The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 29 - Dealing with Fury and meeting Thor again

Fury was frustrated at dealing with Tony. After disappearing for two days, Tony came back healed and without an arc reactor in his ċhėst. And the first thing that Stark said when he saw the eye-patch man was "Give me my father's work."

Fury asked the obvious question:" How did you know about it ?"

"you don't need to know. It was a dɨċk move to keep it from me especially since you knew I was dying ." said Stark

Fury handed Howard's work to Tony and the latter left with the box in his hands to his garage so he can start working on his new armor.

Tony didn't linger around to chat with the bunch of spies and left, in the way he called Pepper and told her to announce his successful surgery in Haven's Hospital to take a bit of the bad reputation he generated in his birthday party.

Fury, on the other hand, was on his nerves. He didn't know if there were a leak in S.H.I.E.L.D. He didn't know where to start looking until the news of Tony's surgery in Haven's Hospital was released in a press conference by Pepper Potts.

He decided maybe he should try to go and talk to Elijah. He turned to Mariah Hill and asked:" Do we have a location on Elijah Müller ?"

"We have never been able to even get a glimpse of him other than his public appearances and any attempt to trail him or tag him ended in failure. Even agents that approached his mansion to stake it out were warned by lethal force by the mansion's guards."-Hill

"Just give his mansion's address. I'm gonna go pay him a visit ." said Fury

"Director. It is advisable to take a team with you."said Hill


The same day at night, Fury approached the Müller's mansion stealthily while leaving a Strike force behind to position themselves around the mansion.

Advancing further, he stopped when a voice rang in his comm :" Foxtrot, this team leader, something is wrong. It is almost too quiet like they're waiting for you ."

Fury looked around and indeed it was quiet even the usual mansion guards aren't here. A swishing sound was heard and the leader of the strike team exclaimed "Shit !" seeing his teammates drop like flies one after one hit by invisible ȧssailant before he was taken out too.

Fury took out his gun and got ready for a fight. He was dismayed when masked and armored people appeared from thin air like they were invisible and became visible.

The gun left his hand when the first masked woman shot it from his hand.

"On your knees, or the next one will be between your eyes "sais the woman

Fury exclaimed:" Shit!"

This was not how it was supposed to go down. They never were able to ȧssess Elijah or his family forces and anyone who dared to approach his parents were erased from existence. People knew better than to mess with the Müller family.

Fury was disarmed and on his knees. The woman who seemed to be the leader approached Fury, the latter trying to get out of his predicament said:" I'm Nick Fury. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I just wanted to meet your boss ."

The woman asked plainly:" Do you have an appointment?"

Fury looked confused at the way the woman talked, she treated him like a fly to be squashed. He simply said:" No "

" Do you think this Bogota. You can come and go wherever you want. The boss doesn't want to see you as you don't have an appointment and you're not important enough to get one but since you are here let me give you a warning. If I see you or someone from your agency in the mansion's surrounding, you will have some funerals to attend to ." said the woman threateningly before knocking him out.

She looked behind her and order her subordinates:" drop them someplace far away from and move that Quinjet from here. I need to report to the boss ."


In Inselheim, Elijah received Eliana's report through Eve and just laughed. There was no need to be in a friendly term with S.H.I.E.L.D. Since most of its agents are HYDRA and it will be destroyed soon enough.

The next day, Elijah was watching the Hammer presentation in Stark Expo and the battle that began between Stark and Vanko's drone. Elijah was watching the happenings with his satellites and drones.

Ivan Vanko died and Hammer was arrested.

Natasha has infiltrated Hammer industries and downloaded all the information in the mainframe and sent a copy to Eve and the original to be given to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Elijah thought:' let's go see this stupid blonde .'


Jane Foster decided to take Thor from the hospital to her workplace after she hit him with her car. She arrived to her workplace accompanied by Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis and Thor. When they entered they saw a white-haired young man sitting in one of the chair sipping Coffee. The man , Elijah, looked at Thor and said flatly:" we meet again Prince of Asgard. Only this time on my planet."

Thor saw the man and remembered meeting him years ago, while the other three were mouth agape at seeing Elijah Müller in the flesh sitting in their workplace.

Thor excitedly ran to Elijah and said:" Your name is Elijah. We met in the Badoon worlds some years ago. help me reclaim Mjølnir and go back to Asgard."

Elijah ignored his rambling and said:" you were banished. Why ?"

Thor straightened himself and said:" I attacked Jotunheim and my father banished me."

"So on the same day of your coronation. You went on to attack Jotunheim and almost lost if not for your father saving you and with your actions you caused the peace treaty to be invalid."-Elijah

Thor looked offended and said:" But they attacked first. They broke into the vault in Asgard. The frost giants should be destroyed."

"Hmm. It seems you didn't remember the advice I gave you in the Badoon worlds. How in the world is it a good idea to massacre a race just for a break in. You aren't fit to be a king yet. Have a happy time being a normal human and find a way to go back to Asgard yourse. Learn your lesson maybe your father will forgive you and give your godly powers back ." said Elijah emotionlessly and disappeared from his seat in a burst of flames.

A deafening silence reigned on the place, Thor looked unusually thoughtful while the other three were still with their mouth open until Jane asked the obvious question:"Did he just teleport?"..

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