The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 49 - Return and Dinner

Carol joined Elijah in the air.

Elijah:" What are you gonna do from now on?"

Carol:" I'm continuing my adventures."

Elijah hummed then said :" Come to earth in 3 to 4 years."

Carol :" A fight? "

Elijah:" Probably."

Carol stood silent for a while then said:" How is Fury? Is he still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. ?"

Elijah:" No. He let his agency be infiltrated while he focused on dangerous projects. I sacked him and took over S.H.I.E.L.D. I sent him to oversee The Avengers."

Carol:" I see . The fight with the Chitauri was a bit embarrassing. "

Elijah:" I know. I had to intervene otherwise New York would have been destroyed. "

Elijah and Carol discussed the happenings in the universe. They both kept contact over the years , sometimes Elijah would direct her to places with problems or places with thrilling adventures satisfying the battle thrill she has. Carol left Xandar after bidding farewell to Elijah.

Following the battle, people relaxed and medical attention was delivered to injured civilians and corpsman. Banner as a medical doctor himself too helped with giving first aid and helping the injured.

The agents under Coulson has also contributed to the battle saving many civilians as well as destroying several necrocrafts. Elijah's jets were fast, destructive and nimble. It showed Elijah's technological and mechanical prowess.

This action has led Nova corpsman to have more respect for the agents accompanying Elijah.

Elijah and company spent the next few days helping Xandar recuperate and fix the star blasters broken.

Inside the Nova Corps HQ , Elijah was sitting in one of the chairs.

The Guardians of the galaxy were present as well as several Nova Corps corpsman.

Corpsman Dey was discussing Peter's ancestry.

Peter Quill: "Why would you even know this?"

Corpsman Dey: "When we arrested you, we noticed an anomaly in your nervous system, so we had it checked out."

Peter Quill: "I'm not Terran?"

Nova Prime: "You are half Terran. Your mother was of earth. Your father, well, he's something very ancient we've never seen here before."

Elijah then said stoically without turning his head :" Your mother Meredith Quill is from Saint Charles Missouri. Your father is an ancient celestial by the name of Ego the planet." Elijah then threw headphones attached to a music device toward Peter.

Star Lord :" Are you Terran too ? Do you know where my father is ?"

Elijah nodded then said :" your father will probably come and find you."

Star Lord examined the headphones and the music player finding all the music from earth dating to 2014. He then said :" thank you very much for this ."

Drax and Rocket Raccoon holding a pot with tiny groot came in.

Nova Prime: "Your friends have arrived. On behalf of the Nova Corps, we'd like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar. If you will follow Denarian Dey, he has something to show you."

Peter Quill: "Thank you, Nova Prime."

After two more weeks staying in Xandar , Elijah and company prepared to go back to Earth.

After the battle, the relationship between the Nova Corps and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents grew close following the agents ȧssistance during the attack.

Elijah was satisfied with this as it is a first step for S.H.I.E.L.D. to make a name in the galaxy while keeping the secrecy on Earth.

They boarded The Phoenix(Elijah's ship) and left on their way after a farewell party that was hosted by the Nova Corps.

They returned to Earth and the agents were led toward S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ to be debriefed by Natasha as a standard procedure.

Elijah returned to the palace and reunited with his family. Today, he decided to have dinner with all family present.

At night his parents, Linda and Joshua arrived to the palace. While they were old, they still looked to be in their forties after being given life extension and slow aging serums.

His parents were delighted when they received grandchildren. They spent most of their times coming to Inselheim to spend time with Nikolas and Emilie. They were also a bit weirded out by the fact that Elijah has two women but seeing the two strong women happy in their lives with their son ȧssured them about the success of this relationship.

The family gathered together in the dining table and had dinner together while discussing several topics and issues. Elijah liked this normal dinner surrounded by his kids , his wives , his sister and his parents. It was perfection and something he never had in his previous life.

A certain topic floated in the conversation when his mother said:" Your father and I want to retire. I wanted to give the CEO position to Natasha but she is busy directing the agency. I think you should find someone you trust to run the company."

Joshua :" Your mother is right. We want to travel a bit and live our retirement. I think it's enough work for us."

Elijah thought for a while then smiled :" Of course mother and father. You need to see the world and other planet to live your life. I will be finding someone to take over as CEO ."

His parents were right. They had a bright career changing the world. It's time for them to relax. Even with the NZT , The amount of work they handled was simply astonishing.

Elijah now began to think about possible candidates to put as CEO. He needs someone he can trust as the CEO will certainly belong to the Müller family.

He pushed the thought for later and enjoyed the dinner with his family.

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