The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 61 - Fantastic Four -2-

Reed is eating dinner with Susan at the Baxter building restaurant. They were arguing about Reed not paying enough attention to her.

Reed: "Feeling better?"

Sue: "Yes, thanks."

Reed: "That's good. That's uh...good."

Sue:" You always had a way with words. I should be getting back."

Sue gets up to leave. Exasperated, Reed tries to think of

something, anything, to say.

Reed: "I'm happy for you and Victor".

She slows down, looking at him. She was hoping for more.

Sue: "You're happy for me and Victor."

Reed: "I can tell you guys are enjoying what was the best part of our relationship "

Sue: "Which was?"

Reed: "Passion." He continued, much to the dismay of Sue:" For science"

Sue frustrated with Reed's lack of common sense said: You are such a dork, Reed... You never

got it and never will unless it's explained to you in quantum physics."

A wave of psionic force triggered by her emotion flickered the flames on the candles decorating the table.

Reed: "What? What did I say?"

She gave him a disappointing gaze and said: It's never what you say. It's what you don't say. What you don't do..."

Ever since college, she wanted Reed to fight for her but he was too dumb emotionally to notice.

Reed:" I...I...I just wanted to"

As Sue's emotions swirl, she slowly disappears from the visible spectrum.

Sue: It's been two years, and all you can say is you're happy for me and some other guy...

You know, Victor may be a lot of things, but at least he's not afraid to fight for what he wants"

Reed looks down in shame while Sue continued: "And it's nice to be wanted sometimes

To be heard...seen... Reed, look at me."

He looks up but all that's left of her is the blush on her

cheek and her bewitching eyes. He drops his fork, shocked.

Reed:" Uh, Sue...? I can't."

Sue: "What? What do you mean you ..."

Reed: "Sue...look at your hands."

Sue looks at her hands. They were invisible. The watch on her wrist looks as if it is hovering.

Reed instinctively reaches for the bottle. His arm stretches two feet out of his sleeve and grabs it before it could hit the ground. His arm then snaps into place. Reed looked at his arm in disbelief. Sue's eyes widen as well as she reappears again. They looked at each other in alarm.

Suddenly Johnny came in in a hurry and said:" You guys will not believe what just happened."

A few moments later Reed and Susan could be seen walking through the halls of the Baxter building with Johnny following.

Sue:"It has to be the cloud. It's fundamentally altered our DNA."

Reed:"Let's not jump to conclusions,we need a massive amount of evidence before making that leap."

Reed glances over his shoulder. He stares. Sue follows his

gaze to see Johnny's fingertips ignite. He snaps his fingers and the flames die down.He's totally unharmed.

Johnny:"Now what is up with that?"

Reed:"The cloud has fundamentally altered our DNA."

Johnny:"Cool. What'd it do to you guys?"

Sue:"Apparently I can disappear."

Johnny:"Please tell me you go silent too."

Sue ignored her brother while Reed remembered Ben.

Reed:" we gotta find Ben."

Ben, at this moment was still in pain . The transformation is a painful process for him and nothing could reduce the pain he was feeling.

He tried to sleep. The transformation was nearing its completion. The bed broke under the increased weight. Ben was starting to gain an earthly brown hue.

A knock on his door was heard, then.

Reed:" Ben, are you there?"

Reed and Sue could only hear sounds of rocks grinding.

Sue:" Open up Ben. We need to talk."

Groaning in pain , Ben said in a deep but clear voice:"LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

Reed couldn't wait anymore. He kneeled down. He stretches his arm under the door. He opens it from the inside and retrieve his arm back.

Johnny:" Ewww that's disgusting."

They all hear a loud SMASH.

The opened the door to find the room trashed. All furnitures are broken and thrown aside.

A hole is seen occupying the place where the window was. They looked outside. They see something large running away.

Johnny:" what is that thing?"

Sue:" I think that Thing is Ben."

Sue turned back and tried calling Victor to see if he's okay. He didn't answer. He's been avoiding the four ever since he regained consciousness following his retrieval from planet Zero.

His crazy tendencies were also worsening.

The next day, Ben was sitting on a beam in the brooklyn bridge. Depressed, he has been reminiscing on what happened yesterday. He went to meet his wife. Seeing his transformation, she was scared and wanted nothing to do with him.

Ben sat there muttering to himself:" A new planet to explore, it'll be great, what's the worst that could happen?"

A man in a business suit stood at the ledge ready to jump.

Ben looked at the man and said:" You think you got trouble? Take a good look,pal, how bad could it be?"

The man looked at Ben. Socked , he almost fell down.

Ben:" Easy there buddy."

The man scared gripped the side of the ledge. The cars on the highway passed underfoot.

Ben sighed and stood up to help the man. Unfortunately his weight bends the beam and the man falls on the highway road.

Ben looked up ahead and saw a massive truck bearing down on the man. Ben drops to the street and sweeps the man out of the way with one arm.

Ben, then , shoulder-block the incoming 18 wheeler. The truck crumpled all the way to the windshield. Its tail swerves slamming onto the steel grinder of the bridge causing a four lane traffic accident.

A cab on the highway stopped. Reed, Johnny and Sue got out. They sensed the worst coming.

Ben tries to help the truck driver exit his crumpled vehicle but his hands are too big.

He then takes the driver with his seat and put him on the ground.

Ben seeing the onlookers who are observing him, bolts out the way to escape.

Reed:" We need to look for Ben."

Sue pointed at the running Ben :" Look he's there follow him."

The three of them began running toward him.

An incoming fire truck drifted on the highway. Its tail hit the steel grinders of the bridge from the other side. An explosion of several cars followed.

Ben seeing the fire truck would likely fall the river returns hurriedly and gripped its front with force and holding it still.

The flames of the explosions began reaching for the escaping civilians.

Sue instinctively send a wave blast toward the flames. They died down.

Ben meanwhile is using his strength to hold the fire truck still. A firefighter who was stuck on the latter began falling down until he couldn't grip the latter anymore.

He was suddenly saved by Reed who stretches to rescue him from falling down to the river.

Ben groans in frustration and uses his newfound strength to bring back the truck to the road while Reed bring back the firefighter to safety.

All the while , several news media helicopters broadcasted the events live.

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