The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 5 - Plans and going to college

Elijah went back to his room and took a bunch of organised handwritten papers that looks like a manuscript and he headed down for breakfast . He greeted his mother and father and sat down :" Dad , i would like to talk to grandpa ."

"Why ? Do you need something?" -Joshua

"Well i have written a novel in my free time and i would like to ask grandpa for his opinion on it and if it could be published . " answered Elijah while handing the manuscript over to his father .

This Manuscript is of course The first book of Harry Potter . Elijah decided that he will be establishing a tech company so he thought about someway to procure capital and this manuscript from his last life is the first step in this plans .

Joshua was surprised and the look Elijah was giving him made him sure that his son is serious . He took the manuscript and started flipping it and speed reading it . After half an hour , he closed the manuscript .

" This is really great . I guess you're really a genius . Okay i will hand it over to dad and ask him . "

Later in the evening, Joshua came back from work with his father in toe . Elijah to see his grandpa coming too . They sat down in the living room and started talking .

" Grandson , when did you write this ?"

"Well it took me about six months ." Lied Elijah as all he did was remember the plot and make it more appealing without changing too much from the original book .

" Hmm 6 months .." Reinhard was surprised as other authors take about years to write such books " .. So you wanna publish it ?"

"Yes , i want your help publishing it and just so you know this is a serial and the books will get better . But i wanna publish it anonymously." Stated Elijah .

"Okay . So i'll use my company to publish it . As you are my grandson , i'll give you 30% royalties ." -Reinhard

"Okay thanks grandpa." Said Elijah while hugging his grandpa.

" But tell me something what do you need money for ?" -Reinhard.

Elijah could see that this question intrigued his parents too so he thought maybe it's alright to divulge some of his plans to his family .

" Well i plan to start a tech company and i will need capital if i wanna really control my company . I plan of taking the SAT next year and going to MIT ."

His parents and his grandpa were really surprised by his ambition. Although they accepted the fact that he is a genius, it's really weird to see a 7 year old talk about future plans.

" What do you wanna study there?" Asked Joshua .

"Biochemistry and electrical engineering." -answered Elijah .

<1 year later >

Elijah has just took his SAT result last week . He is just reminiscing about events in this last year . He published his book and with the help of his grandfather publicising , the book earned him quite a sum of money which he gave to his mother to manage . So he wrote the rest of the serial and gave them to his grandpa to manage the gradual publishing and advertising.

Elijah took his SAT and got 100% , he was one of the youngest if not the youngest who have taken the SAT with 100% . He was cited in the newspaper and television but he refused to give any interviews . He also received letters of invitations from many universities but he chose to attend MIT .

In this year too , he continued training rigorously. He achieved great progress in his body as well as using some experiment with his adaptable body such as breathing under water , resisting heat ,.. while the process was gradual , he made do with his circumstances as he's still young he hasn't access to many training facilities and he would like to keep his abilities secret apart from his intelligence.


3 months later

Today is the day Elijah is moving to Boston to study in MIT , and his parents will be moving with him as they decided they can't stay apart and leave their 8 year old son to stay alone .


<1 month later >

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