Tony

Elijah just smiled and nodded.

Tony thought for a while and said:" it will be difficult ."

"not if your father already did half of the work ." said Elijah

"you mean my father discovered a new Element ?" Tony said surprised

Elijah just nodded.

"But I didn't find anything in my father leftover projects or research. Said Tony while frowning.

"Just tell Fury to give you your father's research. "- Elijah

"What? My father worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Asked Tony in surprise

"No, he founded it with Peggy Carter." said Elijah flatly

Tony was surprised and confused, several thoughts ran through his mind. He was never aware of his father's extra activities besides Stark industries.

"A sincere advice from me get your act together if you wanna create peace ." said Elijah while handing Tony a box containing the arc reactor and the shrapnels that were in his ċhėst.

Tony took the box and said:" Okay, thanks man for the surgery. "

Elijah nodded and said :" Go and be prepared to meet Fury. He isn't the "greatest spy" for nothing. And news flash, Ivan Vanko is working for Hammer, he isn't dead. And for God's sake learn how to fight, you fight like a kid with a Tin can armor."

Tony looked offended at the last remark but he knew it's true as he never learned to fight but he was more alarmed with Ivan Vanko. So he took the box in his hands and left.

Even materialized next to Elijah and said:" Sir is it okay to give him this much information? "

"He needs to mȧturė a bit. Let's see what he does.

Eve I need you to keep an eye on New Mexico and inform me when Thor and Mjølnir land there. And keep monitoring Dr.Banner's escapade but do tell me when he enters the U.S"

"Acknowledged sir " -Eve

Elijah relaxed in his chair and sighed...

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