The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 30 - Hulk

After a few days. Elijah ȧssigned some drones to monitor Thor and his development. The latter toned down his arrogance while he grew closer to the three eccentric scientists.

Loki, informing Thor that Odin has died killed the small amount of happiness he felt during his stay as a normal human on Earth .

The warriors three and Sid followed him to Midgard where they had a battle with the destroyer where Thor regained his power and Mjølnir after sacrificing himself.

Thor and his lifelong companion departed using the Bifrost while Elijah secretly recovered the body of the destroyer to study it. Elijah didn't follow them to Asgard as it's not his problem to deal with.

Elijah now was monitoring the game of cat and mouse between General Ross and Dr.Bruce Banner while discussing the latter's Hulking condition with Jean.

-4th June 2010-

After days of monitoring, Elijah decided it was time for him to recover Banner. Elijah, high in the air, was observing the fight between Dr.Banner and Emil Blonsky alter egos. The fight looked destructive and the responsibility for the destruction lay with General Ross, Elijah decided to deal with the general afterward. Furthermore, Elijah was discreetly hindering any deaths or injury due to the destruction that the fight caused. Elijah still invisible due to the cloaking technology his stealth suit has decided to end the fight, he approached both monsters and paralyzed the abomination telekinetically while at the same sending a telepathic attack to the hulk calming him immediately and reverting him back to Bruce Banner. Elijah then sent a disintegration wave toward the abomination successfully erasing him from existence preventing any chances he had of joining the avenger initiative. Elijah walked to the chopper where Betty Ross and her father were, Bruce's unconscious body was floating behind him. He motioned for Betty to come to him. She did and the three of them disappeared leaving a furious General rambling about his monsters and his daughter to which Elijah chose to completely ignore.

The next morning, Bruce woke up in a hospital bed. He remembered fighting that yellow abomination before being knocked out. He looked around to find Betty sitting next to him while resting her head on his bed.

Betty woke up when she felt Bruce moving and asked worriedly:" Bruce, are you okay ?"

" I'm fine Betty where are we ?" -Bruce

"I don't know. The people that took us didn't tell me anything. They only said that they will speak to us when you wake up ." -said Betty

Even appeared in front of the couple and said:" Mr. Müller is waiting for you both ."

"MrMüller? You mean Elijah Müller? "-Betty

" Yes please follow me ." -Eve

In one of the resting areas in the base of Inselheim, Elijah could be seen talking with the ancient one. Elijah decided to lean on his teacher's wisdom on how to deal with the Hulk. Whether he should look for a cure and even if there was a cure. Is it okay to eliminate someone important to Fate like the Hulk?

Elijah found people with wisdom like the ancient one are very rare. He always felt relaxed when he talked with her.

The pair of master and disciple's discussion was interrupted by the always professional looking Eve who informed them that Bruce has woken up.

The lovestruck couple entered the room finding Elijah in his casual clothes with a bald woman in monk's clothing.

"Welcome Dr.Banner, Dr. Ross. Please take a seat ." -said Elijah

The couple took a seat silently still awestruck at meeting someone they considered a role model when they attended University even if he was younger than them.

Elijah focused his attention on Betty and Bruce and said flatly while a projection of yesterday's fight was playing:" Quite the mess you did yesterday Dr. Banner and you Dr.Ross it seems your father creates more trouble than necessary ."

Both of them looked ashamed then Bruce asked:" Could you please tell me what are we doing here and where is here? "

"You both will be living here until we deal with your Hulking out problem "-Elijah

"Do you have a cure? " asked a hopeful Bruce

"No, your issue has become more mystical than scientific. The only way that is left is making you talk with your other half ." said Elijah

"But he can't talk. He's just a monster "-Bruce

"No, he isn't. He's just a baby in a monster body ."-said Elijah

"what do you mean? " asked Betty

"The Hulk is simply you. It is just your anger enhanced. You were recreating captain America's serum. And the gamma radiation you were exposed to with the primer she gave you made you the giant green monster. You were dumb for testing it on yourself and even dumber for believing the military, and especially her warmonger father that you're working on something helpful." said Elijah accentuating Bruce's naievity.

Bruce looked a bit awkward and Betty was ashamed of her father's actions.

"Now you will be both staying in here with me in my home until we fix your problem ." -Elijah

"and what are you gonna do if I transform to the hulk and destroy everything?" asked Bruce

"Oh dear, I can erase the abomination with a snap of my finger. Don't you think I am able to subdue a giant green baby? " said Elijah sarcastically changing his eyes color to flaming red sending shivers down both their spines.

Elijah stood up and motioned for the couple to follow while he explained their stay:" you will be both working for Haven industries legally and no one can do nothing about that. So while you stay work on some projects or invent something until your training with me is over ."

Elijah arrived in a giant lab and took a jogging pant and shirt and gave them to Banner:" This can change size with you. No masquerading in the nudr in my home ."

Betty laughed at Bruce's awkward expression.

"wear that and follow me. We're taking a walk through the planet ."-Elijah

"what do you mean by the planet ?" asked Bruce

Elijah looked at him weirdly and said:" you thought you're still on earth ?"

The next morning, in the same place where Elijah taught Jean to handle her Powers.

Banner could be seen sitting cross-legged and waiting for Elijah's instructions.

" The first lesson will be teaching you how to create a mindscape and access it. This will be an exercise of mediation to reconcile yourself with your angry side ." Elijah put his hand on Bruce's forehead and information flowed in Bruce's brain on meditation technique and how to create mindscape.

" you understand what you need to do ?" asked Elijah

"yes I got that ." -said Bruce

"well get to work ." said Elijah and left

-6 months later -

Banner could be seen fighting with a couple of androids.

The training during this six months went well. Bruce was able to access his mindscape and talk with his green another half. After many unsuccessful communication attempts, they began to find common ground between the two. Elijah let Banner transform into the Hulk and he subdued him magically and began communicating with the Hulk, treating him as a baby, he began reading him kids stories, talking to him about good and bad and also socialising with Betty too since the Hulk never hurt her since the first ever transformation. This had the weird side effect of the Hulk calling Elijah Dad and treating him like a father, the thing that he found bizarre and amusing.

Bruce relaxed a lot and controlled his transformation and anger, now he can transform freely, the only thing that can really trigger him is extreme anger or mind manipulation.


The day after Harlem battle, General Ross was entering his home after entire day of meetings and blame following the Banner /Blonsky mess, he found a blonde woman sitting in his sofa while sipping Scotch while holding a gun .

"who the fuċk are you ?"-Ross

The woman just smiled and motioned for Ross to sit down.

"Nice Scotch you have here. " said the woman revealed to be Eliana

"what the hell do you want ?" - Ross

" I want you to stop with your obsession with the hulk "-Eliana

"No way, The Hulk is mine. I made him ." cried Ross in indignation

"My boss doesn't request from you. He orders you to stay your hand or your head will be at the receiving end of a bullet ." Eliana said her piece and left leaving a screaming Ross in pain.

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