The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 47 - Xandar

After 2 hours, all preparations were finished.

Everyone was inside the ship. It began floating then flew away from the Hangar on Inselheim in high speeds.

All the agents wore their uniforms in their quarters and were called to a conference room in the deck.

The field agents were wearing black uniforms with the insignias of S.H.I.E.L.D and Haven Industries while the scientists and engineers were wearing grey ones with the same Insignias.

After everyone sat down, Elijah began talking :" As everyone noticed, you are wearing different uniforms. One is for the field agents and the other for the scientists. I suppose everyone read all informations available about the place we're going into?"

All the agents nodded.

Elijah continued :" We are meeting a friend of mine, Commander Rael, the leader of the Nova Corps. "

All the agents gasped since they now knew how important and strong the Nova Corps are.

Elijah:" In my teenage years, I was a frequent traveller to Xandar and worked as a bounty hunter from time to time to make money or units as it is known in the galaxy."

Leo couldn't help but exclaim :" Jango Fett."

Elijah:" Yes something similar. In my stays, i got acquainted with commander Rael.

In recent days, the Nova empire signed a peace treaty with the Kree empire ending the thousand year war but it also spelled heavy casualties for the Nova Corps. I was or specifically my company was hired to conduct an upgrade to all the arsenal of the Nova Empire ."

Coulson :" But sir your company isn't involved in weapons manufacturing."

Elijah:" who did you think created everything that the new S.H.I.E.L.D has now ?"

Coulson couldn't refute.

Elijah:" I don't provide weapons to human society because i know they only use it to kill each others. I will be providing upgrades to their arsenal as a way to establish an alliance between them and Earth and also as an opportunity for you to experience first hand and ,in a formal way as agents of S.H.I.E.L.D ., the outer world and see how other civilisations protect their sovereignty. Understood ?"

All nodded and then Banner and Hulk switched places m. Banner looked around groggily before acknowledging the others.

Elijah:" Fitz , Simmons , Johnson and Mackenzie. You will be working alongside Dr. Banner . He will be ȧssigning you tasks to complete based on your scientific orientation."

Leo and Jemma couldn't help but have stars in their eyes, working with a genius such as Dr.Banner and Elijah Müller was a dream.

Elijah:" Agents Coulson , May and Morse. Please always protect the others while also try to establish a friendly relationship with the Nova Corps officers. Try to obtain informations that could further help your field work."

After a long debriefing , Elijah sent the agents away. Despite the long distance between Xandar and Earth. Elijah's spaceship was very fast and had a warp engine that is faster than the speed of light. It is certainly powered by energy from the Space Stone. It is more powerful than the one that both Elijah and Lawson worked on since it was created by Elijah alone after the accumulation of several technological knowledge that Elijah acquired.

Elijah arrived in Xandarian airspace after informing Commander Rael of his close arrival. He was directed to a landing dock in space where he can park his enormous travel spaceship.

Elijah , Banner and the agents took a jet to land on Xandarian soil.

Elijah and Banner walked forward followed by the agents.

Irani said politely with a smile on her face :" Mr.Müller, Good to see you again."

Elijah smiled and responded courteously :" Commander Rael, Good to see you too ."

Irani Rael presented her escort:" This is Denarian Garthan Saal and my ȧssistant ."

Elijah acknowledged the two with a silent nod , then said :" This is Dr.Banner, He will be the chief engineer in the upcoming cooperation. Behind him is our Head of Security, agent Phil Coulson and his team and the others are scientists and engineers working under Dr.Banner's guidance."

Irani welcomed the guest smilingly and then said to her ȧssistant:" Please show them around and to their Quarters while i speak privately with Mr.Müller They will be staying in your mansion?"

Irani addressed the question to Elijah since Elijah bought real estate in Xandar years ago.

Elijah nodded and handed the keys of the mansion to Banner.

Inside Inari's office,

Elijah sat down opposite Inari while Saal stayed standing next to her .

Elijah:" You don't seem to look fine."

Irani nodded and said:" the Kree Zealots keep attacking our outpost. They are led by Ronan the Accuser. Do you know him?"

Elijah nodded and said:" Yes he was a Kree officer back in the day. After losing the Skrull war, he turned a bit radical after being beaten black and blue on my planet. He was very unhappy with the recent peace treaty and left the Accusers to continue his vendetta against your people."

Saal asked suspiciously:" How do you know all this?"

Elijah ignored him while Inari chuckled and said :" Nothing can escape Mr.Müller in this universe . He is very well informed."

Elijah smiled for a bit since it was true. He was a believer of the fact that Knowledge is a powerful tool. Sometimes you could deal with problems without even lifting a finger with the right information of course.

Irani continued :" I contacted the Kree ambassador but they are adamant in refusing to take responsibility."

Elijah said solemnly:" You cannot end a thousand-year war with a peace treaty. It will be on your Nova Corps to take care of the zealots and their mercenaries."

Irani nodded thoughtfully, then said :" when can you start working on our arsenal?"

Elijah:" We will be beginning today. We will start with giving sample to every items requested by your Nova Corps in the formal request and after testing phase by your chosen corpsman , we can begin mass production."

Irani :" Thank you very much ."

Elijah:" My pŀėȧsurė ."

He then walked up to them and said :" How did you find Xandar?"

Coulson was the first to respond :" Enlightening and simply marvellous. We could really learn from them as they live peacefully with different species and races without discrimination."

Leo :" The technology here is way more advanced to that of earth."

Elijah nodded and said :" Of course. Humans are more prone to dangerous and weapons research instead of other benefiting ones."

Elijah turned to Banner and said:" We will create a sample for every upgrade for them to use and we need to finish the sooner possible. We could have an Attack on our hands, so we need to be prepared."

The others looked a bit anxious at the news while Banner just asked :" who?"

Elijah :" Ronan"

Ever since they both met, Elijah and Bruce grew very close and could be said are best friends. It was easy for two geniuses to find common points between them. They understand each other even without speaking.

Bruce thought and said:" He's not happy with the peace treaty."

Elijah shrugged and said :" they killed his parents."

Bruce:" you're calling her ?"

Elijah :" Yes. Too lazy to deal with a pest like him ."

Bruce just chuckled and returned to his work while Elijah went to his room and connected his communicator to call someone. After a while a hologram of a blonde woman appeared. Elijah smiled and said :" Hello Carol."

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