The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 34 - Good news and Darkhold

-1 year later -

Elijah spent the year living with Hela in her castle while, from time to time, he traveled around the galaxy to try and discover interesting and new things.

The nine realms were in disarray ever since the Bifrost was destroyed. Elijah found that small wars and skirmish happened across the nine realms.

He traveled to Svartaflheim, the home of the dark elves, and studied the Dark matter enveloping the planet.

He also visited Alfheim and interacted with some of the light elves. They were a peaceful race and were attuned with nature.

In a surprising and festive development, both Hela and Jean were there months pregnant. Since the news of her pregnancy, Jean disappeared from the public eye and stayed in Elijah's mansion while occasionally stayed in Hela's castle. Elijah was delighted by the news and couldn't wait to have kids of his own.

Elijah returned to New York after leaving Hela and Jean together in Niflheim.

He arrived at a suburban house and sighed.

Inside the house, Lucy Bauer and Joseph Bauer were scientists that worked for momentum labs, a privately owned research company. One of Momentum Labs' objectives was to find a way to create matter seemingly out of nothing. To that end, the couple took it upon themselves to look for the Darkhold, a book of infinite knowledge. After an arduous search, they found it in the basement of the home's former owner of the book of spells. When they unlocked the book, Lucy could read the text in English while her husband Joseph could read it in German. They were in pure bliss since now it seems that creating matter from nothing is possible. They were celebrating when they dropped unconscious like dead flies.

Elijah approached the book and sighed:" Humans and their obsession with dangerous things."

He took a containment artifact and put the book inside. He then left the place.

Kamar-Taj , Nepal

The ancient one was overlooking the disciples in the training ground from above .

She smiled when Elijah appeared in the room :" Teacher , it's been a while ." Said Elijah smilingly .

"Yes it has been indeed . How is life has been treating you Elijah ?" -The Ancient one

"It's been good , I'm expecting children in the close future ."- said Elijah

"Hmm Congratulations, you will have more responsibilities now . "-The Ancient one .

Elijah just smiled knowingly , having kids is certainly a big responsibility specially for powerful people , He doesn't want to end up like Odin banishing a daughter , having a dumb son and a power hungry adoptive son .

Elijah took the containment artifact and presented its content to his master: "Teacher , what do you think should be done with this ?"

The Ancient one inspected the book confirming its Genuineness , then said :" The book is very dangerous to be kept here since it has a strong compulsion spell to tempt people to unlock it . I think sending it back to hell or leave it in one of your private sub-dimension. "

Elijah nodded in understanding and said :" I thought about destroying it but i was afraid that the book will reform itself using dark matter from the Hell dimension.

I have a sub-dimension where i store dangerous things that i have gathered . The compulsion doesn't work on powerful minds like me and you teacher but for other people it will be almost impossible to resist . "

Elijah then took the book and opened a small blue portal sending the book through it .

The master and disciple began discussing dimension and universe security following the destruction of the Bifrost . The ancient one was busy keeping dangers at bay while Elijah informed her of the state of the nine realms and the skirmish happening and he informed her that dark times are coming this year . They also decided to formulate a plan to deal with people eying the infinity stones and deal with the upcoming dangers . Even if Elijah knew the future , he didn't want to stop some major events from happening otherwise Fate will try to balance the universe creating even bigger disasters that he won't know about . He decided to involve himself lightly but to also ensure fewer casualties for the human side .

This is how Elijah spent the next few months , while also taking care of his two pregnant lovely lovers.

All the people working under Natasha were also busy since Elijah issued a red alert for all his forces to prepare for an invasion and they were tasked with monitoring the earth and intensifying the surveillance on the people working on the tesseract .

He also informed Bruce Banner to show himself in public for a while since S.H.I.E.L.D will contact him when all hell will break loose. Banner after enduring arduous training by Elijah , was working in Haven industries as a senior scientists and researchers with his girlfriend Betty Ross .

-May ,2012 . Inselheim-

Elijah was sitting in his office while several holographic screens showing different key place and key people being monitored while in the center , the screen was showing the happenings inside Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility.

Suddenly the tesseract glowed and Loki appeared with the sceptre in his hand and started brainwashing some agents and Barton and also Erik Selvig .

Elijah just hummed and thought :' time to get to work '

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