The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 6 - Company Establishment and Party

Elijah breezed through his college studies and made sure to have more degrees beside Biochemistry and electrical engineering, mainly Astronomy , computer science ,anatomy and other engineering fields . With the helps of the library and a library's created memory partition technique , he made sure his brain filled with knowledge.

His college stay gave his name more credibility and fame after participating in many researches .

Elijah's family moved back to New York and Elijah decided it's time he speaks with his mother about important matters .

"Mom , i need to talk to you ." Stated Elijah .

His mother was surprised to see the serious expression on her son's face .

" what do you need honey ? "-Linda

" I wanna start my company and i want you to be the CEO and manage it ." -Elijah

He had used his books royalties and instructed his mother to make some investments that made that sum of money to multiply as he's sure it will be enough to start up his company .

"Hmm so what will be this company field ?" -Linda

" Well it will be high tech home appliances and medical equipment plus pharmaceuticals . It will be named Haven Industries ." -Elijah

"Okay but what's gonna be the core technology of the company? " asked Linda

In the following three years , Linda has established Haven industries with the help of her son and the success was almost instantaneous . The hype created by the futuristic technologies had made the company contend with the giants in the tech field specially since Haven industries was more inclined toward healing and making the populace life easier . Linda also established herself as one the most successful CEO as the company earned them billions despite its infancy . The name Müller contended with the likes of Starks and Osborn . Elijah has also refused to enter the weapons field as he thinks that there were enough in the arms race . He had also recreated something that he saw in a movie "Limitless" , yes he recreated the NZT and made it without flaws , but kept it a secret and gave it only to the family , which helped greatly his mother in managing the company and made his father one of the best neurosurgeon in the world and with the help of his son they tackled some of the illnesses. This greatly helped spreading their family's name .

Today is Elijah's 14 birthday and with the insistence of his mother . They prepared a public party inviting several VIPs . Elijah and his family arrived to the party and greeted several guests . Elijah spotted his mother speaking with one of the people he respected the most Howard Stark . Elijah strode towards them and greeted them both .

"Hi mom , Hello Mr stark it's nice to finally meet you ." Said Elijah while shaking his hand . Due to his reclusiveness , Elijah avoided meeting people and delegated dealing to his mother .

"It's finally good to see the genius behind Haven ind. you're really hard to find Mr Müller . " said Howard

" Call me Elijah Mr Stark . I just like to stay in my lab ." Said Elijah while smiling a little as this was half truth as he spend most of his time either in his lab or training and solidifying his combat skill , while also eliminating people who had design on his company .

Elijah kept making small discussion with Howard as although he doesn't like too much , he finds Howard interesting. Suddenly Elijah and Howard both spotted someone flirting with two girls while trying to attract attention. Elijah immediately recognised him as Tony Stark , Howard's son and one the future founder of the avenger as one the geniuses in this universe . He had just graduated from MIT and he's 17 . He sill is the young immature and playboy before the kidnapping. Howard scowled at his son's behaviour and called him to us .

" This is Linda and her son Elijah , they are the founder of Haven industries." Introduced us Howard to his son .

"Hi Aunty , Hi kid how is it going ?" Said Tony a bit rudely . Elijah just shot him a glare that made him flinch while Howard frowned at his son's manners .

The party went smoothly and Elijah received plenty of gifts . He retreated back to his mansion . When he entered his suite , he was greeted with a soothing feminine voice :

" Welcome back Master Elijah . How was the party ?"

Elijah smiled at the voice of the A.I that he created to be his ȧssistant and helper in managing the company. He made her using the Library of heaven path without flaws and with complete loyalty. It is self learning and more advanced than J.A.R.V.I.S and he named it EVE .

" Thank you EVE . It was alright , i'm not for social gatherings. So did you spot some unsavoury people at the party ? " asked Elijah as after creating EVE he made her collect information about almost everything and organisations. He hacked some of the organisations and collected

"Yes . I spotted agents from SHIELD , HYDRA and some KGB from the red room . " answered EVE .

"Hmm interesting we will deal with them later just make sure to protect the company and inform if there is some outside interference that could spell danger ." Stated Elijah

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