The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 46 - New mission

In beautiful garden in the floating palace of Inselheim, Elijah could be seen holding his two children who are more than 2 years old and recounting them a story. They were listening attentively showing great signs of intelligence taken from their father. After 1year and half, they were able to walk and speak to the amazement of their mothers but to the familiarity of Elijah since he was the same.

Elijah narrated:" Before the existence of the manifest was a universe, there existed only darkness . Vast and primordial darkness which was given the name of Ginnungagap. From this "yawning abyss", Älfeneel or better known as the dark elves were birthed. They were the earliest existing species. They reigned supreme and unchallenged.

In 13,800,000,000 ; after the universe came into existence , the four cosmic entities namely Death, Entropy, Infinity and Eternity used the six pre-existing singularities to create the infinity stones (Space , Mind ,Reality, Power, Soul and Time) ..."

Elijah recounted the story of the universe to his children, even if they don't understand most of it , they will always remember it with their eidetic memory . Using several holographic representations showing different things that Elijah recounted, he continued the story:" Life continued to prosper. Several species were created and manifested. Celestials were one of the powerful ones. They sought the Power stone and used it to impose judgement on enemy civilisations that refused to submit.

Alas, they underestimated the stone's power leading them to be overwhelmed by the almost infinite energy the stone contain. In an attempt to dispose of it , they encased it in an orb and stored it away in a temple in Morag."

The kids listened with passion to their father's story especially with the images they were shown using Elijah's holograms and illusion magic.

After a bit , the kids slept in his arms . He looked at them with love and devotion, they were from his flesh and blood. He always felt a strong connection with them .

Elijah got up and put his kids in their beds to rest.

He returned to his office and began looking through some events and issues happening all around the universe. Suddenly one of his communicators rang .

Elijah accepted the call and a hologram of a woman wearing the uniform of Nova corps manifested itself.

Elijah:" Commander Rael, it's been a while ."

It was Irani Rael , the commander of Nova corps . She was one of the acquaintances that Elijah made during his recurring travels to Xandar. She was a strong and capable leader that sought to end the Thousand-year Kree-Nova war.

Elijah met her on several occasions and became platonic friends since Elijah helped her on several occasions.

Irani :" Mr.Müller . Yes it has been . "

Elijah:" What can i do for you , Commander?"

Irani :" As you most likely aware. Recently a peace treaty was signed between us and the Kree Empire. I am most satisfied with this but our Nova Corps has been on the losing side regarding fighter ships and war technology. "

Elijah:" Yes i'm very aware of the recent developments. How may i be of help?"

Irani:" In one of our conversations, you told me that you are the owner of a technological company. Since i saw your ship and your technology earlier, i proposed to the Nova empire to hire your company to upgrade our arsenal. Is that possible?"

Elijah thought for a while , since he is going to Xandar to be present during Ronan's attack. He might as well do the job since Commander Rael was a friend and very loyal ally.

Elijah:" I have no issue. Please send me the upgrade details as well as the contract so i can review it."

Irani :" It will be done shortly."

After a while , Elijah received the upgrade request as well the contract with 5 billion units capital to upgrade their arsenal to the highest level.

Elijah signed the contract and said :"I will notify you when i'm coming to Xandar, commander."

Irani:"Thank you, Mr.Müller."

The call ended and Elijah relaxed in his chair and thought who to bring with him to Xandar.

After a while , he decided on who to bring with him and stood up from his chair and left.

In the director's office , Natasha was sitting and overlooking the inner working of the agency. After ȧssimilating with her ice powers with the help of her brother, she returned to work. She was satisfied with the efficiency of the new S.H.I.E.L.D.

A knock interrupted her work and an ȧssistant said:" Director, Agent Coulson is here with his team as well as Agent Mackenzie."

Natasha:" let them in"

The team accompanied with Mackenzie got in and stood in line.

Natasha:" Coulson , your missions lately has known only success. Your team was the first one to conform to the new ways of the agency. I am very satisfied with your work."

Coulson :" Thank you director ."

Natasha nodded and turned to the new face Alphonso Mackenzie:" Alphonso Mackenzie, former chief engineer of the LIAD. You work in the transition was exemplary. You were one the first to get used to the new technologies and upgrades and helped other agents in utilising the new toys. You are promoted and will join Coulson's team."

Mackenzie :" Thank you Director."

Natasha:" As you have seen , you were recalled back to HQ. Don't worry it's nothing to fuss over . You have a new mission. Please be ready in 2 hours. Take everything you will need for a long travel and return to my office."

After 2 hours, the agents came back. Natasha opened a blue portal and said :" Please go in. Someone is waiting for you on the other side. Stay safe "

On the other side of the portal, Eve's hologram was waiting in front of the portal. Next to her was the Hulk who was taking over from Banner since the latter needed some sleep and rest. It was an ability they discovered. They could sleep in intervals in their minds-cape and their mutual body will rest.

The agents came out of the portal one by one until the portal close after the last one .

They looked around seeing the foreign place they were in until they got scared seeing the Hulk staring at them . The hulk chuckled seeing their fear.

Eve:" Coulson and team , welcome."

Coulson :" where are we ?"

Eve :" I can't tell you where you are. But you're here to participate in a mission with Mr.Müller and Dr Banner."

The hulk snarled at not having his name mentioned. Eve ignored him and kept walking followed by the agents until they arrived at a giant Hangar with a big black spaceship with the crest of the Müller family insignia inscribed on it while androids moved around transporting goods to the ship.

The agent gaped in amazement and stood in their place. They couldn't help but exclaim in wonder.

Even coulson who saw the spaceships ȧssigned to the new SHIELD couldn't be more surprised at seeing this.

Leo Fitz :" Bloody Hell ! Is that a spaceship?"

Eve :" Affirmative . It is called THE PHOENIX. It is the personal ship of Mr.Müller. This will be your transport in this mission. "

After few seconds, Elijah came in while he was screening some of the details on his holographic view-screen.

The Hulk seeing his father ran up to him and said :" HI DAD!"

Almost everyone was weirded out by this .

Elijah looked up from his screen and smiled fondly :" Hi son. Are you ready ?"


Elijah laughed since Hela who resembled the Hulk in his love of destroying things was advising him not to.

He nodded and said:" Yes you should stay still. We're going to a faraway place to meet a friend of mine."

Elijah returned his attention to the baffled agents. Even after dealing weird stuffs all the time . Seeing the hulk talking and call Elijah Müller Dad scared them a bit.

Elijah:" Good Morning everybody. As you are all aware, the new S.H.I.E.L.D directed its forces to deal with alien threats. It was also announced that extraterrestrial missions will be ȧssigned. With your performance, you were chosen to accompany me into space mission. On the books, you are serving as my security escorts and ȧssistants while in reality this is a chance for you to meet different species and civilisations and have a general idea on the inner workings of other planets and galaxy systems."

Most of the agents were exited into going to space. It was a one in a lifetime opportunity for all of them.

Elijah:" Please follow my son into the ships. He will show your quarters where you will find your essentials and everything you need. You will find a uniform designed for you. Please wear it as it will give a good impression of the people we're meeting."

Elijah then walked away leaving the Hulk to show the agents around.

Leo Fitz:" Jemma. I can't believe we're going to another planet."

Jemma :" imagine all the new things we could see there."

Coulson got curious and asked the Hulk :" Hulk where are we exactly going?"

Hulk :"XANDAR."

All the other agents except Coulson and May didn't know where it is since the information is classified.

Eve seeing their confusion said :" the information on the place we're going is inside your quarters. Familiarise yourselves with it as not to embarrass yourselves when we arrive."

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