The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 54 - Sage Müller

Sage relaxed in her chair and sighed in exhaustion. She was looking at several screen that showed several line of texts and formula.

It's been two weeks since she met Natasha and Dr.Banner, the latter as her teacher was a slave driver. Since day one, he gave her several college textbooks on different fields and she had to use her abilities to understand and learn everything. She found herself learning new knowledge about different fields , then she was to help Dr.Banner in his research. She knew that without her powers , she wouldn't be this smart so she couldn't help but admire Dr.Banner as he has 7 Ph.D.s. in different fields. He was a real genius.

She also couldn't forget the daily training in combat and weapons handling. It was handled by the woman who saved her whose name Eliana. This blonde woman also thought her etiquette and to act as an elegant lady. She didn't why the last training was needed but she knew it could probably be in relation with what she was chosen for.

She still didn't know where she was currently. Dr.Banner only told her that she will know when she learns everything he has to teach her.

Training with Eliana was brutal. She collapsed every time at the end of it wand contracting several injuries, but she was given a liquid in which she bathed in that healed all her injuries.

Sage learned more about her powers. With the help of Banner, she discovered that she could see and analyse the DNA of people, she could tell human, alien, mutants or inhumans apart. She could also enhance mutant powers or jumpstart latent X-gene. She knew how dangerous and precious her powers was and Banner also confirmed that her powers were something amazing as well as dangerous but he also laughed and said :" With this , you resemble him more and more."

She didn't know the "him" he was talking about but she knew "he" was the one responsible for her being here and not with her captors.

She stopped reminiscing and closed the view-screen. She was told that she finished her knowledge education and that her combat training also finished but Eliana told her that she needs to train her body very well to keep up with her very developed mind.

A message from Banner informed her to wear something proper and join him.

She opened her closet filled with clothes that fits her. She chose a simple black dress and after putting it on, she went to look for Dr.Banner.

Banner:" Good you're here.Come with me."

Sage:" Is everything alright?"

Banner just shrugged his shoulders and walked in steady steps.

Arriving at a door, Banner said:" Get in , he's waiting for you."

She looked around. It was an office, a spacious one at that. She threw her gaze toward the glass wall behind the desk. She saw a man standing with his back turned to her. The man was wearing all black and he has long flowing white hair.

The man turned to her and said:" Welcome Sage."

She stood frozen at the sight of his face. A stoic face devoided of emotions. Blue Sapphire eyes peered into her soul shaking her. She knew that face. Everybody in the world knows that face but few could see him face to face or even hear his voice. It was Elijah Müller, the smartest man in the history of earth and the owner of Haven Industries.

The awkward silence that enveloped the room was broken by Elijah who said:" Come join me to see the view."

Sage nodded and walked in graceful steps as Eliana taught her to walk. She stood next to Elijah. He was very tall. She looked in the direction where he's looking and gaped. The view was just beautiful. Plants and trees with unusual colouring. Giant birds that pierce the sky . Mountains that stood high and mighty. Lastly and most astonishing was a floating palace connected with a waterfall . It looked like a fantasy movie for her.

Sage:" Where are we ?"

Elijah:" My planet Inselheim "

Sage:" You own a planet? Wait we're not on earth?"

She looked at the handsome face of Elijah. She didn't know if he was always this calm and emotionless.

Elijah looked at her and said:" Yes we're not on earth. Tell me Sage, what do you want to do in life?"

Sage looked embarrassed and said:" I don't know, I never thought about. I only wanted to escape from the street and be well off. But after meeting Dr.Banner, he taught me a lot of things. I guess i want to pursue knowledge like him and be accomplished."

She looked at Elijah to see his response but his face showed nothing she can analyse. Her mind was a mess even her powers didn't help her in his presence. She couldn't even see his DNA. It seems his reputation as mysterious didn't come from nothing.

Elijah:" what do you know about the Müller family?"

Sage remembered her lessons and what she learned beforehand in the news:" The Müller family is created by you ,Sir. After you established Haven industries and its success in different industry's fields, the name Müller started having weight on the world. And your companies and hospitals doesn't accept any outside investment and the companies aren't public. The whole business is controlled solely by your family."

Elijah :" Good you understand. Tell me Sage, did you ever get adopted?"

Sage shook her head and said:" No sir, I didn't get the chance to. I stayed in the orphanage until i was old enough to be on my own."

Elijah:" How would you like to get adopted by my family?"

She didn't know what to say. She never ever had this chance when she was in an orphanage. She thought for a while then asked:" why me?"

Elijah:" You are aware that i am an only child to my parent. So our family is relatively small. It's easier to adopt good natured people to the family like Natasha as she was taken in as my sister. So would you agree or refuse?"

Sage with a tear in her eye said:" I agree."

She saw Elijah smile and couldn't be any happier. Being adopted specially in her age was almost impossible and she was always wanted a family. She instinctively hugged Elijah and the latter patted her back gracefully.

After she calmed down , Elijah gave her a small black box. She opened it and saw a wallet . In it was a new I.D with the name Sage Müller and with her picture.

Next to the wallet were glasses. When she put them on, she saw it was cybernetic glasses that connected to her mind.

Elijah:" The glasses are gift. You could find their uses yourself. Sit down , I need to ask you something."

Sage sat down and Elijah asked :" Did you learn everything about business and management?"

Sage remembered that Banner insisted on her to learn management skills after she finished the scientific learning.

Sage:" Yes i did. My powers really help in learning skills at a fast rate that i find almost impossible."

Elijah:" Yes indeed they do. As a member of the family and as an ȧduŀt we need to give you a job."

Sage nodded :" Yes i need to help ."

Elijah:" How about the CEO of Haven Industries?"

Sage shocked:" Isn't your mother the CEO?"

Elijah:" My mother wanted to retire for a long time now. I just couldn't replace her. Natasha was next in line but she is taking other important responsibilities."

Sage :" But I don't have experience."

Elijah:" Worry not. You will shadow my mother and learn from her and when she decide you're ready you will take over. Agreed?"

Sage:" Okay , Brother."

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