The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 36 - Avengers (Part II)

In earth's orbit, a giant spaceship could be glimpsed hovering in space.

Inside the spaceship, Elijah, Eliana could be seen watching the happenings inside the Helicarrier with an interest. Loki was put inside an enclosure made to contain the Hulk.

Eliana asked with curiosity :" can that glass cage really contain the Hulk ? "

Elijah smiled and said:" It will only make him more angry."

Eliana nodded and then informed:" Sir, all the security measures in Haven's Park are deployed. The shields are up and the employees were asked to bring their families to their work. Your parents are really busy making sure everything goes smoothly. "

Elijah listened carefully and then asked:" what about the Reaktion ?"

The Reaktion was a rapid response team created to provide first aid and on-site medical attention to injured civilians during a crisis as well as helping the masses access to safe shelters. It consists of doctors, paramedic, and former soldiers. They were also aided by utility drones.

Eliana used her communicator to inquire on the state of Reaktion, then answered:" Sir, they are on high alert and ready to be deployed on a moment's notice."

Elijah nodded and relaxed in his seat and continued to monitor key places around the globe.

Inside the Helicarrier, it was a complete mess. Loki's mind-controlled minions led by Barton ȧssaulted the Helicarrier. Loki used the scepter to create discord between the avengers and making Dr.Banner lose control bit by bit turning into the rampaging Hulk.

Parts of the Helicarrier were destroyed and Loki escaped after trapping Thor in the cell and taking the scepter with him.

Hulk tried to attack an F-35 by jumping out the Helicarrier but was left plummeting to the ground into an abandoned warehouse.

After fighting the mind-controlled minions and freeing Barton from his mind control as well as repairing the destroyed parts of the Helicarrier.

The casualties were numerous mainly the death of Phil Coulson.

After escaping Loki commandeers the Stark Tower and orders the mind-controlled Selvig to open a portal into space to allow the Chitauri army to invade the earth.

-Elijah's spaceship -

Elijah turned to Eliana and opened a portal and said:"Please be a dear and retrieve Dr.Banner."

Eliana nodded and walked through the portal and brought the unconscious Bruce Banner and put him on a floating gurney to rest.

-New York -

A portal opens from the sky and from it fly out several small Chitauri riders squads. Tony tried to intercept them but most of them escaped his radar and began to attack the civilian population on earth.

Natasha, Steve and Barton fly together to the battle site and begin pushing back the invaders.


Sif was standing behind Heimdall, she was asking him whether Thor survived his travel to Earth.

Heimdall confirmed that Thor is okay but he's not sure if he will be able to handle the Chitauri.

-New York-

The invasion is full on. The avengers came together and began fighting the alien forces.

These people are the Reaktion. ever since the portal opened, they were deployed to deal with the injured and try to minimize the casualties. Drones stopped in front of gathered people and guided them safely to the nearest shelters while the armed forces dealt with some of the attacking Chitauri.

Iron man:" who are those guys ?"

Barton responded in the comms while battling a Chitauri:" Look at their Logo. It's Haven industries. They look like a response team. I must say it's a great idea ."

Iron Man sarcastically:" wonder why S.H.I.E.L.D never thought of creating something like that ."

Then Suddenly from the portal, a Leviathan flies out carrying hundreds of soldiers and passes over the trio Steve, Barton and Natasha.

CAPTAIN AMERICA:"Stark, are you seeing this?"

TONY:"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"


TONY:"Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot."

At the Bridge street, the avengers we're joined by Thor dropping down blasting all the nearby Chitauri soldiers with a Lightning Strike.

CAPTAIN AMERICA:"What's the story upstairs?"

THOR :"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable."

IRON MAN up in the air answered through the comms:"Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys."

BLACK WIDOW :"How do we do this?"


THOR:"I have unfinished business with Loki."

HAWKEYE said while straightening is arrows: "Yeah, get in line."

CAPTAIN AMERICA :" Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need . Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..."

Banner looked around and up to the avengers and said:" So, this all seems horrible. " he then said to practically no one in exasperation:" Just calm down you're gonna go out and play. "

The avengers looked confused except Natasha who knew that he was talking to his other green half.

Captain America asked :" who are you talking to? "

Banner looked up and said:" My other half is making a fuss over being grounded for running around nȧkėd."

All the avengers looked more confused until Steve said in his comms :" Stark we got Banner "

Tony responded :"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you."

Tony comes in from behind bringing the Leviathan ship with him.

The Leviathan barreled down the street like a train. The avengers began getting ready to fight while Banner began walking towards the Leviathan.

Captain America walked forward and said :"Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry."

Banner turned around and just smiled and said :" Relax Cap. It's time for somebody to play. "

Banner began to bulge green and grow in size while his clothes grew in size with him until he turned completely to the Hulk. The green giant punched the incoming Leviathan 's nose making it flip 360 degrees. Before the flying Tony could a send a rocket to its body, The Hulk's right sleeve began to move to form a giant sharp buster in his hand. The Hulk gripped the sword and jumped and began slashing at the Leviathan cutting it to pieces in front the dumbstruck avengers who inwardly thought:' where the hell did he get a sword?'

The Hulk then said in a deep voice:" THAT WAS FUN. I NEED MORE."

Everyone around was weirded out by the Hulk speaking.

Loki seeing the fact that one is not enough ordered:" Send the rest."

Thousands and thousands of soldiers and even more Leviathans began flying out.

The avengers looked up. The knew that this is was way out of their leagues.

Iron man:" Call it, Cap ."

Before Steve could give instructions, The hulk said in a deep voice in a bit broken language:" YOU DON'T NEED TO. DAD IS COMING."

The avengers looked back at the Hulk while Tony asked:" who's your dad ?"

The Hulk just smiled, and a person could be seen approaching them. The figure looked around the battle site apathetically. The figure became more visible and all the people recognized him. Tony looked surprised at seeing the incoming figure asked:" Elijah, what are you doing here? It's dangerous."

The figure revealed to be Elijah class in his casual black dress suit looked at Tony with the same stoic face and said to the ensemble:" How disappointing! You can't even deal with the worst army in the galaxy."

Elijah then looked at Thor and said:" I guess it is high time I end this charade."

The other avengers looked confused while Tony asked:" what's really going on here ?"

Elijah just ignored them and turned to the hulk and said:" Son, could you be a good boy and take care of the pests on the ground. I have a Mothership to blow up."

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