The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 48 - Guardians of the galaxy

Carol smiled fondly at seeing her old friend:" Elijah, How are you ? I missed you."

Elijah :" I'm fine, What about you and your adventures?"

Carol:" Good . I like travelling so i'm fine. Where are you now?"

Elijah:" Xandar. I got work to do here.

Nova corps told me that an old friend of yours is creating trouble around here."

Carol:" Who?"

Elijah:" Ronan the Accuser "

Carol :" Oh! I will come to Xandar and join you."

He returned to Banner and said:" Let's get to work."

All of them went to the Nova Corps Hangars and Elijah began examining the Star Blasters with Dr.Banner . After few minutes , Elijah brought his mobile workshop from his ship and began working on the Star Blasters.

The final product after upgrade was sturdier and faster as well the interlock shield can withstand more impact force as well redirect it.

Elijah and Banner finished the product and called Inari.

Elijah: " Please ask one of your corpsman to test the Star Blasters."

Irani nodded and asked Saal to board the ship. He flew the ship and manoeuvred it around and tested the new on board weapons.

He then returned and Banner said:" How is it ?"

Saal:" Very satisfactory."

Elijah turned to Inari and asked :" Do we start the mass upgrade for the fleet?"

Irani :" Yes Mr.Müller."

Elijah then gave Banner more directions into the work and the latter began ȧssigning the S.H.I.E.L.D scientists separate works.

Elijah returned to his mansion and began monitoring the future members of the rag tag team , the Guardians of the galaxy.

2 days later , in an attempt to separate from the Ravagers , Peter Quill travels to Morag alone and recovers the orb with the duplicate power stone that Elijah left.

He was confronted by Carol Danvers' former teammate Korath the pursuer and his mercenaries. He was chased off the planet by them in an attempt to escape.

Peter then informed Yondu , the leader of the Ravagers of his separation from them leading the latter to put on a bounty on Peter Quill's head.

Elijah watched everything using his nanobots drones.

He sighed then left to examine Bruce's and the other's work.

He arrived at the temporary workshop and talked to Coulson.

Elijah :" How is everything going?"

Coulson :" Dr. Banner told me that everything is going smoothly. Our team began to mingle with the Nova Corps. They've very interesting people."

Elijah nodded and began helping Banner speeding up the work.

After a while , Inari came looking a bit angry. Elijah approached her and asked :" Something happened?"

Irani:" I sent an operative to negotiate a cease fire with Ronan but was killed by him. This is absolutely preposterous ."

Elijah sighed and said:" you don't negotiate with a terrorist specifically a Kree Zealot."

Irani :" And what should i do ?"

Elijah shrugged and said stoicly :" You know how i deal with this sort of people."

Irani nodded since she remembered the way Elijah deal with people that kill innocent, he just rips their heart or heads of.

Elijah said mysteriously:"Don't worry. A trial is coming for Xandarian people, they will thrive with the help of unsuspecting individuals."

Irani thought about what Elijah said since the latter refused taking the bounty on Ronan's head and he didn't tell her the reason.

During the next two days , the team kept working on the upgrades with the helps of Elijah's worker androids.

Elijah, meanwhile, was watching the guardians of the galaxy forms as if he was watching a movie.

On the fourth of August, Elijah was sitting with the Nova Corps higher ups listening to the warning that Star Lord aka Peter Quill forwarded to Rhomann Dey about Ronan upcoming attack.

Saal: "It's a trick. He's a criminal."

Irani (Nova Prime):"Did he say why we should believe him?"

Corpsman Dey: "He said his crew just escaped from prison so he'd have no other reason to risk coming to Xandar to help. He says that he's an "a-hole." But he's not, and I'm quoting him here, "one hundred percent a dɨċk.""

Nova Prime: "Do you believe him?"

Corpsman Dey: "Well, I don't know that I believe anyone's one hundred percent a dɨċk, ma'am."

Elijah remained stoic before he got up and materialised a hologram of surrounding airspace . Seeing the DARK ASTER , Ronan's ship, erased all the suspicion and doubt about Quill's warning.

Nova Prime began preparing the fleet for Xandar's defences.

She asked Elijah :" Can i count on your help? "

Elijah just nodded silently and left.

Elijah arrived at his mansion finding the others resting from the earlier work.

Elijah gathered everyone and began talking:" In the next few hours, Xandar will be a battlefield. I want you all to help in the upcoming fight as a way to earn yourselves an alliance with the Nova corps."

Everyone nodded while Elijah felt a familiar person enter his radar.

It was Carol who entered the mansion. She greeted him with a hug.

Elijah:" Good timing you have. He's coming and he has the power stone."

Carol :" It will be troublesome. "

Elijah hummed in understanding.

The agents led by Coulson began helping the counterattack and evacuating civilians . They used Elijah jet to fire at the Dark Aster.

The Nova Corps began responding by attacking with their Star Blasters aided by the ravagers ships.

The Nova Corps began interlocking their ships and an energy shield formed halting the Dark Aster in its steps. Peter Quill and his companion used this opportunity to infiltrate the ship. A battle ensued between Korath and the duo Peter and Drax, another one was Gamora against her sister Nebula. After the two fight ended , Elijah issued an order to the Nova Corps star blasters's pilots:" Disperse now if you don't wanna die a painful death."

Most of the pilots reacted fast and dispersed in enough time to avoid Ronan's cosmi-rod powered by the power stone attack. The attack hit some of the ships but mostly was avoided.

Elijah in the air turned to Carol next to him and nodded to her . They both flew at high speed toward the ship and began attacking it. Carol used her photon blasts while Elijah used destruction energy to destroy the left wing of the ship.

The other ships began attacking Ronan's necrocrafts . The agents mainly Melinda May , Coulson , Mackenzie were each piloting one of Elijah's jets and attacking the necrocrafts that approached Xandar's surface saving many civilians in the process.

Elijah and Carol kept attacking the Dark Aster until Elijah signalled to her to stop.

Elijah then used his psychokinesis and controlled the giant ship to land slowly on an uninhabited surface of Xandar.

Peter Quill and his team followed the Dark Aster to pursue Ronan while Elijah and Carol began cleaning up the Xandarian airspace with lightning speed and efficiency.

A confrontation happened between the guardians and Ronan ending up with the guardians securing the Power stone and placing it in its original Orb.

Ronan didn't have the time to breathe as he found in front of him a very familiar figure.

Carol strode forward and took Ronan by the neck :" If it isn't the radical bastard ."

Ronan struggled :" The weapon . Unhand me you abomination."

Carol laughed and said:" You know how to talk to the ladies."

She then ripped off his arm and threw him to Drax and left.

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