The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 31 - Natasha and spring cleaning

In an apartment in New York, Elijah was relaxing waiting for the homeowner to come. After a few moments of waiting, a beautiful redheaded young girl opened the door, she stopped when she sensed a familiar presence that made her smile brightly. She closed the door and ran into Elijah's arm.

"Brother I missed you so much ." the woman revealed to be Natasha Müller, Elijah's adoptive sister and undercover spy in S.H.I.E.L.D., squealed in delight taking her brother in a bone-crushing hug. She didn't see her brother for more than six months since both of them were busy in their respective commitment, mainly training Banner for Elijah and doing missions for S.H.I.E.L.D for Natasha.

Elijah smiled lovingly at her and asked:" How have you been my dear?"

Natasha sighed and responded neutraly :"I'm good. Back to back missions but it's okay for me. But I really miss being home with you."

Elijah ċȧrėssed her hair. He can't deny that he missed her too. She is his cute sister and he watched her grow into the attractive beautiful young woman she is now.

He brought her closer to his ċhėst and asked :"Don't worry. Your mission in S.H.I.E.L.D is almost over. What is brewing in there by the way ?"

Natasha thought for a while before she answered:"same old same old. They're still touching what they shouldn't touch. Harvesting a kree body and using it to heal people. Fury had the brilliant idea to use the body to heal a fallen Avenger . He by the way has become more paranoid lately since he tried to intrude on our home and was threatened specially since Eliana mentioned what happened in Bogota . You, saving Tony's life has made a dent in his plans , now he is more reluctant to ȧssociate with S.H.I.E.L.D. . The only new information that intrigued me is that Fury is looking for a grimoire , some dark spell book ."

Elijah listened intently to Natasha's report and was intrigued by the last part before he remembered what the book was , then said : " The book of sins , Darkhold . It is a very dangerous grimoire . It was made using Hell dimension energy . I will be taking the book next year and either destroy it or send it back to Hell dimension."

Natasha nodded in understanding and continued her report:" HYDRA is making some bold moves lately but they are all monitored by Eve and the girls per your request. "

Elijah just nodded while Natasha relaxed in his embrace.

He spent the rest of the day spoiling his little sister and enjoying their free time together.

The day after, Elijah arrived at Haven's Park. He has decided to inspect the work in Haven industries and Haven Hospital.

He arrived at his mother's office and greeted her. His mother still looked younger than she is as she was given a serum to extend her lifespan and the healthy lifestyle she followed.

Elijah closed in on his mother and kissed her cheek and said lovingly:" Mother, I missed you a lot ."

His mother smiled seeing her son and said:" You naughty boy, you rarely visit anymore. You're always cooped up in Inselheim."

Elijah just smiled as she was right, he always stays at his nase at Inselheim since he like the air in his private planet and the calmness that the planet exudes suits him better.

He got to the point:" Mother, today I came for an inspection tour around the company."

His mother got confused since Elijah never involved himself in the company management. Elijah understood his mother confusion and explained:" After the release of Extremis based products. We will garner reactions from several hidden organizations. I knew that the company had some spies working in it but I let them be after they were indexed and always monitored. But it's time for Spring cleaning."

The seriousness of the issue alarmed Linda but she knew it's better to clean up the undesirables than to let them roam in here.

After a while, a knock could be heard on the door and Eliana joined them. She approached the desk and said :

"Sir I brought the complete list with all the spies with their real names and affiliations."

Asha Buro - genetics scientist, Columbia University - Affiliation: War dogs -Wakanda.

Elijah just chuckled seeing the information since he completely disregarded Wakanda after he obtained ample stash of Vibranium from Torfa. He looked at Eliana and said :" let's have a look around the company. You will get your orders after on how to deal with them.

Excuse me, Mother."

Elijah exited his mother's office after he bade her farewell. Eliana followed him.

The two inspected the company, they moved from research team to another and from department to department while he scanned the minds of all the names on the list.

Elijah returned to his office and then issued his orders to Eliana:" Please give a lesson to all the foreign spies and then leave them in their respective embassies with a warning.

As for the Wakanda war dog, deal with her personally and pay a visit to Wakanda. Give a warning to T'Chaka not to intrude on the sanctity of my territory or there will be retaliation."

