The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 52 - Dungeon

Eliana drove Sage to the Müller mansion in New York.

Sage :" Where are we ?"

Eliana didn't respond and just entered the mansion followed by Sage who was amazed at the spacious and enormous mansion. They arrived at the living room finding Natasha sitting and sipping coffee elegantly.

Natasha :" Welcome to the Müller mansion , Sage."

Sage stood frozen seeing one of the avengers in front of her. She was there at the battle of New York and saw the aliens ravaging the place before she was led to safety with the other civilians.

Sage said stuttering:" Nat-tash-ha black widow OMG."

Natasha chuckled and motioned for Sage to sit down in the luxurious couch opposite her.

Sage sat down while Elian left to return to her duties.

Natasha:" You got yourself in trouble. You shouldn't have taken the job that dangerous."

Sage looked ashamed :" I thought i could get money and get out of New York but i bit more than i could chew. Are you gonna turn me in?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow and asked :" why would you think i would do that?"

Sage :" I mean you're one of the avengers and all."

Natasha laughed a bit and said :" No dear i won't be turning you in . Tell me something why did you always escape from the X-men?"

Sage:" I just didn't feel right when they approach me and one of them always try to read my mind so i just escape from them as i always know a mutant when i see one but i still don't know how they always find me."

Natasha :" there is a device that detect you but don't worry they won't know where you are from now on."

Sage thought for a while and said:" you want me to work for you ?"

Natasha: "Yes and No. You have been chosen for something. Do not be afraid, it's something good and you will never have to go back to the streets. Are you in?"

Sage thought for a bit and nodded in affirmation.

Natasha stood up and opened a portal much to the amazement of Sage, then said :" Go through the portal. Someone will be waiting for you."

Sage closed her mouth and walked through the portal.

At the other side, Banner was waiting.

Banner:" Welcome Sage ."

Sage looked at the owner of the voice then said:" The thhhe Huuulk."

Banner:" No i'm Bruce Banner, the Hulk is sleeping."

Sage :" Where am i?"

Banner:" Your home for the next few weeks. You will be studying under me to finish your education and training your powers."

Sage:" Why?"

Banner:" your mind is a supercomputer. You really wanna stay ignorant all your life?"

Sage said No firmly.


Elijah received the news that Sage had been located and brought in. He will be monitoring her for the next few weeks. With her mind she can ȧssimilate knowledge faster than any other human so her education with Banner will be short.

Elijah returned to his lab and returned to working on a big project he started.

Now he was working on several such as how can an individual receive a general power boost without collapsing.

Elijah made the dungeon with the help of magic and computer programming. The dungeon operates like a program, any creature you kill gives you "experience points " or an increase in body attributes.

Elijah spent two days working non stop on the dungeon project . He knew he could create it using the Darkhold but Elijah never liked relying on external help so he put his mind into work and finalised the base structure of the dungeon.

The Dungeon will contain several species , every level will have one race based on their power level.

The access to the dungeon will be allowed for individual agents or a squad of agents. They could get hurt inside but they won't die . If someone is hit with a lethal strike, he will be teleported outside.

Concerning the power boost they will receive, Elijah decided to make it in levels. A late level 1 means a peak human, a human that achieved the peak human state. Then from Level 2 they will be a superhuman. He also reduced the power boost received as he doesn't want everyone to be superhuman, that will be for later but definitely not at this time.

Also the dungeon can be used to train people with powers in their abilities. They too will achieve a small power boost while also perfecting their skills.

Elijah thought that the dungeon will help agents learn about other alien specially the hostile one and how to combat them.

The Dungeon will be completed by using a program that gives life powered by the reality stone , meaning the aliens in the dungeons are not real bodies but just manifestation with the same attributes. They are similar to a "shadow clones."

The next morning, Elijah woke up and had breakfast with his wives and kids.

He then teleported to Banner's lab and showed him the project so he could help him in building the dungeon.

Banner stayed for an hour looking through the project before he said :" Shit! Every time i say there is nothing that could surprise me about you and you bring me this!"

Elijah chuckled for a bit then said:" I need your help creating it. I will be building the dungeon with magi-tech so i need your ȧssistance in checking the codes of the program."

Banner :"I'm in ,just wait .i will be giving Sage her ȧssignment for the day. "

Elijah:" How is she doing by the way?"

Banner:" Good it will only take her few weeks to be ready. "

Elijah nodded and waited for Banner to return.

They immediately teleported to the empty east wing of the training facilities in S.H.I.E.L.D finding Natasha waiting for them.

After preparing everything, Elijah put on his infinity glove with only the reality stone in it and got to work. He used his creation magic powered by the Phoenix force and began using his mind to write the codes and rules that control the dungeon it was similar to the way he created Eve only this time he didn't use a computer, he used his mind and the reality stone. The latter will be responsible for creating the aliens .

After 10 hours of arduous work and concentration , the dungeon was completed. It was semi sentient. The process was a success.

Finishing the last touches and reviewing the codes one more time, the three of them got inside the first floor of the dungeon, it was similar to New York,with buildings all around.

Suddenly a Chitauri squad came to their direction , Natasha killed them with ice lances. The bodies just dispersed in particles and Elijah saw some of the energy went to Natasha signalling the success of the power boost issue. The three of them continued to inspect every floor of the dungeon with Elijah dealing with any powerful monsters inside. After checking every floor, the three of them returned outside.

Natasha:" This will be very useful in training them. "

Elijah and Banner both nodded while Elijah said:" You need to make a protocol for any individual or team that want to access the dungeon to train . It needs to be regulated."

The three of them continued to discuss how to regulate the access to the dungeon facility.

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