The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 62 - 2nd Dungeon

Elijah ignored the up and coming fantastic four events for now.

He had just finished building a new dungeon.

This one was different from the one he made for S.H.I.E.L.D.

This dungeon was built in another empty dimension. Its entrance and exit was of course in Inselheim. This Dungeon was exclusive for only family members and close friends like Bruce.

This dungeon has different new features. One was the gravity inside could be increased using a Gravitonium based device.The increased gravity could make the fights inside more difficult yielding a better training results.

He also added a time dilation 1:5. 5 days inside the dungeon is equal to 1 day outside.

The opponent inside the dungeon were different. Elijah gave the program controlling the dungeon informations about different fictional characters he read about in his last life. The program was instructed to create a power scale creating different bosses for each level.

Elijah and Bruce stood observing the dungeon. They were running final tests on it.

Bruce:" I think everything is working fine."

Elijah skimmed through the codes one last time before nodding in agreement.

Bruce :" Are you going in?"

Elijah:" Yes . It's been a long time since i battled."

Bruce:" Probably because nobody can match you."

Elijah shook his head and said:" There are people that can match me but our fight could destroy several planets."

Bruce sighed and said sarcastically:"And they say i'm a force of destruction."

Elijah chuckled for a bit. It was true that there are people that can match him in this universe . He never had the idea that he is unbeatable. That's why he always seemed to perfect his skill and increase his strength. His merge with the Phoenix force is still not complete. The stronger he gets the faster the Phoenix force could be ȧssimilated into his body.

Elijah returned to base and changed his clothes. He took several expendables cold weapons to use. He didn't want to use his zanpakuto as it would make the fight meaningless.

He arrived at the dungeon entrance. He entered and felt the dimensional shift take him to another dimension.

The scene changed to a dark and gloomy rocky plain.

Elijah felt the gravity increase progressively. It kept increasing until Elijah felt the weight of his body.

He walked a few steps and found resistance in his movement. He knew that with his adaptable body and the Phoenix force healing him, the results would be fast. He tapped his wrist and instructed the dungeon to increase gravity whenever he got used to it.

Elijah looked at the distance and saw 4 outriders running towards him:' It seems the first level has outriders. Good opponents to increase speed and flexibility .'

He trusted the spear in the head of the leading outrider. Following a swinging motion , he decapitated the second one using the sharp tip of the spear. He rotate the spear and handled the two left from the 4 man squad.

The increased gravity didn't affect the opponent.

Elijah:' This is interesting. It is harder for me to kill this fries in this ever-increasing gravity."

Elijah sighed and prepared for the next fight. What was coming next was an 12 man squad of outriders.

Elijah chuckled and thought:'Oh the Dungeon is playing Hard Mode.'

Elijah began running and confronted the twelve monsters. He ran through them, thrusting his spear left and right. Each thrust followed by a fallen outrider. It was hard not using his superior body but his fighting skills were unmatched. This level of difficulty helped increase his body attributes as well as the fluency of his fighting skills.

Elijah finished killing the 12 outriders and breathed in and out. He waited for the next cluster of outriders to fight. It was thrilling for him to fight this way. I reminded him of his younger days where he used to fight on other planets.

The next thing Elijah saw was a horde of outriders. He counted them and found them to be 36.

Elijah:' This is Hell Mode. Good enough for me.'

Fighting one opponent is easy but fighting a horde with a hive mentality os trickier.

Elijah began pushing himself and eliminating the outriders. It was bloody and fast. Elijah knew this is a good chance to upgrade his stagnant body. After 2 minutes, he finished killing the 36 using 1 shot multiple kills and superior fighting skills.

It continued like this after that for 3 days . The number of outriders per wave continued to increase. Whenever Elijah felt he got used to the gravity, the dungeon would increase it. Elijah was fighting with a constant toll on his body. It was thrilling and beneficial.

Elijah felt his movements more polished and fluent. He knew that his body is getting stronger every second he's in here.

Elijah thrusted the spear in an outrider on the ground. The latter dispersed in particle. Elijah had dirt and blood on his face and hand. His hair which was tied in a ponytail was a bit messy.

Fighting horde upon horde non stop was thrilling but also exhausting. Elijah didn't use his various powers and abilities in the fights. He only used his body and martial arts. It was definitely a good experience and he felt a bit tired for the first time in a long while.

Elijah waited for the next enemy. What he saw was a giant outrider. He has multiple arms and heads. It was the boss designated for this first level.

Elijah discarded the spear and took another one. The last one was becoming dull.

Elijah began probing the abilities of the giant monstrosity. He trusted the spear in its skin. It was resilient and hard to penetrate.

Elijah:' Let's try the heads.'

Elijah jumped and stabbed the eyes of one the heads. That head wailed in agony.

Elijah took the spear and threw it at the head he stabbed earlier. He then took another spear from his small inventory ( Storing dimension he created for himself) and did the same to another head . He repeated the process while avoiding the giant's attacks. As the last head was pierced, Elijah took one last spear and jumped. He then thrusted the spear downward pinning the giant body to the ground.

The giant dispersed in particles and Elijah finished the first level.

A screen appeared in front of Elijah.

[ Do you want to continue to the next level or exit the dungeon?]

Elijah tapped exit and his progress was saved. The next time he will enter the dungeon, he'll go directly to the second level.

Elijah exited the dungeon and went back to base. He showered and changed his clothes.

He then went to the floating palace. He found Hela and Jean sitting with the kids.

Elijah shouted in a smooth voice:"Nikolas, Emilie. "

The two 2year olds looked at Their dad and stood up then ran to him shouting :" PAPPA!"

Elijah embraced his kids lovingly. He then went forward and kissed both Hela and Jean.

Elijah :" Ladies , How was your day?"

Hela :" I stayed with the kids. It is fun to play with them. They're so cute."

Jean:" Just work at the hospital. It was okay."

Elijah sat in between them and enjoyed time with his loving family.

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