The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 33 - Night of passion

Elijah walked through the ground of his planet . Inselheim , his private paradise , a bit smaller than earth but with similar atmosphere before it was enriched by Vibranium deposit and Phoenix holy flames . Now Inselheim is a paradise .

To protect his planet , Elijah implemented several security measure such an energy Shield that envelops the planet as well as hiding from any detection systems as well as a giant illusion that makes the place where the planet is, look inexistent .

Eve has also commanded several androids to travel to nearby and surrounding planets and creates an outpost to make Inselheim a fortress planet .

Elijah always enjoy walking around the forest existing in his planet .

Elijah returned to the base . It was simply enormous. It had several facilities ranging from research labs to training grounds and different other essential facilities.

Elijah called Eve and said :" Eve , i will leave everything for you to deal with . I will be going to Niflheim. If there is anything of extreme importance or urgency , please do call me ."

Eve nodded and Elijah left to pick Jean up to take her with him .

Elijah appeared at his mansion finding Jean waiting for him .

"Ready?" -Elijah

Jean smiled and said :" Yes let's go . I miss Hela ."

Hela's castle, Hel , Niflheim.

Hela was sitting in a luxurious chair looking through the window . She has missed Elijah and Jean . Since Elijah entered her life , she became less hateful and less angry . He always found a way to calm her down .

She suddenly smiled beautifully when a voice rang in her ear :" you always look enticing when you are thoughtful , my lovely Queen ."

Hela disappeared from her seat and sped to Elijah's embrace . She hugged him tightly enjoying his scent , she looked at Jean and gave her the same hug .

She then said sarcastically:" You disappeared. You didn't miss your Goddess of death did you?"

Elijah approached her and put his hand on her waist and brought her closer to him and whispered lovingly into her ears :" You have no idea how much i missed you my dear ."

The three of them sat down and chatted for a while.

Elijah let his two angels talk and went to bring something to drink . Finding the Alcohol stash he left in Hela's castle . He took a bottle and three cups and went back to share it with his two lovely girls.

Elijah returned to find a surprising and beautiful scene playing itself in front of him . Hela and Jean were engaging in a heated battle of kissing . They kissed and moved their hands moved all over their rounded curves . Elijah just stood there marveling at this breathtaking scene. They both looked up - come join us they said.

Elijah put what was in his hands and walked forward, who in his right mind wouldn't join. Clothes were thrown around. The temperature in Hela's room was raised, a warm current broke the cold days of Nifleheim.

The woman kissed their man lovingly. Jean took Elijah's undėrwėȧr off. She held his member in her hand and scooped it with her tongue all the while, Elijah was kissing Hela. The atmosphere intensified and mȯȧns could be heard. Three bodies were melted together in passion. Elijah took charge and pŀėȧsurėd his two lovely lovers ending with both women in pure ecstasy. For three powerful existence like them, their endurance is almost limitless so is their sėxuȧŀ performance.

After long hours of sensual sėx, the three of them relaxed in their giant luxurious bed. Elijah stroked the smooth hair of his girls. He really liked being with the two of them.

Elijah decided on making Niflheim his temporary home for the rest of the year.

[Side story: X-men and badass Eliana ]

Charles Xavier was watching a TV announcement where his former student Jean Grey was presenting the new products made by Haven industries. The shy and introvert Jean he knew has disappeared and was replaced by a successful and confident one. It has been almost 18 years since Jean has contracted what was called the Phoenix force. It seems that the problem was solved and now Jean doesn't want to do anything with the X-men anymore and she is now, as the papers reported, one of the high rankings members of the Müller Family and one with direct contact with the enigmatic and mysterious Elijah Müller.

A gruff looking man chewing on a cigar who was sitting on the side asked:" so why are we watching this hot chick's speech ?"

Xavier sighed and said:" she was a former student of mine, she is a mutant. A powerful one. She's beyond omega level ."

The present people including Beast, cyclops, and Strom looked a bit crestfallen.

The gruff man with the name Logan and the moniker Wolverine asked confused:" So why have I never seen her here since I joined the mansion ?"

"Something happened in 1992. She was taken and we were warned to never approach her. And the man that warned us is dangerous. "-Xavier

Cyclops tried to change the subject since Jean was his first crush and he never managed to be with her, asked:" Professor, why have you gathered us today?"

Xavier looked one more time at the TV screen and then said:" I was contacted by someone from Haven industries. They have an appointment with us today. They said they have an offer from the higher-ups for me to look at."

Storm, excited at the prospect of meeting her former friend, asked:" When are they coming ?"

Xavier didn't manage to answer as the mansion doorbell rang and the security camera showed a beautiful blonde woman at the door.

" I guess it's now." said Xavier


Eliana was invited inside and shook hands with Xavier:" Professor Xavier, it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you. You can call me Eliana ."

Professor Xavier returned the greeting and said " Likewise Miss Eliana. These are the teachers in my school ."

Eliana looked at the mutants for a while and said greeting each of them : " Laser eyes, Dr. Mccoy and James Howlett ." she then turned to Storm and said :" Your highness, nice to meet you ."

The greeting surprised them except Cyclops who cringed at his nickname.

Charles was curious at the wat she addressed his people and knew she didn't just call them something at random, he asked curiously:" you know of them ?"

Eliana just smiled and said:" Yes Professor, of course, I would know them."

Charles wanted to get to the point asked changing the subject :" So what does Haven industries want with us? "

Eliana sat down and took a file from her briefcase and handed it over to the Professor:" This is the proposal from the higher-ups. Since mutants are subject to discrimination in the job industry, Dr.Jean decided to draft a proposal to employ mutants in Haven industries in a cooperative effort between us and your school ."

Professor Xavier looked over the proposal. It was basic cooperation to employ competent mutants in different fields. The contract was already signed by Linda Müller, the CEO of Haven industries.

He found the proposal very appealing but he couldn't just sign it without consulting with his staff and the students, so he answered:" I would like to discuss the proposal with my staff and then decide ."

Eliana showed a friendly smile then she stood up to leave not before saying:" No issue but please inform us with your decision in the span of a week ."

Xavier asked Hurriedly:" why did you call Ororo your highness and called Logan, James Howlett? "

Eliana just answered with a weird expression like the question was self-evident:" well the old fossil's name is James Howlett and Ororo is the daughter of the princess of a Tribe in Kenya."

She then turned to leave but was held up by Cyclops from her hand who looked like he couldn't hold it inside anymore asked in anger:" What have you done with Jean? Why won't you let us talk to her ?"

An awkward climate descended on the meeting room. Eliana just chuckled slightly showing her usual predator smile while turning to Professor: "Please reign in Lasereyes, Professor before something bad happens."

Charles trying to deter the situation, said:" Scott, please release miss Eliana. "

After a dangerous situation was averted, Eliana returned to her friendly smiling face before she left.

Logan just sighed and went back to chewing on a cigar then said:"What a dangerous woman. She gave me the creeps ."

Xavier nodded in understanding since he was sure that woman was someone dangerous. The people in Haven industries wouldn't send someone normal alone to a place where people with abilities live.

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