The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 53 - First experience in the dungeon and Quake.

Coulson, May, Skye and Morse stood in a diamond formation shooting several Chitauri's that are coming at them. The agents shots were fast and precise . Their weapon, energy blasters guns which were provided by Elijah, were lethal.

The agents pushed themselves to the limits as to not be overwhelmed by the soldiers of the SANCTUARY.

The agents used their skills to outwit the hive-like mindless creatures, showing their might as the best field agents in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The hordes of Chitauri stopped coming and was replaced by a 4 man chitauri squadron on their hover vehicles.

The team cursed their luck as it was difficult to deal with flying enemies while on the ground.

The team separated and each of them took cover in one of the corner of the surrounding building. They then began , from the protection of the corners, shooting upwards towards the hovering Chitauri. After few unsuccessful shootings, they managed to bring down the Chitauris , whi dispersed to particles upon elimination.

The team was then teleported out.

Inside a room with Several view-screens, Elijah , Natasha and Banner could be seen watching the team fighting the Chitauri. It was decided to put Coulson's team as first test subjects for the dungeons's functionality. Natasha was satisfied with their performance . As someone who was trained personally by Elijah from a young age, her input in combat is priceless.

After the team was teleported out, the three of them went to the waiting room where the access to the dungeon existed. Every team will be teleported out there if they are hurt or in this case they were teleported by Elijah since he has seen enough and needs to put the team on further test.

They found the agents discussing the fight that happened and how they could do it better.

Natasha:" How was the experience?"

Coulson :" It was very realistic, we felt as if we were in the battle of New York."

Natasha nodded, agreeing with Coulson's ȧssessment.

Natasha asked the team after they calmed down from the thrill of the battle:" How are you feeling after the fight?"

Skye was the one who answered the first :" I feel stronger and faster."

Natasha hummed and said :" Can anyone guess why my brother created this dungeon?"

May:" to gain battle experience for the agents."

Natasha nodded but continued:" That reason too but what you don't know , we were trying to find the appropriate ways of giving our S.H.I.E.L.D agents superhuman bodies similar to Steve Rogers ."

Coulson :" But isn't the serum impossible to replicate?"

Natasha laughed and said :" You are really underestimating my brother, he recreated the serum and created a better one when he was 14 but never used it on anyone."

The agents gasped specially Coulson since he knew that S.H.I.E.L.D were really unsuccessful in recreating the serum no matter how much they tried.

Natasha continued:" But we voted against giving you the serums. We looked for other means to upgrade your body attributes. So my Brother decided to build a dungeon with function similar to a RPG game. And believe me creating this dungeon is a lot harder than the serums."

Skye blurted in astonishment:" You mean we get experience and we level up ."

Natasha :" Bingo. This dungeon is now a new training ground but it will be regulated. Any power boost people receive here will feel hard earned better than thinking that power is available for anyone to take. They need to earn it. "

Coulson agreed with Natasha since power could breed arrogance and superiority in some cases if not hard earned.

Natasha :" You can return to your missions. Skye you will be off to the team for a while. You're needed elsewhere.

Anything that was said now is classified. Don't spell a word about What happened here."

The agents except Skye left.

Natasha :" who is mentoring you ?"

Skye :" agent May , Director."

Natasha hummed in understanding then said:" Go Join my brother and Dr. Banner. They need to talk to you."

Seeing where Banner and Elijah standing while talking, Skye left to join them.

Banner noticing her said:" Hold my hand."

She held his hand and Elijah touched his shoulder and the three of burst in red flames disappearing from their place.

Inside a lab in Inselheim, the three reappeared.

Elijah sat down while Banner turned to Skye and asked :" You learned about inhumans ?"

Skye :" Yes Dr.Banner . They are people with special abilities like my mother who can absorb life force ."

Banner nodded then said :" There are several inhumans on earth but most of them are unawakened. In the Afterlife, it is a privilege to be awakened. In Attilan, they have other traditions .

Now onto why you are here, you deduced that you could be an inhuman?"

Skye nodded and Banner continued :" Do you want to awaken your inhuman abilities?"

Skye stood silent for a while before she asked :" is it random ? Or i will he receiving similar powers to my mother?"

Banner:" You could say that it is completely random."

Skye:" My powers could help me meet my parents?"

Elijah was the one who answered:" if you master your powers, i will be providing you with their location."

Skye thought for a while then agreed to awaken her powers.

Banner nodded and brought a black container and opened it revealing the diviner.

Banner :" All you need to do is touch it. Don't be afraid of anything it is completely safe. "

Skye nodded and approached the diviner and touched it. The diviner glowed and activated. The Terrigen Crystal revealed itself scaring Skye. A mist began spreading but Elijah controlled it to stay only next to Skye.

Skye suddenly was slowly encased in a cocoon. Banner reassured her that it was normal and she doesn't need to be afraid.

She was completely cocooned and after a while the cocoon shattered signifying the completion of the transformation. Before Skye could react, Banner put a power suppressor on her to avoid any accidental power burst.

Banner:"Welcome back."

Skye looked around seeing that she was okay:" Was it successful Dr.Banner."

Banner:" Yes Miss Johnson. "

Elijah:" Come follow me."

Skye turned to follow Elijah while Banner returned to check on Sage's progress.

Elijah walked through the hallways of the base followed by Skye.

They arrived at a big isolated training room, similar to a Danger Room.

Elijah :" I will be taking off the Power suppressor. Breathe and calm down. Uncontrolled power is always triggered by emotions so calm yourself."

Skye:" Okay."

Elijah took down the power suppressor on her neck. There was a slight quaking but it stopped after Skye calmed down.

Elijah:" your powers are related to vibration. Find out yourself how to activate and use them. This room will provide you anything you need. Test dummies, Nutrition and a place to sleep. Don't come out until you can control your powers and avoid any mishap from happening."

Elijah didn't wait for Skye to answer and left after mentally signalling to Eve to monitor her.

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