Eliana nodded and smirked evilly since she liked it when Elijah gave her mission in which she could step on relatively powerful people toes.

She returned to her office and took out her communicator and said: " Operation Spring cleaning is a go. Leave the wakandan for me. All the directions are uploaded on your watches ."

After a while, Asha came in trying to act as nervous as she can look to keep the charade.

Eliana chuckled and asked Asha to sit down and then asked:

"Miss Buro, do you know who am I ?"

Asha was nervous as her years of her experience told her that the woman in front of her was dangerous .

She gathered her courage and said :"No I don't. Did I do something wrong in my work?"

Eliana just kept smirking and responded:" Witch work? Being a scientist or a spy for a Wakanda ?"

Asha was alerted and surprised since her cover was blown. She moved to attack Eliana to try and escape from here. Eliana just smiled and squatted her like a fly sending her against a the wall. Eliana was an enhanced person like all the loyal spies that Natasha commands and the weakest of them is stronger than the black panther.

Asha was hurt by the back slap, she moved her hand to her kimyo beads so she can send an SOS message to her superiors but to no avail. Eliana just laughed and said sarcastically:" Oh Kimyo bead aren't working. How Strange."

Elijah's spies were all equipped with the latest of technologies and we're the elites of the elites and jamming a Kimyo beads was like kids play for them .

Eliana swiftly knocked out Asha and ordered in her communicator:" get a jet ready for me. I'm paying a visit to Wakanda."

In the outskirts of Wakanda, outside the Vibranium Shield .

King T'Chaka was waiting surrounded by his Dora Milaje. He was having a bad day since he received a message from a masked figure that ordered him to meet outside Wakanda. The masked figure knew about his country and knew some of his dark secrets like the murder of his brother. He knew he needed to meet the masked woman to see what she wants and if possible to ambush her. Looking at the time, he found it's the exact time of the meeting.

As if on cue, a jet made itself visible in front of them. It scared all of them since not any of their detection systems picked up a flying jet in the surrounding. T'chaka knew that the plane was Vibranium made but he knew it was not wakandan Vibranium since as a former black panther he has a spiritual connection with the vibranium in Wakanda .

All of them got ready for a fight .

The jet landed smoothly and silently. Its doors opened and the masked woman walked forward exuding confidence and an air of superiority.

The woman was followed by a cuffed woman. The people recognized the woman as a wakandan and one of their war dogs and T'chaka knew the woman since he sent her personally to spy on Elijah Müller's company.

The woman stopped walking and said " Oh Wakanda, the hidden civilization. Always living in the shadows like scaredy cats and believing in a giant old black kitty (Bast) ."

The people present were all offended by her speech and specially her remark about their goddess Bast . Most of The Dora Milaje wanted to attack her but T'Chaka stopped them and said :" You work for Mr.Müller . Is that right ?"

The woman just smirked and said while putting an arm on Asha's neck :"Nice spies you got here working for you . She is certainly not bad . I would've loved to cut her open and interrogate her . Too bad the boss asked me to just give you a warning ."

She then uncuffed and sent her to toward T'Chaka and then said sarcastically:" This will be the last warning mr.King ?"

T'Chaka got a bit angry and said :"Do you think you can come to my country alone and leave unscathed?"

Eliana just smirked already expecting something from him and already spotting his son the new black panther hiding in some of the trees .

The Black panther sneaked attacked Eliana hoping to catch her by surprise. Eliana already expecting him deflected his claw attack and sent a strong palm attack to his stomach .

To everyone surprise , the attack dissolved the panther habit suit since Eliana suit was fitted with contained Vibranium-B from the savage lands that destroys metals composition liquifying nearby metals . Eliana put her foot down on T'Challa's body and said :" Oh the new edition of Hello Kitty ." And then turned her attention toward T'chaka :"Who told you i'm alone ?"

After that , similar armed jets began appearing in the air numbered almost twenty . They were all fitted with different weapons used for different types of ȧssault .

She carried T'Challa from his neck and said to the king :" Be careful not to piss off the boss or what Ulysses Klaue did to you will look like kids' play to what i will do to you ."

Eliana then walked back to her jet and all the jets departed in high speed disappearing from view.

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