The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 37 - Avengers (End)

The Hulk nodded in response and jumped to the closest Chitauri groupings and started beating them up.

Elijah smiled at the Hulk's antics and began floating slowly in the air. Elijah began controlling all the Leviathans and closed his fist. The giant soldier carriers(Leviathans) began retracting until they were transformed from a turtle-like shape to a ball of metal. After destroying the Leviathans, Elijah flew at high speed through the portal.

In front of Elijah was beautiful scenery, with stars illuminating the space. The Mothership, the Chitauri command center stood in space. Elijah decided to harvest some information from the mainframe of the ship before destroying it. He entered the ship and began to walk stealthily toward the ship's bridge and began working.

At the same time, Nick fury was in meeting with the security council.

World Security Council #2:"Director Fury, the council has made a decision."

NICK FURY:"I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ȧss decision, I've elected to ignore "it.

World Security Council #1 :" Director, you're closer than any of our subs, you scramble that jet..."

NICK FURY:"That is the island of Manhattan, Councilman. Until I'm certain my team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population."

World Security Council #1:"If we don't hold them in the air, we lose everything."

NICK FURY:"I send that bird out, we already have."

Fury closed the view screen.

Despite his insistence, the council overrides his authority and ordered a jet to send a nuclear missile toward New York.

Fury tried to intercept the jet but he was duped but another one leaving.

He them spoke in his comms :" Stark, you hearing me? We have a missile headed straight for the city."

IRON MAN:"How long?"

NICK FURY:" Three minutes, at best. Stay low and wipe out the missile."

The jet arrived at the outside of the city and the pilot pressed a buŧŧon successfully launching the missile.

The portal until he could send the incoming missile through the portal.

-Outer space-

Elijah just finished uploading all the informations he unearthed from the mothership's mainframe to Eve for later processing.

He then exited the ship and took a small distance. He cupped his hands and a small orb of destruction energy formed between his hands and sent it toward the ship.

The mothership was blasted into smithereens. Elijah then turned and began flying toward the portal.

Seeing Tony in his armor bringing the nuke through the portal, Elijah took control of the nuke and sent it far away to detonate. He then controlled Tony who was on the verge of losing consciousness and flew back to Earth.

Natasha, seeing her brother back, closed the portal as all the Chitauri were dead the moment Elijah destroyed their mothership and Loki was subdued by the Hulk.

Elijah let Tony land safely on the ground and telekinetically took the iron man armor off. Elijah zapped Tony and woke him up. Tony was breathing heavily and in a state of panic. He looked around finding Thor and Steve next to him as well as The stoic Elijah.

Elijah nodded silently and disappeared, he reappeared on Stark Tower and took the tesseract and stored it in his subspace. The Hulk then joined him and put his hand on his adoptive father before the two of them disappeared in a burst of flames.

In the aftermath, the avengers were eating Shwarma silently until the Hulk appeared in the store holding a containment unit containing the Tesseract, he said in a deep voice :" LIGHTNING MAN. DAD TOLD ME TO GIVE YOU THIS. HE TOLD ME TO TELL YOU :TAKE IT BACK TO ASGARD AND TAKE LOKI TOO ."

After he handed the unit, he disappeared.

All over New York, Buildings were destroyed. Only Haven Park was left intact. The Reaktion teams were still giving first aid to the injured and transporting the heavily injured to Haven's Hospital.

All the while, most of the Chitauri wreckage was vanishing from New York courtesy of Elijah deciding to take the wreckage and recycling it.

The next morning, the avengers were gathered witnessing Thor taking the Tesseract and Loki with him. After that, the avengers went their separate way.

The news all over the world reported the battle. Scenes of the battles were leaked. Not an image of Elijah was leaked as Elijah was always equipped with technology that prevents anyone from taking his picture or surveilling him.

Haven industries took second place on the trending news as all the injured casualties during the invasion were treated in Haven Hospital for free and the actions of the Reaktion team didn't go unnoticed. This made The Müller family very popular.

At the same time, Fury was having a conference with the security council.

World Security Council #3:"Where are the Avengers?"

NICK FURY:"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they've earned a leave of absence."

World Security Council #2:"And the Tesseract?"

NICK FURY:" The Tesseract is where it belongs: out of our reach."

World Security Council #1:"That's not your call."

NICK FURY:" I didn't make it. I just didn't argue with the god that did. He said Elijah Müller, ordered him to take it and Loki ."

World Security Council#1 :"So you let him take it and the war criminal, Loki, who should be answering for his crimes?"

NICK FURY:" Oh, I think he will be."

World Security Council #1:"I don't think you understand what you've started. Letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous. And What of Elijah Müller? He needs to be in our custody or at least have eyes on him. We need to force him to work for us ."

A Laugh echoed in the conference room drawing the attention of Fury and the security council.

The woman stood and walked scaring the hell out of Fury who wanted to shoot her but the bullet just bounced off her. She disarmed Fury and held him still then looked up at the viewscreen looking at the world council. She then said :" And pray do tell how are you gonna do that ?"

World Security Council # 3:" Who are you? Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

The woman just laughed and said :" Oh and do you? Rockwell, Singh, Malick, Yen, Hawley, and Alexander Pierce. I would love to gut all of you but let's go with threatening for the day. "

The woman touched her wrist and holographic screens popped up showing every one of the council members' Families and their location.

To the horror of the world security council, laser dots began forming on their families member foreheads and the same thing happened to them in their respective locations.

The woman laughed again them said:" try something against The Müller Family and you will know why Mr.Müller employs me as an extermination service to deal with pests like you. "

The woman then shot the screens showing the council members.

The woman, Eliana, in her usual role, turned and looked at Fury and said:" Humans, stupid and troublesome. Don't you think? Be a good boy and stop touching things you have no understanding of. Okay? "

Eliana knocked Fury out and disappeared.

Elijah in his spaceship was watching Eliana with an amused expression:' What a ruthless woman .'

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